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Everything posted by rltrace

  1. I still love the country folk!!!! lol The reason the teams are better was on display last night!!! Amazing
  2. What a rivalry, X just as classy as T, you can't beat it!
  3. Seeing the whole Rock team after the game and not celebrating but more concerned about shaking the hands of the other team is what this rivalry is ALL ABOUT!!!! What a great Display of High School Football
  4. Remember, This is Trinity there will be a COMEBACK!!! 4 out of 5 for the Rocks!! Congrats !!! Thanks Birds fan now Go Cards!!
  5. Approx how amny yards do the tigers have rushing?
  6. 2 computers up here at this hotel and we can't get the stream on either one. Thanks Birdsfan!! A Rock and A Tiger both Card fans headed to Hartford in the Morn.
  7. Thanks Birdsfan we are in Boston for tommorrows Cards game please keep us updated .
  8. One of my favorite parts of the rivalry is how fast the tides turn...It doesn't get any better than this :dancingpa
  9. I am sorry if I implied a problem w/ Bean that is not what I am saying, I guess I mean the Rocks D as a whole. I want to clear that up
  10. I think Shawn Johnson, THS '95 LB has to be on the list
  11. I agree the Rocks upfront have to hold their ground. They must force X to put the ball in the air and not the 2 yard screen passes X ran all day I believe last year. We cannot play 8 yards off the receivers and allow the short pass, make them beat us deep. It should be interesting but I unfortunately have not seen Bean do anything to make X change their style of play, X has decided which plays to run at all times the last couple years and that has to stop atleast once or twice this game. IMO
  12. OK, I'm going back to the 4A State Title thread and enjoy jawing with the x men. I can not handle ANOTHER one of these "numbers" threads, we have all off season for this. *back to focusing on the TITLE*
  13. *Flashback from last year UK fans saying UL's road to the final four was weak* lol
  14. wow, good answer. I say at this point in time Pride, Discipline, Loyalty, and Achievement.......
  15. I agree I think Petrino needs time and needs to be able to scramble and make some things happen, unlike the first game. I know the Rocks D has to play better this time but and that X's running game is great and you can only hope to slow down their offense. Which is why I believe the Rocks Offense is the key to the game.
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