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Posts posted by Rock85

  1. Amazing how the Rocks have vaulted to number 1 in many people's eyes in less than a week. I kept reading how T is beatable and is going to get upset by this team and that team.

    Now, all of the sudden, we have Highlands fans and X fans (yes, you Ox) on the T bandwagon saying that the Rocks are unbeatable.

    Save it guys, we aren't buying the drivel.

    X is # 1 until someone (in state) beats them, not the other way around. Last year was just that: last year.

  2. Unbelieveable, if we go by what most are saying on this thread then Male shouldn't even show up. They did look very bad against X but that was one of those nights when nothing went right. They have improved immensely since that game, and yes there are still plenty of Male fans on BGP and we are enjoying the great season we are having and hope it will continue. I have watched Trinity twice this year and they are not unbeatable by any stretch. Should be a good game.




    Don't get yourself into a tizzy. I have not seen all of the Rock fans predicting a T demolition of the Bulldogs. You say Male is vastly improved. We say the same about our team. Anybody is beatable ( including the BCS # 1 Highlands team, :p). I agree that it should be a good game.

  3. The Rocks came out flat against Lexington Catholic. It's tough to say why, maybe because this class of Seniors has beaten them so easily since their Freshman year, it's hard to say. What I will say is this Rock team is lead by a great bunch of Seniors. They might not have the names some of the previous classes have had, but they understand the legacy that has been passed on to them. They have played the toughest schedule in school history and are growing tired of hearing how great the Freshman and Sophomore class is from their fans. When those classes achieve State Championships which we no doubt think they can, then we can look back and call them some of the best teams there ever was. Until that time, this current group of Seniors has been part of two State championship teams and realizes this is their year to lead and pass along the legacy to the younger Rocks. This team will go through the playoffs and hopefully win number 20 because of Senior leadership. Coach Beatty has said just that. Those of us close to the program understand this has always been Trinity's advantage. Go Rocks!



    That is not what I have been hearing

  4. I expect a tough game. Ballard has as good a one two punch at receiver as we will see all season. Trinity is getting better every week. The question is whether they have improved enough. Keep in mind that the Ballard coaches have seen Trinity numerous times. They have had time to develop defensive schemes. I don't doubt that they have been working on their defense against Trinity since practice started. Add in that the game is at Ballard which will keep the size of the Trinity crowd down a little, as well as the rivalry aspects and this looks like a close one.



    I am not too worried. It seems as if every year I hear how Ballard is improved, how they have this player or that player, etc, etc. The outcome seems to always be the same: A Rock victory. :thumb:

  5. Congrats X on a well played game. You have a good team and played better than us. However, I was at the game and did not see the demolition that the CJ and a few people on this thread are talking about. The total yard and 1st down stats are about the same. It was a 1 score game till the 4th qtr. The ball did not bounce Trinity's way on many occasions, but that is life. I saw much improvement by the Rock's in many areas. There is still alot of work to do, but I think the young men are coming around nicely given their inexperience. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out. :thumb:

  6. Teams that go in with this kind of "ho hum" attitude, and don't get fired up about winning are in grave danger of getting a nasty surprise! You may not like pep rallies; but they're definitely a good thing -- especiallly for teams that have little experience in such a game, or who are big underdogs. So yes, you can never be fired up enough for a championship game.


    I am not worried about any "ho hum attitudes" with Coach Beatty. I think the only pep rallies we have are for the X games, except for maybe a few exceptions over the years. I am not the least concerned about our preparation. Pep rallies are great, but being inexperienced AND too emotional before a big game can actually be a bad thing when the lights come on and it is time to buckle the chinstrap.


    GO ROCKS !!!!!!!!!

  7. That was Arrogant... SK and Trinity are both in the State Championship Game. That means they are the best two teams in KY 6A. It's not going to be a blow out, if anything it will be close. All SK has to do is withstand Trinity's first punch, and SK will come back in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter just like in the past two games.


    Final: SK-21 Trinity-17 :ylsuper:


    The 2 best teams in 6A are Trinity and St. X.

    I watched the SK-Male game on TV. We will have 17 points in the 2nd Qtr.

    Call me arrogant if you like. I like the word realist better.


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