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Everything posted by WVA Boy

  1. What are the signs saying about Dodd returning?
  2. In that case, maybe he can transfer and we can move up to AA to have a chance!!!! :lol: :dancingpa
  3. I think Ward might have been let go for alot of reasons!!! :thumb:
  4. Never said they were the favorites, just said that it was not a given for a GC/Russell Final thats all!
  5. Most likely St X's boys, as always! In the girls I would say Lone Oak will rise back to the top.
  6. :fight: Yeah your right, Raceland couldn't possible defeat the Red Devils!! With several weeks to prepare I'm comfortable in the fact that Coach Johnson and his staff will have the Rams fully prepared to rise to the challenge of anything the Devils put before them. :thumb: I'll take the Rams in a "not so big" upset!! :ylsuper:
  7. Not sure of the particulars in regard to Kyle, but obviously if there was miscommunication between the director and the player it would suffice as a reason for being late or again if all the other matches at that time hadn't been put on he could not have been "put on the clock". Yes kids do want to be play and settle it on the court/field but there has to be accountability on the part of the admistrators to prevent things like these from happening. In hindsight? Would RH have forfeited the JV game in OH to insure their ability to participate in the FR AIT?? Parents and players realize that vacations, opportunities, and time will always have to be sacrificed to compete in sports, with that knowledge in tow each individual must realize what battles/contests they want to undertake and which ones that they will be passing up. Similar things occur in real life, in regards to finances- opportunity costs!
  8. He would have went anyway because his team won the team title!! 16 mins would not be a complete default! It would have involved no warmup and point and game penalities, These would have been assessed only if there was a court open! This instance involves 1 team, the changing I'm speaking of could involve 6 or seven teams! I brought up tennis to make the point that it seems that RH always expects more considerations than other schools. I believe that in their B-ball heyday that they were continually flip-flopping and attempting to change scheduling because of their "barnstorming" tour. When they were not obliged they screamed "foul" ! Just my thoughts, no big deal if you don't agree!
  9. 1st Round is May 15th I believe, all day at the Ashland Tennis Center.
  10. If that is a tradition, I would think a new commercial idea could be in the works!!!
  11. A little bird told me!!! Actually it would seem that a reunion will not be in the works. The call was basically a "I'm done" affirmation call! :thumb: Also the other thread was closed because people were threatening each other it seemed and it looked like real names were being used.
  12. I'm basically neutral in this fight but it seems that exceptions should not HAVE to be made. Why must the schedule that was established many mos prior be deviated from?? I understand that the RH players are the ones being hurt but unfortunately their overseers are the ones to be blamed. Why force the admistrators of the AIT to make a decision that will most likely be unpopular with their contigency as well as making more work for all involved to acquire a gym, run concesions, etc. Unfortunately RH is putting the 16th Region Tennis Director into the same position by asking that the 1st 3 rounds of the regional tournament be played on sat. before the start of the actual tournament on Mon so several of their players can go on a SR. cruise :irked: . By making this request they are basically putting the "powers that be" in the situation where there are "just hurting the kids" or "taking it out on RH". It seems that maybe RH needs to readdress what they what accomplished and redirect more time into the scheduling of events in a more timely manner! :thumb: Just IMHO!!!
  13. I least his going to the next level in choir! Unfortunately for the Red Devils it might not now be the case in basketball!!! :fire:
  14. Looks to me like the Maroon Blazer just got an ally!!!!! :eek: :lol: Lookout here comes the "Mountaineer Maniac!!!!" :ylsuper: :fight:
  15. You are right! No one can walk in anyone else's shoes!! Good points, unfortunately, all involved most likely are unhappy with the current situation.
  16. Hines Ward is doing okay w/o one!!!(ACL) I understand were you are coming from though!
  17. I heard that last night Kasey personally called Coach Dodd on the phone. :sssh: Is there a possible reunion on the near horizon!!! :confused:
  18. I personally don't think any player, in any sport, should quit or be allowed to quit by their parents during the course of a season.Obviously there could be exceptions- if a player was treated in a criminal manner, grades, etc. but for the most part excuses such as "can't get along with the coach", "just a difference of opinions", or any of the variety of the reasons that seem to come up are not acceptable. Tough it out and don't come out the following year- don't compromise your work ethic and the team. This is my view on all cases such as these not just this individual instance! "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
  19. I wouldn't take this as a "locked" scenario. I wouldn't be suprised to see him suited back up in a couple of days. Didn't something similar happen last year???
  20. That's definitely the truth!!but only if you are talking above the waist!!! :ylsuper: :sssh:
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