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Everything posted by IAmAFan

  1. His commercials were terrible. His voice is annoying. He's pretty ugly.
  2. Why is wanting better than Bobby Perry unrealistic? Why is wanting talent good enough to get drafted high in the NBA not realistic at the best program in the land?
  3. What is? What are my expectations(you have no idea)? The VAST MAJORITY of expectations in that thread were too high even for the non-TBers.
  4. Don't care about U of L. Where's Deuce? Make a Duke one for RP.
  5. So why post? Why is my concern yours? Honestly? I like to discuss it. I'd like to see change for the better. Would you like it if we landed 3 or 4 all americans every year and went to final fours, cause I'd LOVE IT?
  6. I don't root for KY to lose and I still follow KY. I'm not a fairweather fan, I love UK, I have concerns.
  7. That's the point of the thread. For example, why is it bashing to be upset that Tubby didn't change anything on his staff even though he said there would major changes.
  8. Did you not read the thread title? If they were winning every game there would be no problems.
  9. Why is it that anytime you point out something wrong with Tubby or UK it is bashing? Why are glaring obvious problems looked at as senseless bashing instead of concerns? Why does anyone care how many times we talk about the same problems, yet those same posters could care less that those problems are there?
  10. I questioned why they would want to play for Tubby because others have went elsewhere. I also stated that PP and JL both signing would def. change my opinion of Tubby because it would be 2 pretty good classes in a row. Billy Donavan is Florida's coach and players can go there too. Snow in Lexington and Sweet 16 exits or Final fours sunshine. Do I want to be like Randolph Morris or Horford and Noah? Do I want to average 12 points a game or 15? Do I want to pass up shots and play for a team that averages 65 points a game or 80? Roy Williams will get me drafted in the first round and make me rich. Look at the recruits who have left. One was a pro. Several left disgruntled because they weren't happy. It's like a lot of guys get to Lexington and can't wait to get out. I think Tubby is a pretty good coach, but I also think there are better coaches out there. However, he's responsible for surrounding himself with a good staff, good players, and competing for National Championships. If PP and JL go elsewhere do you see that anywhere in the future because I don't. It will be another what if.
  11. What have I said insulting? Tubby is a bad recruiter? Did next to nothing in the off time between seasons to make changes? Bobby Perry isn't (or shouldn't be) good enough to start? Sheray Thomas shouldn't be at UK? The play calling in some crucial times was questionable at best? There have been A LOT of under achieving kids play for Tubby at UK? Tubby hasn't faired extremely well in putting guys in the pros? A lot of CATS now fall under those questions, all of which are valid things to be negative about. What are the UK positives? PP and JL aren't committed. Some junior center who isn't the greatest prospect and wasn't really on radar after the AAU circuit gives us a soft verbal. He's already shown interest and told other schools he's interested and has plenty of time to change his mind. I have a lot of valid reasons to be concerned/upset. Where are the positive things you've been posting? Bobby Perry had a decent game in a loss? Woo had 9 points in 9 minutes? Not much positive on this end.
  12. Durant is to Morris/Crawford as Morris/Crawford is to Sheray Thomas.
  13. He's a tweener. Too small to play the 2 not quick enough or good enough to play the point.
  14. I doubt Joe Crawford will ever make any kind of impact in the NBA. I doubt he will play more than 2 years.
  15. There is a long list of guys who went pro from KY and a short list from Florida. Billy Donavan made Florida. Tubby didn't make KY, if anything he broke it...... PP and JL and the freshman this year is a good start in repairing the problems, and if we can follow that with a number 1 or 2 recruiting class the following year I think we'll be top ten again.
  16. Michael Jordan got drafted and your point is????????????????????????
  17. Morris maybe and Meeks maybe and I can't even imagine you think Joe Crawford will get drafted.
  18. When people are "supposed" to go pro and they do you did your job. When you don't recruit pro talent (which is my biggest knock on Tubby) you don't send kids to the pros. If coaches aren't important (like you make them out to be) then why not just let the kids coach themselves. There are reasons certain coaches win and others lose. There are reasons Tubby has lost ten games each of the last few year and it's basically about recruiting talent.
  19. Jason Williams, Anthony Roberson, MAtt Walsh, and he's got 3 right now that will play in the league if not more. We have one maybe. Florida isn't KY yet they have better players. Guys want to go play for Billy D and run up and down the court.
  20. So Tubby isn't living up to your expectations is what you're trying to tell us.
  21. Is that why Morris and Crawford go plays and plays without touches? It must be the rest of our stellar offensive weapons.
  22. Morris is lazy, Rondo's a cancer, Joe Crawford doesn't show up, Bradley dribbles too much, Bogans was an inconsistent shooter, Parker was a thug, and Stone wasn't good. They were all recruited by Tubby and their was always an excuse. I hate excuses. Anyone ever seen Tubby say, "That's on me" in a press conference? I haven't. Other than S&C he's never really admitted doing anything wrong, other than recruiting, but when he admited he was wrong there he did nothing to fix it. All these excuses have a common factor.
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