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Sportz Addict

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Everything posted by Sportz Addict

  1. The UK job is the UK job. Roman Empire of college bball. He wanted a new challenge and to go down in history as he will. However, he is a very low key guy. Some people just like that personality. Others rather be on tv yaking all the time.
  2. I got lost in this thread. I am not necessarily refering to only Smith. I know for certain other recruits didn't come because of style of play.
  3. Your probably right but it is or was formally a UK recruiting thread. Just gets old watching all of our kids we invest so much into walk away.
  4. I don't care about Smith I am talking about the big recruits we miss out on every year practically.
  5. Style of play has alot to do with it. Nobody wants to hear Tubby's "come play defense for me" Also Tubby is one of the few coaches with a big program who rather stay away from attention. He probably wouldn't play one nationally televised game if he didn't haev too, if you going to sit there and say organization then wow. You make it sound like we got a bunch of newbs trying to recruit for us. This isn't a first year program.
  6. I was talking about the top recruits like Brendan Wright or Tyler Hansbrough who shafted us on signing. Smith a good recruit but not a top. I was just pointing out Tubby's ongoing recruiting trouble. We need a few top recruits, then some fill in guys like a Smith to get where we need to be. The bottom of the half talent is killing us. I know the 2004 class was good but all 3 of those studs tried to leave and 1 is gone, the 2 others would have been gone but it didn't work out.
  7. Numerous recruits who shafted us or even transfered said they hated Tubby's still and it was boring. What does Tubby really have to offer to a top 10 recruit? There is a reason why our classes have been really bad as of lately and the only good class we got pretty much hated Lexington after first few practices. 1) boring offense 2) defensive minded bball (yeah, real appealing to recruits) 3) a head coach who is known for being a stickler and running a program more strict than the military 4) expectations through the roof from the fan base, which in turn makes recruits question the program and how long a coach will be there.
  8. Phil Jones alot of it is grades. Tubby was on him before Smith now Tubby will be all over him after Smith shafted us. Sims is rumored to be headed back west. I would say Sims is 60% gone 40% still here. As for Smith I think it was Tubby's slow grind it out win style that killed us. It kills us every year with recruits.
  9. Bradley will lose it over Thomas. I don't think Thomas has it to begin with. Bradley and his New York gun slinging style (Mizzu game last year) won't hold up long. If he can prove he will not do stupid things with the ball also improve shot selection and pass it he will play more then. I rather have an over sized athletic guard like Meeks Or D Jas running it. They are more athletic and can attack the rim. Also might be better on D.
  10. Not at all I know you know the team right on pace with me. All I am saying is a 10 + loss season appears to be in the bag and im sorry but that is terrible for UK standards. That's why I say its going to be a bad year. Tubby "ball" and finding players who slip under the radar to play Tubby "ball" is not working. Like I said start the talented frosh around Mo and Crawford. See where it takes us. Maybe we can pull a Kansas and get in the tourney and don't choke like a Kansas.
  11. I try to hope but I also know alot about the team. Only thing that kept us in it last year was 1. Our decent back court and 2. Morris was allowed back. Back court is gone.. Morris is probably still around. Tubby's recruiting has really hurt this team any which way you look at it. 2003 class seniors this year and Perry is the only possible helper out of it maybe worst class in UK history. 2005 class might only have 1 man standing next year (Carter) who isn't looking to get any serious P.T. 2006 class seems decent but I don't think we have any immediate impact studs which we would have needed for this year to go well. Chemistry is big but so is talent. Look at Ohio State who is in everyones top 5 preseason. Yes I am talking BASKETball. Matta got 4 top 25 kids. Will the chemistry work we don't know yet but these kids can flat out play. Even you know our recruiting is not as strong as it used to be. Like I said in another thread start and just let it all hang out: Bradley Meeks/Jasp Crawford Stevenson Morris These kids are supposed to be some good ballers and have more talent then a Perry/Thomas and probably Bradley but I don't see him starting 2 frosh guards. Lets see how far this talent takes us. I hope far.
  12. No way UK is better how could they be? Back court is gone, leadership what there was of it is gone. Good recruiting class. Not great, but not bad like past few years. Young kids will show flashes but they are only frosh. I tell ya the SEC as a whole will be better, Florida, UT, Bama, MSU and others. 10 + loss season is a yes for sure and I will go out on a limb but I could see us struggling to be .500 in SEC if Meeks/Jasp don't make a strong impact. Only plus side right now is Morris. Maybe a monster year? Maybe Stevenson fills the gap so he isn't doubled and has help down low. Joe is Joe he shows up then disappears, Perry will give you decent games then some good ones. That's about all she wrote.
  13. I really like BGP in blue and red. Very bold colors, patriotic, and fits in with the theme well kinda.
  14. Colerain has been on a terror past few years. Alot of it is location and kids playing in the peewee's being brought into the system. I think they will only get better now alot of young kids have seen they are on top they will want to come there even more. I don't even think a Kentucky all star team could have beat some of there teams the past few years. However, they need to learn to pass. This is a Boone Co football team with Shaun Alexander like backs and qbacks as of lately.
  15. I work with Coach Lucas's wife on occasion. I will see if I can dig anything up next week.
  16. Ive seen the video several times sitting in the living room of the guy who took the cheap shot. He got hit and as he was doing down the ball hit him. Make up any excuse you Trinity fans want everyone knows it was a an early hit. However, if you want to come review the tape with us Chris would be happy. Although im not sure of his mood he just got back from the Marines and took a good shot from a grenade and got himself a purple heart. He's fine though bounced right back up just like he did from that hit. Not a grenade or a blind side hit can keep that kid down. I wonder how it would be if the tables were turned.
  17. No its not a cheap shot to take a 30 yard head start and run full speed and hit a guy who is staring up in the air just waiting for a ball to come down so he has a chance to run it. Its a cheap shot or bad coaching. Everyone knows you can't hit a guy until he touches the ball. He should have been ejected for attempt to injure if you ask me. Boone ran the ball pretty well if I remember correctly. Brian Maney had alot of yards rushing Shaun didn't. Boone couldn't pass and didn't get any bounces or calls. I blame their passing game like I have for 10 years.
  18. All of the Boone players I have spoken to all recall the cheap shot on the punt return and feel like that that was a huge difference in the game you can't blow a call like that in the state game. That's another reason people don't like it played in Louisvilles back yard. Of course the fact they couldn't pass left Boone helpless. Shaun was keyed on by 2 great linebackers not just one. Brian Maney the fullback had a very solid day though didn't he.
  19. Im telling ya my friend. He is banking 3-4 times more then the average teacher.
  20. He's been doing it for a long time plus he's the AD right? Stellman is doing pretty well last time I heard.
  21. I wouldn't retire either if I was Stellman he's making alot of money plus he's not past his time yet.
  22. Cleveland St. Ignatious however its spelled. Probably should have said Cleveland St. I :lol:
  23. I don't understand why the X fans are crying because the X kids didn't get it done on the field. They had the talent and the coaching they just didn't get it done.
  24. I think but im not sure at all that Lou St X and Cleveland St X are playing too aren't they?
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