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Posts posted by Rock85

  1. I didn't say they aren't following their own rules for their own district etc. What I am saying is I get tired of the Trinity's etc. always looking down on the other schools across the state because if you want to know the truth you know rules that some follow aren't the same rules others follow. Never said anything about them breaking any rules, it's just rules are different some places than other places. Each school ditrict follows a certain set of rules. Some say it's their fault for not having the same set of rules etc. I say it's just different strokes for different folks.

    and in the end it would be more balanced if everyone used the same set of rules.


    So if you can't see the difference than I can't help you. I just get so tired of the same arrogant comments and always putting down the majority of schools across the state simply because they do things differently.


    I look at it this way. The schools that most of the people look down on, the same people that make threads and floats ideas like this year in and year out are much better stories when they make it to the big game than those schools that are annually playing for thier title. Do I pull for teams like Cooper and the incredible seasons they had over teams like Trinity who simply continue to reload year in and year out? Yes, because schools like Cooper have to overcome a lot more than schools like Trinity.


    So be upset at me if you wish, I just get tired of the continuing talk about how the elite schools are the only ones that matter.


    Give me a cinderalla story like the 1980 US Hockey team over the annual right of passage of the New York Yankees.


    Yes these teams I pull for will more times than not get their butts handed to them in ttitle games, but it doewsn't take anything away from the journey they had to make to get there.


    What are you talking about? You are making a very broad statement there. Do you get mad when we pick ourselves over other KY teams by large margins? I have noticed that most of the "over the top" comments in out threads come from people who aren't even Trinity fans. IMHO KY high scholl football is pretty weak. Not trying to be arrogant, just a realist. As far as the rules go, we just follow them, not create them. Let the hate go, life is too short

  2. Lol. How exactly does a team prepare for a James Quick led offense anyhow.

    They dont, they basically just have to hope he gets dinged up and cant play.

    Quick can score anywhere on the field about 4 different ways and nobody can really prepare for that.

    On the other hand, without Quick, it becomes much easier to prepare for average and some above average HS football players vs preparing for a freaking world class sprinter. JMO.


    Yep, the Rocks are definitely a 1 man team. :rolleyes:

  3. Small crowd. Really low on X side.

    Great start for X. Loved the trick play where Walker passed. They owned the first quarter.

    Hated it when X team and fans cheered Quicks injury. I was there, don't tell me it didn't happen. I think it may be a neck injury.

    Sorry Walker was injured and I hope the Dakota____ player is OK (he left on a stretcher too with leg injury.

    Excellent defense both ways.

    Dawkins over 100 yards... huge. X total team rushing maybe 75-80 yards.

    X played really good pass defense.

    Final point... why didn't X let trinity score at the end. They would have been down 8 but had a chacne to tie, then win.


    Yes I was there too and it did happen. inexcusable IMHO

  4. "What is to come of that game? Who knows?"

    What do you mean who knows? Everybody on here should know!!! If that game is to happen in the 3rd round then we all know how it will turn out. It will be a BLOWOUT by Trinity like it has been for the last few years now. Nothing has changed.





    Don't get him started Papa. Can we at least wait until game week? :sssh:

  5. :rolleyes:JCC is trying to win one of the national championships. They are #! on Rivals and are taking heat for having a weak OOC schedule. They are trying to beef it up at the last second by filling an open date. Trinity has an open date on the same weekend. I think Beatty wanted the open date where it is to have an extra week to prepare for Moeller. Plus, it works out good too that we have time heal from a bunch of injuries. It is a shame mean old Trinity can't drop what they are doing and fit in a team team they no nothing about. Ridiculous that Beatty can't see the logic in placing the welfare of another school in front of his team. :rolleyes:

    As for Boscoe last year, it was reported on the local news that the KHSAA shot that down

  6. I heard Hathcer is fine tweaked ankle that was already tweaked

    Walker not so fine. Tackler lead with head-DIRECTLY AT HIS KNEES. A few stitches in left knee... right knee is sprained mcl. Really unnecessary and defenseless hit Probably a quarter inch away from some serious stuff . Are they teaching that at rock nation ??.


    I think you need to calm down, accept the loss and move on. Accusing Trinity of intentionally trying to injure someone is baseless and just wrong.

  7. First of all, on the topic of the thread, I think T wins, but frankly I haven't seen either team this year. I do think it will be closer only because T seems to have closer games this year, and may be beatable.

    Nobody likes to win as much as me. I have never agreed with T's decision to conduct national searches for High School coaches. This is high school, not college. On the other hand, X always seems to promote or hire from within, which I think can be a problem at times. I am not sold on Wolford as coach yet.

    My sons played for Coach Glaser, and they and their friends, both players and reserves, have a respect for Mike which I think is important. I think he has taught the right values, and this is an all important part of his program. He has the "10 year plan"-He wants everyone to see his players, win or lose, 10 years after they graduate.

    I have no problem with T, its players, coaches, etc. I do not consider myself an elitist. I just agree with the program's direction, without agreeing on the offense.

    Mike will be at X after he quits coaching. I don't think Coach Beatty has the loyalty to the school outside of football, to remain and teach. This simply goes to the national search issue.

    Good luck to both teams. Go Tigers! And I hope neither tean suffers any injuries.




    I have heard that when Beatty quits coaching at Trinity he will return to MO where he is from I believe and owns property. That is fine with me. I find nothing disloyal about that. What I find disturbing is that the X faithful always bring up that Glaser teaches values, does things the right way, etc etc etc. like Beatty is some unethical rogue. And from what i have heard from X grad co-workers, Glaser did not "quit"

  8. Sorry... I disagree... I could give you 5 pee wee coaches in Lexington alone that could win with those teams... are you kidding me? Are you seriously going to place all the credit on coaching? OMG!!! Just when I thought I had heard it all... sorry dude... you just had the fastest horses...


    You are so very very wrong. Beatty and his staff are the best coaches in the state if not region. His halftime adjustments have won many games for the Rocks. If you don't want to give credit where credit is due, fine, but the pee wee comment is ridiculous at best.

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