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Everything posted by 5wide

  1. It was classless and that's my point. Typically, people stereotype the fanatics as the Average Joe fan that's never put on a helmet in his life. Typically, you don't expect someone who has played the game, especially for the team in question, to pull a stunt like this. That just feeds the beast. It lends some credibility to everyone else's rants when someone with some real connection to ND football starts fanning the flame. Right or wrong, that's the perception.
  2. I've been there... I was just thinking I wish I had a picture to put on here. Nice.
  3. I'd give AJ for him. Not sure there's anything I could or would offer that would be fair for both sides...
  4. I tried to get Moss in the BGP league, but had no luck.
  5. Where would you rate him? I think he could be the best that I've seen. Cobb is a player and a playmaker.
  6. Interesting. That sentence made me think. Off the top of my head, it seems what we read in the New Testament would support the arguments people have made in this thread. This type of debate should be for Christians, not for outsiders. Paul debated with people about gospel vs. their erroneous beliefs...I think of time he debated with the philosophers at Mars Hill. He didn't debate doctrinal issues with non-Christians. On the other hand, in Galatians (I believe), he says he withstood Peter to his face on a doctrinal matter. This debate was in front of fellow Christians, and they ultimately made some decisions and came to an understanding. There may be other examples that would go against my initial thought, but as I said, off the top of my head, the Bible seems to support this idea.
  7. I don't think Roddy White belongs in that group, but I can't argue the rest. And, to be honest, I think Moss will ultimately be the top WR. Brady isn't Brady right now. He's missed some deep throws to Moss that would have been TD's and he's locking on to Welker when Moss is open...if that gets fixed, and I think it will, Moss will run away with it, IMO, just like 2007. I'd trade any of those guys for Moss right now. But, to date, Johnson is the lowest risk/highest reward guy, IMO. Good QB, passing offense, clear #1, favorite target, questionable ground game and bad defense which puts them in shootouts.
  8. I'm with you. I'll believe it when I see it with Tennessee, but I really think this may be our best chance since I've been watching and that is based more on Tennessee and how terrible Crompton is than anything. I'm with you in that I don't believe this UK team is the best Brooks has had, but they compete and find a way to make the plays they need to make (thank you Randall Cobb). I wasn't disagreeing with either point, because I think both are valid. UK has a great chance to snap the losing streak. But, it's also Tennessee and if there is a way to blow the game, UK will figure it out. But, we've started to reverse that trend under Brooks...but, it's still Tennessee. That's kinda how I view this game...back and forth. I get my hopes up, then I remind myself that I better not. :lol: Anyway, it doesn't matter right now. UK has a little business to take care of before worrying about the Vols. One other trend under Brooks...UK wins the games they're supposed to win. They rarely ever lose the games you pencil in as W's under Brooks. That's another big step forward, IMO.
  9. That also shows that it's not just the "fans". That was a former player!
  10. I do find it interesting that the Irish flourished under Holtz when the academic requirements were relaxed and ever since they "remedied" that situation, they've been striving in vain to return to glory. But, you're right, he has done a solid job recruiting to restock a bare roster. And, the Irish are in position to finish with 9-10 wins. They had a tough loss to a Michigan team that's turned out to be better than people expected and a close loss to a Southern California team that just simply has too much talent and athleticism for the Irish right now. He's done a good job at ND. This was a target year for them to have a strong season, and it looks like they'll probably do that. But, the academic requirements knocks Weis out of contention for some extremely talented athletes that I'm sure he'd like to have, while the Southern Cal's, Florida's and LSU's of the world scoop them up. The Irish fan base demands a national title, and the fact that they're limited by academic requirements makes it harder to take that next step up to the elite level of USC, Florida, et al.
  11. I don't think there's any doubt that these guys will be fired if it's proven that it was intentional. And, I don't think anyone on here would argue with that. I didn't see the game. I'm curious to know if there were any other suspicious calls during the course of the game that would raise some eyebrows. Was there anything to hint that the refs may have been attempting to manipulate the point spread?
  12. That's probably what I'd have done as well. When I have a lot of doubt or hesitation, I usually stick with what I have. Although it would have been nice to get Schaub, Romo has been a pretty solid fantasy producer and Andre Johnson is easily the top fantasy WR, IMO. His ability to produce solid to spectacular points from the WR position is rare in fantasy football. It's hard to give a guy like that up. But, of the trades, I'm still the oddball because I like the first one better.
  13. The strongest comparison through one game is Tim Tebow? As freshmen, both split time with an upperclassman QB. Other than that, I didn't see much through his limited time in his first start.
