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Auxier RiverRat

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Everything posted by Auxier RiverRat

  1. I admire Hood for having the marbles to say what people have been whispering for years.
  2. I always thought a game with Marshall would be interesting.
  3. This is the way I went. Half the league (5) only kept one so I think ill have the 8th pick in the draft. Surely Ill get Luck, Stafford, Brady or Cap with that pick.Worse case I end up with Ryan or Newton I think.
  4. After I picked last round I wrote down five names I wanted this round. San Fran was not one of them. ( mike Wallace was, grrr!).
  5. No limit of years. No PPR Start 1 QB 4pts passing TD 10 teams.
  6. My money league I can keep two: Luck Stafford McCoy Forte Ball I'm thinking McCoy and Forte but I hate to give Luck up in a keeper league.
  7. I hope he works for Jiffy Lube after seeing some of his work in this league.
  8. Easy guys I'm at a bar trying to make a lady half my age forget I'm an old guy.
  9. The only people who can afford him early are people who kept two RBs. Get caught with only one starting RB and its a long season.
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