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Everything posted by Sandman32

  1. LLoyd and Ryle. LLoyd's Superintedent is a BC graduate. If that means anything.
  2. BC gave them a few good games, so has Dixie.
  3. I think that you might be a little optomistic, though I am against this idea. I would not have thought that they would have gotten so many votes as they did.
  4. Trinity They've gotten beaten by them like a drum in the first round for a long time.
  5. No, at least that is what I was told. There was very little support for Prop20 in NKY. Only 2 schools were for it.
  6. And here I was hoping that Dixie vs. Trinity would be a regular yearly game too. :cry:
  7. Sad day in Mudville. But as RP said, it's got a long way to go before it's final. I had heard that they were trying to compromise so they wouldn't have to vote. I guess not. I don't like it. I wonder how many AD's would cross the line to play in a league with the privates and how many would be let go for doing so. There are a lot of short sighted people in this world.
  8. When will this change take place if it is ratified by the Board?
  9. I am sure the second is true, the first is not in my district. Because of the "alternative HS's" that all of our county's share in NKY, admision back to the original HS is not necessarily a given. I am not a school administrator, so I admit my perception may be incorrect, but I don't think so. With that said, it is not the KHSAA's job to even the playing field for ineffective school systems IMO. Surely someone in those communities needs to step up and innitiate a change.
  10. Alright then, go look at the BGP top 10 and tell me who should get dropped. I don't think it's as easy as you seem to think to crack the TOP 10. I would think JH is 11. I have been waiting for someone to stumble to see if they would make it in, but no one has, so who do you see JH taking the place of and why?
  11. That is not the case where I live. Secondly, you probably need to clean up your own area and address the issue instead of blaming the problem on something else. It is a community problem from what you are telling me, not a private vs. public issue. Covington Holmes for example has created an alternative program that deals with such kids. I do not know the success rate, but I do know that the troubled kids who would otherwise stay in the public school are no longer present. I believe it has improved the quality of education in their district. They are being proactive IMO. As for your other question, private schools are not limited in the actions that they can take against a student for discpilinary issues.
  12. I'm having a hard time hearing you with your previous post echoing in my head.
  13. How is that the definition of a "wonderful parent"? That would not be my definition of someone with those thoughts. I don't think you know how public schools work. We have truancy laws and they are fairly strict about them at my childs school. Parents are taken to court and or jail over their kids truancy issues where I live. Also, where do you think all the problem public school kids go to when they are expelled from a public school? The problems and solutions are not as black and white as most people would like to think. Stereotyping an entire school system with a socio economic problem that crosses into both public and privates is wrong IMO. Some indiviual parents are inept as you have described, but the vast majority I know are not. Where did all these terrible parents learn to be such, from their own mothers and fathers? If not, then where? I know in my case my parents taught me, I have carried that on to my kids, who in turn I have no doubt will do the same. If you look at the opposite side of the coin, I'm sure that the people you describe are just carrying on their own family tradition so to speak.
  14. If it's any consolation, I'm sure JH is in the 11-15 group and wouldn't be surprised to see them in the top 10 before the seasons out.
  15. I'll remember this for your Oracle rating. :laugh: I'll pick Beechwood by 7
  16. I see at least one monster hit each week. Tonight I saw a bunch of them, ala Nick Metzger. He just lights people up!
  17. Anybody who knows me, knows I ain't afraid of anything. I would have loved to have played with or against him, and I wouldn't have cared if he got the better of me, ( which let's face it, he would have) :lol:
  18. I'll have to pay attention. I always liked Butkus
  19. I doubt that, though I'm sure that is what Manual, Male and Scott Co. are hoping for.
  20. After reading the proposal and thinking about it, I want to go forward and say I don't like it. If in a few years from now we win state it will mean very little to alot of people. If we had done it last year, we would have been immortalized as forever being one of the best teams ever in this state. Now any accolades we recieve after this is put in place will have an asterisk attached. This is a 4A thing. My school is in 4A and is routinely knocked out of the playoffs before I want them to be. I know that removing T and X will make getting to a state championship doable every year but I don't want it like that. I want our boys to have to earn it, and to this point we haven't, so we keep working. I hate this "everyone deserves a trophy mentality." I don't need a trophy to validate myself. I hope it fails.
  21. How many private schools are there in each class? If I read this right, it sounds like they would still keep their separte classes so we would have 8 state champs instead of 4 correct? If I am reading it correctly it sounds like the privates are getting 3 more guaranteed championships for the publics one. What a trade off.
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