  14. Weis is a good coach. He's just fighting an uphill battle with ND's academic requirements or restrictions, depending on how you view it.
  15. Being a realist swings both ways. For certain, there's a mental hurdle for UK when it comes to beating the Vols. But, being realistic, there's not a big difference in the two teams this season. UT almost certainly has more talent, but the gap in the actual product on the field is small. The QB play for Tennessee doesn't allow them to utilize whatever they may have offensively. Based on their play this season, UK is capable of beating Tennessee. And, the fact under Brooks, UK has started doing things and winning games that they never did before...they beat the #1 team and eventual national champion in OT, they snapped a long losing streak in SEC road games, completely flipped the Louisville series on its head, beat Auburn for the first time since 1966...there's reason for cautious optimism. None of UK's remaining games (other than EKU) are sure things, but they've got a realistic chance in all of them. Tennessee included.
  16. The Lakers will have the best record during the season.
  17. I think Boston will win the title if they are healthy for the playoffs.
  18. Do you start a flex, 3 WR's, or just 2 backs and 2 WR's? That would affect my view.
  19. I like the first trade better. Even with Brady's insane game against Tennessee, Schaub is still the #1 fantasy QB in ppg at 23.1. Brady is averaging 22.4, but that average is down to about 18 without that freebie against a terrible and injury plagued Tennessee defense. Going back to last season, Schaub is averaging 21 per game when he's healthy. That includes nine performances of 24 or more points. The only question about Schaub is whether he'll stay healthy, because when he's healthy, he's clearly an elite, top tier producer at QB. Brady is the guy who doesn't look sharp this season and has been inconsistent. I'm not sure a huge game against the worst pass defense in the league and a team that quit should erase all those doubts. Romo is around 17-18 ppg. Andre Johnson has been targeted 66 times this season, tops in the league. He's about as consistent and productive as you can get at WR right now. So, any trade you make that gives him away downgrades your WR position by default. But, Roddy White hasn't been as productive as expected this year. Other than one monster game against San Francisco he's averaging 7 ppg. The Falcons run a lot and the addition of Gonzalez seems to have affected White's production. DeSean Jackson has been targeted 41 times, one less than White. The production is comparable. Mike Sims-Walker has been very productive. He's basically played 4 games and his fantasy production is 16-6-21-12. Pretty good and consistent...13.8 per game. Andre Johnson averages 13.5. Sims-Walker also gets targeted an average of 10 times per game. Second best behind Johnson. The point is this, Sims-Walker and Jackson at WR is not bad. Pierre Thomas has 12 TD's in his last 9 full games (throw out Week 2 against Philly when he played a few snaps). He's still the clear lead back in an offense that scores a lot and runs a lot. There's no reason to be worried about him. Portis plays in a terrible offense. The bottom line for me is whether you're comfortable moving forward with Clinton Portis. I think you upgrade two positions with the first trade and downgrade at WR, but you have a guy on the bench who can soften that blow. With the second, you upgrade QB and downgrade at WR. I like the first trade better, and if I took one of the deals, that would be it.
  20. I'm just hoping Sanchez can give me 7 or 8 points. That 5 interception outing scares me. I'm hoping Andre Johnson can have one of thos 2-3 TD explosions. I'm also debating between Steve Smith (CAR) and Ahmad Bradshaw as my flex play. Bradshaw has definitely been better to date, but the Giants play Arizona and the Cardinals are almost dead last against the pass and first against the rush. Carolina plays Buffalo, who rates pretty well against the pass, but considering their inability to get him the ball recently and his unhappiness, it makes me think they will find a way to get him some touches this week. Neither matchup looks all that appealing, but I just get the feeling that regardless of what he does the rest of the way or how consistent he is, Steve Smith is going to show up for a big game or two...and I want him in my lineup when it happens.
  21. Sanchez @ Oakland. My matchups aren't too bad overall...it's just a week without your top dog. All things considered, I've got about as good a shot to win as I could hope for without MJD. If I get the production I should based on matchups, I feel good about my chances again this weekend. But, you never know. I had mouth watering matchups last week and several up them didn't come remotely close to paying off big. Jones-Drew saved me with a big day against the Rams.
  22. He does. I assume you play him. I should still have a decent shot in my game. I'll need somebody to step up and give me some good production and the rest of my guys to give me a decent showing. I really wish Orton was playing this week. I'm not as confident in Sanchez after his last two games. I certainly can't afford a negative point total from my QB when my opponent has Aaron Rodgers slated to go against the Browns I believe.
  23. The original stipulation was to keep it until the other team lost, so I've been free to change it since week two when Chicago beat P'burgh. I just haven't felt like changing it. And, I hate Baltimore, so it works.
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