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Everything posted by IAmAFan

  1. Agreed and I've heard the comments, but I don't think they are the cause I think they are being used more because UK isn't winning. I don't think many UK fans root against Tubby because he's black.
  2. I'm not sure what I meant to say there, and I think you just called me a giant bird. I'm not a Tubby supporter and I have many reasons that don't include race.
  3. I am guessing the word he says and do you think he would have used it if UK was ranked top ten? I think it's an easy way for TBer to bash Tubby when they don't have other reasons other than losing.
  4. I'm not a TBer and it has nothing to do with race.
  5. Maybe, but didn't the fax contain the information that Morris was going pro but was just checking the water and not hiring an agent. I know that missing fax cost him the first half of the season last year.
  6. I want top 10 more than 50% of the time and apparently that's a crazy dream and crazy expectations.
  7. Especially when the only positives you can find are a reach at best.
  8. I'm glad I could make a mistake and make your day. I'm glad me being wrong is more important than KY winning.
  9. That was supposed to say Nazr who was a project who developed. Magloire was good and Tubby made him better.
  10. Hey I owed you one... or several!!!
  11. I support them but I care if they win or lose and as you said before you don't. You're satisfied with 20-13 as long as Tubby is the coach.
  12. No, but don't you think he'd know where that was? Come on I'm disorganized, but if I got that fax I'd keep track of it.
  13. Dear Tubby, I am going pro, but I may stay in college. Thanks coach, Randolph Morris Then print. If he wants to date and time it he can hand write it on the cover page. I would say Tubby has a fax/copy/scanner in his office. Maybe not, but not all fax machines give the time and date. AT least the fax I recieved a few weeks ago doesn't. He didn't have a copy of that fax for months. It was a long time. Then suddnely it was there. That's suspicious.
  14. I would assume he didn't tell the truth.
  15. They never even mentioned it until it was "found"........ Something seems very strange about that to me.
  16. You're overrating facts then. There was no fax for months..... then there was. That's a fact that has some serious ???????????????????????s
  17. I am aware of the situation, but it dodn't stop Sparks from passing to Rondo or Vice Versa. They were the best 2 players on the team and without them they'd have been terrible.
  18. They had a fax to get Morris back. Untruthes are lies. That fax never happened and I'd bet anything on it.
  19. Cats, UKMUSTANGFAN......Read this post. Read how it's a conversation. Not name calling, translating things I said, and getting upset. It's a valid post with opinions. Now watch....... Rondo was still athletic, but in a half court it was hard for him to use because of his lack of a shot. I have the same issues with the Junior class, but if we had 4 classes like that I think we'd be a lot better off.
  20. Tubby has done a lot good enough. He's done a lot that made me happy. Right now though he's seemed to lose touch with the kids and doesn't seem to be willing to make changes with things that are not going right. If Coach K or Roy Williams stopped recruiting McDonald's All Americans there would be problems in NC for both coaches.
  21. Leading rebounder, (scorer I think), best defender, best athlete, most talented, always hustled................... Sound like we should run him out of town.
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