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Everything posted by marooncat

  1. The fan support will be about the same as this year. The Kittens support has always been about the same year in year out. a true fan will be at the game win or lose. I did not miss the point the 1st post started it all about who should be on the team. If we go back and put Britt on the team then who do we take off
  2. That is just what I'm talking about close the threads when people disagree with you . I've read a few of your threads Royal Uncle you can dish it out but you can't take it. I have one more question will all of the R.H. fans show up next year when they are not as good as in the past?
  3. The only fact I need was to watch Rose Hill play. Mark Watkins did do most of the coaching at the games that I went to.
  4. The award was for head coach of the year. It was not for asst. coach of the year.
  5. Why not Wilcox,Myers,Combs,Barr,Spurlock,Ward,Gibson,Fannin? That list is just a few of the girls who played this year and did not make All-Area. We needed 8 more headbands for the photo.
  6. One vote for each school and the sportswriters vote on the All-Area team.
  7. Why must we shut down a thread about Rose Hill. I know its because somebody was not afraid to tell the truth.Britt Faulkner did not earn a spot on the All-Area team.
  8. I would love to have a poorly coached team that went 35-3. A team that just has managed athletes make it to the state final not bad.
  9. Rickyp you can stir it up with the best of them. I thought you used to like public schools a few years back.
  10. The vote is the same for the boys as it is for the girls . If you pay your 15.00 for each person you can have all the votes you want.
  11. I might be wrong but I think the vote comes the 16th region.
  12. This will be the last thing I say about player of the year. Lets say Laura Terry wins not Jessica Fortman would Rose Hill be as upset as they are now.Something else I would like to know does it bother you that Terry was second not Queen.
  13. I think I liked it better while you were gone Rickyp. Thank you for not wanting to confuse us. I can sleep a lot better tonight knowing you really care.
  14. O.J did not win this award given to seniors. When the votes were turned in around the 1st week of Feb. Fortman was playing her best basketball. Let me say this one more time this is not a award for your career but your senior season. Correct me if I'm wrong but the title of this thread is Ky./ Ind. all-star game not KABC player of the year.
  15. Please tell me this did Rose Hill vote for coach and player of the year. I do know that some schools only had 1 vote.
  16. Glad your back Rickyp. Please don't hold back tell us how you feel.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have to beat the best to be the best.
  18. Your right they needed to make the call on the last play the BLOCKING call gives Ashland the ball out of bounds. Time also ran at the end of the 1st half after Boyd made 2 F.T. the clock started when Drew picked the ball up . I guess that means that the time running in both halfs its a wash . One thing kingofthejungle you are right about it was a great game.
  19. why bring in Dickey Martin when you are talking about Russell radio not being very good. He will cheer for the Tomcats and he will also say how bad they are playing. I guess the point I'm trying to make is you can say he is a homer but you can't say he is bad at calling the game.
  20. I could be wrong about this but I think that the schools call the paper about doing the spreads in the paper. This thread was started to say congratulations to Emily Queen for becoming the all-time girls scoring leader in the 16th region. Without missing a beat it turns into another thread about someone being mistreated in the coverage in the paper. How about this if you don't like what you read or don't see enough about your team start your own paper.
  21. The crew for the game tonight does not have a former M.V.P. from the A.I.T .Why can't we just play the game and not worry about the officials before the game is even played. I wonder if most of the people who complain about the officials could even call bingo let alone a high school basketball game. Let me say one more thing about this they do not lose any sleep thinking of how they could make calls that would hurt your team .
  22. Kasi was the best in this region ,you can take that to the bank. I've been watching girls basketball longer than most of you have been alive.Do me one favor before you judge her for off the court stuff walk a mile in her shoes. Don't forget the title for this thread is 16th region all-time players,to me that means on the floor. One last thing Big Bubba this was a message from the heart.
  23. If you read my post really read it you will know what I think about someone who takes credit away from the win to blame it on other schools. I'm sorry one of your players fouled out last night. I know what the Maroon schools can do talk to the refs so they don't pick on anyone now that you know what we have been doing all season.
  24. Did I miss a Kitten game at Raceland last night GottaRebound ? I'm reading about the game and you throw Russell and Ashland into the reasons Rose Hill lost the game.
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