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Everything posted by Latch

  1. Or they're getting a counter suit ready. The official comment was we'll let the truth come out in court, from the lawyer I thought.
  2. She either was at the doctor w/ him or knew the doctor told him to have tests. From that point on she continued having unprotected sex w/ him. I thought her story was that the first time he tested positive she quit, but he should have had a test earlier. Now she's trying to get $15M out of him and she doesn't have the virus. Call me skeptical...
  3. If I was playing russian roulette w/ them and the bullet wasn't in there no. She supposedly thought he may have HIV and continued having unprotected sex. If you run out in front of my car and I miss you should I be charged w/ attempted murder? I think you're looking at it differently than me. She chose to do this, I don't choose to have people shoot at me.
  4. I agree w/ that, but just b/c this lady says it's so doesn't mean it is.
  5. The second one says she lives in a house he bought her. That's fairly lucrative too right? And now she wants $15M from him for having consensual sex w/ him and NOT contracting HIV.
  6. He won't do it himself and they won't prove he had anything to do w/ it. Kind of how it works.
  7. http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/02/11/2009-02-11_new_girlfriend_says_roberto_alomars_exgi.html His new model girlfriend has issues w/ the ex. Surprised? Also, how was that nice house she lives in paid for? Dall declined to comment at her home in Whitestone, Queens - a $5 million mansion bought by a trust set up by Alomar. The grandiose three-story yellow stucco house has a pool, a marble portico and 12-foot windows. Conclusion jumping anyone???
  8. I'm in no way condoning his actions, but she doesn't have HIV right? She was w/ him when a doctor told him to get an HIV test right? He claims to have had one earlier in his life that came back negative right? If there was no positive test, and she doesn't have HIV where is attempted murder? Why did she knowingly have unprotected sex w/ someone she believed was HIV positive? They broke up in October and she is suing him in February. Something isn't adding up here to me.
  9. Quit putting words in my mouth. I was mentioning a point forward b/c you brought it up. Backpedalling are you?
  10. What was Scotty Pippen? Lebron is once in a lifetime and Durant is 100 times more of a player and athlete than Calathes. I'll take my chances that past history repeats itself and you can take the chance that Nick Calathes is going to be the one to change history. By the way no he isn't and he also isn't nearly the ball handler.
  11. He has to force shots. Nobody else is capable of shooting and for 2 games they were left wide open and they were afraid to shoot. I'm glad he forced shots.
  12. Steve Nash is a bit faster than your boy, or a ton faster. He's also so brutally bad at defense that it's laughable. He benefited greatly in a gimmic system. He was pretty good in Dallas, but not good enough that they didn't let him walk. He is also nowhere near 6'5" and plays a completely different style. I'll go out on a limb and say that Calathes never approaches anything similar to Nash's level in the NBA. White American guards don't translate that well into the NBA lately that is a fact.
  13. A bit, but they are tied for the East lead still right?
  14. Again, where did I mention that it's the only aspect of the game? I'm pointing out that for a player to "play horrible" and still average 19 a contest he is really good.
  15. I had to mention it, but weird stuff happens some times on the road in February. This was the perfect storm.
  16. This is a joke and totally sarcastic, but what was that you were saying about the top 5 teams from the BE not getting blown out? Ouch.....
  17. http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote/norman_thomas_quote_ffb1 The socialist party figured out a long time ago that America would be socialist. Sadly, they were right........
  18. I agree w/ you here and that's been my point. Duke is good, and very capable of beating any team in the country. But they aren't good enough to win the title. The problem for me w/ Duke is they could find a team like Nova or Marquette waiting for them in the second round and they will be pushed to the limit and have to execute and shoot well from game two on. They are more likely to lose in the second round than say UConn, UNC, or Oklahoma.
  19. I won't be surprised, but he's the favorite right now. If they don't go in the tank I would guess he wins it.
  20. Yeah, but if she thought he had HIV and she was at doctors appointments when he was told to get HIV tests and she still had unprotected sex then she's dumb, and he may not have had it.
  21. Calathes played well last night, but Meeks put a team on his back in the last few minutes and refused to let his team lose a must win game. That is impressive. My real question is after the Tenn game when Meeks dropped 54 this would have been a land slide would it not? Meeks has had a bad run lately b/c teams refused to guard anyone on the court except two guys. Florida at least has guys who if left wide open will take and make shots. If Calathes saw the same defense as Meeks the last 3 games he would also struggle to score 18 a game.
  22. The best player in the conference imo is Patterson. Meeks will win the conference honor this year imo, and Downey is better than Calathes imo.
  23. To me the shocking claim was when he told her as a 17 year old he was raped by 2 Mexican men.
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