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Posts posted by Rock85

  1. Well Horning is a little before my time. I saw Alexander play. We stopped him cold. I have to go with the homer vote of Brohm. His play against Bush in the State game was epic. Couch had the benefit of 5 years worth of stats. 5 years of stats for Brohm would have been just as or more impressive. I also agree with some of the other posters that Couch did not face near the level of competition that Brohm went up against. ( X, Elder, Montgomery Bell, Cincy X, Male, etc.) Just my opinion...

  2. I highly disagree. Petrino was able to bring his team from behind to win on Mr. Beaumont's home field. Besides being a leader, he got the job done for 2 years with a complex offense. Beaumont has some skills but has not been exposed to complex offensive nor defensive schemes. Lord knows what type of numbers Petrino would of put up if he started four years.






    We will be ok. The thing about Trinity is that we play TEAM ball. Don't get me wrong, Petrino was a great asset to our team last year. However, we were not and never will be a "one player team".

  3. I do think that the new 6 class system will help the majority of schools in KY. It will hurt the traditional powers in terms of scheduling. Those schools will have to play other power schools from different parts of the state. This could, in effect, weaken some of the power schools to an extent. You could realistically have some power schools finish the regular season with a 5-5 record (or worse). This is why the majority of schools that are against the 6 class system are the traditional powers. However, in the long run this system will benefit the 'majority' of KY schools.


    Nope. I think you have it backwards. I believe many of the "traditional powers" already play strong opponents who maybe are a little driving distance away. Again, not trying to still up a huge debate , the beef with the "traditional powers" is the weakening of KY high school football("giving away of trophies")

  4. Maybe we don't really need 6 classes. Maybe the new system was not such a good idea. But, that is a dead horse beat to dust and I am not trying to reignite a huge debate. The Rocks will be ok. We have and will continue to play out of state teams. I could see how some teams might have trouble finding opponents. If you don't have the connections already in place, it might take a while to make some alliances. I would suggest that any coaches who can't find teams to play should call up the ol' KHSAA and see what they say.

  5. I honestly DO think that Bob Beatty is a fine coach, as fine a coach as there is in this area! Please, please do not make it out to be an extraordinary feat that he wins as much as he does at a school like Trinity. He ought to win!!! I think WE ALL can agree that Trinity is not at a loss for much of ANYTHING!!! They DO have some of the best Alumni, facilities, football tradition and areas to draw prospective students from. I AM one of the few who really thinks there are a lot of coaches who could be just as successful there as Beatty has been. Many have done very well at the schools they coach but just do not get over "the hump" and win the games head to head all the time. They just need to keep working harder and nope that they can get that 1-2 wins that CAN turn the tables. I am SURE that I will be blasted for this comment but that is my opinion and I AM entitled to it.


    Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. However, it is very wrong. And as far as replacing Beatty, I do not think our next coach will waltz in and win 5 championships in 7 years. ( It would be nice, but unlikely) Thinking that whoever walks in the door can take a bunch of kids and automatically be that sucessful is shortsighted logic.

  6. I don't think the intent is to totally remove the rivalry. Woody always called Michigan "that school up north". I think some remarks while snide, are OK.


    I think that some comments by T & X fans on BGP directed towards other T & X fans offend NON T & X fans more than the people who the comments were directed towards in the 1st place. It seems that these non T & X fans take this stuff much more seriously than we do.

  7. The MBA team that beat Trinity early in '06 suffered injuries like no other MBA team has ever seen soon thereafter. MBA lost its #1 QB in the Trinity game to a torn ACL, and his backup that engineered the Trinity win was lost two weeks later for the season. MBA was relegated to a sophomore QB with no experience for the last six games, and therefore a single-wing offense that was virtually a complete 180 from the offense MBA typically employs. In addition, nine other starters were lost at some point during the season. While MBA is private, for a school with about 30-40% the number of male students as Trinity, those were huge losses. Combine decimating injuries with what was once again a tough league, and you have a 4-6 record that is somewhat misleading.


    Was MBA a below average team at season's end? Absolutely. But MBA's program remains second in Tennessee in all-time wins, and there's no shame in the Trinity loss to that program (nor that team at full manpower in Week 1) early in the year.


    Good luck to both squads this weekend.


    Thanks for some FACTS Red. You are always a class act. See you next year.


  8. Congratulations Rocks !!!!!!!!!!! Another classic game against Male. It is a shame that #1. Somebody had to lose, and #2 This was not for the state title. That Male team was as good as any I have seen, (Bush included). We are already planning the "road trip". Nothing like Rock football on Thanksgiving weekend.


    GO ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. 85, just the ones on here. Over a 100 posts about Male having the game at their place. You have to remember what it is. And I'm from Alabama where people shoot people at work after the Bama and wartigers game, my two Aunts (sisters) do not speak to each other. I got more.


    I understand. Not quite like that here, but the Trinity faithful are a passionate lot. (especially around playoff time). :thumb:

  10. Take a "DEEP BREATH " Rock fans. Its not that serious. If the Rocks win, So be it they'll move on and we will be OK. If we win same thing. These kids win or lose will be back to doing teenager things in the next few days. TD Great comeback...I have a son on the team and if we lose in the next few weeks doesn't make this kid a "Lesser Man".


    Not that serious? Don't know too many Rock fans, do you Larry? ;)

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