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Posts posted by Rock85

  1. This game scares me. Both Ben Davis and Warren Central have in the past handled top competition from KY and Ohio fairly easilly and it looks like Cathedral gave bot of them all they wanted. Add to that the elephant in the room (X and the first district game next week) and this match up makes me nervous.


    I agree. I am not scared but the people picking us to score 70 something points are nuts. Ben Davis has destoyed the Rocks in the past and I bet Elder never wants to see Warren Central again. Those are the gold standard programs in IN and Cathedral beat Ben Davis and almost beat Warren Central. I too saw Cathedral on tv. I saw a VERY big team that is well coached. I think this will be a good game.

  2. Well this has been fun so far! I have gone to every game this season. In both of the TN games I thought we played pretty good, but could improve in many areas. Told my friends

    that when things really started to click, it could get scary. Elder saw a glimpse of scary last night. Beatty's teams always get better as the season progresses. We seem to be

    pulling out more things each game. I know some on here do not care for Trinity. However, I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am watching us beat the crud out of these

    TN and OH teams. Time for some payback next week!!!!! We need to bring the whole Rock Nation up there....... GO ROCKS!!!!!!!

  3. Well, in the T games I have been to over the past six years they DO :thumb: And in a post from last I said the the difference between X and T. The players, coaches, and fans from X have class. In fact most T game I have gone to I have left feeling embarassed to be Catholic.


    If I were you, I would be embarassed for posting bs. :thumb:

  4. A quote from a TN site:


    "I heard there were more fans in the stands last Friday night at BA from KY than TN so Trinity at home will be more than tough. Still it is hard to believe any HS team from Kentucky can be so highly ranked. I would be more worried if the team was from say Alabama, Texas, or Florida"


    The fans don't seem too impressed with the Rocks.

  5. Listened to it on the way home from the St. X game and it sounded like a total beat down. Trinity is in a league of their own right now. The only comment I can make is why was Beatty playing his 1's on offense and defense when he was up by 4 touchdowns in the early 4th quarter ? Is depth a problem ?


    i could be wrong on this but i think it is a combination of 2 things. The first is that I think we have a rotation of about 15 players on offense and defense. You will see a

    combination of these players at any given time. I think someone said in an update thread that we were sending in 2 players on offense and 1 for defense on EACH play. I was

    there and I think that poster was about right. Those players are going to get their reps. Out depth is an advantage, not a problem. i think we wore Brentwood out. They had

    players cramping. We did not.

    The second reason is I heard that Brentwood recently was supposed to have scrimmage. Beatty and some other coaches drove down to see it, only to find out that it had been

    cancelled. No one from Brentwood called to inform the Trinity coaches. 6 hours of driving for nothing might irritate me a little.

    I think it is probably a little of both.

  6. Looking forward to the trip to TN Friday. I hope we are taken lightly. Hard to believe they (Brentwood) will not be ready to play a good team. Yes, we did lose to MBA 3 out of 4, but if memory serves me correct, those games were very close and could have gone either way. Arrogance does not win football games and we going down there to win.

  7. RE one of the reasons that Trinity and StX, and formerly Flaget, usually have great teams is alumni involvement. The alumni want their teams to do well, try to influence good players to go to that school, make donations to improve the school and get good coaches and go to the games. Another reason is discipline at school. I think it is somewhat analagous to a capitalist entity competing against a government entity. The government can not build a new stadium for every public school but Trinity and StX alumni spent the money to build new football stadiums and practice facilities.

    So in some ways you are correct that the private schools have the advantage. It is not, however, because Trinity and StX take players throughout the county but the fact that good players want to go to Trinity and StX because they want good coaching and a good education.

    Very few publics schools in Jefferson County (except Male, Manual and some others) have any tradition. They have few alumni who care about the football program. Attendance at games is pitiful.

    Why does Highlands have the advantage? I would guess that the alumni are very supportive of the program.


    Bob, you are a wise man. However, most

    will not listen to your sound reasoning.

  8. A lot of schools work hard, but only one has the largest male enrollment in the state and pays for top athletes in the county and nearby state to attend their school. Who do you people think you are kidding? With that being said, Trinity does what they are supposed to do given their resources - WIN! I applaud them for that, but I don't knock any school with half the male enrollment and way less than half the number of players for not playing them.


    Sparky buddy, please don't post garbage like this. You are making yourself look bad. Stick with some facts if you have any.

  9. DFW area is the best high school football in the country- yes. I know what the rankings say, but IMO there is not a DFW team you listed that Highlands or Trinity could beat.



    I see that the experts on Trinity and Highlands football are back telling everyone who is better than us. Do you all hate year-round? :lol::lol:

  10. I hate these polls. They are absolutely worthless. St X. (OH) isn't even ranked and they beat Trinity on Trinity's home field. I can name atleast 5 teams in the Cincinnati area alone who are not on that list that were better than Trinity.



    The season is over man, let the hate go for a little while. None of the Cincy schools want to play us next year. We have openings, tell any of them to give us a call. :rolleyes:

  11. This just in to the news desk... Schools like Triity and St. X have something called "tuition". It means you pay money.... a lot of money for what the school brings to the table. I have not seen a lot of ink on the sacrifices families make to send their kids there. Some of you BGPers make it sound like limos are sent around town to brings the chosen ones to the school. I work my tail of to send my kids to the school I think will give them the best shot at life. So if you're not willing to sacrifice your big blue season tickets, new bass boat motor and shotgun shells for an education fine, but don't make me and my brothers into the bad guys.


    Don't waste your time. Let the haters hate. They don't understand, never have, never will.

  12. I have no ties to either of these 2 teams...but correct me if I am wrong...but didn't Male beat Trinity in basketball ( Regionals ) and baseball ( Regional Finals I believe)? Believe the Rocks were heavily favored to win both of these.....that's why you play the game!! Still think Trinity beats them handily.



    What are these things you call basketball and baseball?????

  13. Well, well, I see the playoffs have brought out the usual amount of T haters. The added bonus of X hypocrites was no big surprise. The racism did surprise me. Was Beatty wrong? Don't know. I, like most on here, do not know the whole story. I will support our coach on any decisions he makes for our football team. I have never seen such a bunch of crud on 1 thread in my life. Alot of you need to get a life. This is just high-school football people. Calling kids thugs and bringing up race? Just a game guys, get over it. Oh, and CF, we will get you a report on exactly why Beatty made every call for the St X game this Friday as soon as the game is over.

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