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Everything posted by YAKOFNORWEGIA

  1. My bad you're right. I mess the words up on songs all the time I am tired of my kids wanting jerseys of people who can't handle what God has blessed them with.
  2. This reminds me of that Jim Croce great "If I could save pot in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do"
  3. I went to church last night and didn't get on the internet at the house afterward. I watched Rambo 2. What a movie! "Murdoch, I'm coming for you" Thanks for the info Sportsfan.
  4. Thanks. I hope things get worked out before March. Remember if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger. Who knows, maybe they will be stronger as a team by overcoming this adversiity.
  5. Was it your opinion that it was a number of working days or was it what the paper printed? I am confused.
  6. If that is the case I was unaware. I didn't remember it saying that the suspension was for x number of days which equates to x games. I was under the impression that it was stating the suspension in number of games only. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
  7. How can a punishment for an infraction be a form of discipline when the person who must serve the sentance is allowed to choose when he/she will serve? How can you serve a number of games suspension unless it is during the season?
  8. If the region were played right now I believe that I would take Elliott against the field. I hope they haven't peaked too soon.
  9. The Yak will attend on Saturday if Rose Hill and Elliott are in the finals. I believe that I played some hoops with the father of the 8th grade Knipp boy at one time. I would like to know. Thursday has a little Yak playing at 6:00 so I'm not sure on that one. I really don't much care about whose side I sit on. I don't have any school intestinal problems.
  10. Shooter, I have few hairs to split, if I split the ones I have will this give me twice as much? If so I'm in. As for the warning, I can't say that I'm much interested in one of those either. Just make it a promise or a threat and I can deal with it much better. I have been offered two memberships for my winnings and neither is of much interest to me. I am more of a hermit and prefer to be by myself. You did mention the Y in another post, I would be interested in that being a prize.
  11. This is a trap game. I just wanted to use that term because it seems to be hot right now. No doubt that Raceland will play hard at home with a finals berth on the line. If I am not mistaken it will be Rose Hill's biggest region test to date this year.
  12. I hate to do this but if this had taken place yesterday, being a holiday would it then have been four docs?
  13. Listen you Monte Hall wannabe, there is no door number three here. You can't pull that junk here. I just want the fair cash value of my membership.
  14. Who was the kid that walked on at UK in the late 80's? Was his name Chris Jones?
  15. Just send me a PM if you want to share. I will leave this thread to those who want to congratulate Mr. Ferguson. I believe he may be the best scorer in the 16th. He is more than one dimensional on offense making him very difficult to defend.
  16. Man that is vague. How does my participation in the 80's shed light on the findings of your research? I was just wondering if you had formulated any theories?
  17. What does your age and grade research reveal? Not looking for a debate, just curious.
  18. Had a chance to be around Troy Brown last year when ours sons played a little hoops together. He is a professional in everything he does and has a humble spirit as well. My son is fortunate to have been around him, he is a good role model. I hope he continues to contribute in big ways on the field and that the Patriots are successful.
  19. Jerrrr rrrry! jerrrr rrry! Jerrr rrry! I can feel the tension rise.
  20. What about John Holbrook? He and I were foes and I believe he led the 16th in scoring. He was a solid player.
  21. The beauty of innocence. It was what God intended when he created the human race. S3, I too have friends in Elliott County. I wish them nothing but the best. I not only hope they defeat S Charleston, I want them to beat S Charleston. As for the tourney I always heard that story growing up and just regarded it as a fable. I'm curious, who is the all time leading scorer in Elliott County history?
  22. Please understand I meant no harm to Elliott County. Its just sometimes I can't sleep at night because a bus I was on got attacked in Sandy Hook one night.
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