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Everything posted by CCH05

  1. Lets hope that when GW leaves office, that we can manage to keep his high intel advisors in some capacity.After all they were correct on WMD and mission accomplished. As some mentioned about former Pres. Carter, truth be told GW was worst.
  2. Once upon a time a GREAT American and the greatest president in my life time asked one question. Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago? Personally I and my family are.However, my country that I love very much as well, but many of my fellow Americans are not. It's time to change Washington, we the people need better leadership moving forward and not more division.
  3. His personal views and teachings of the bible are night and day. I do not accept my all of my pastor's personal views, however, I do accept the words and teaching from the bible. GOD'S words in print. We agree to disagree.
  4. Obama pastor not spiritual mentor is a racist, that we can agree on However, to say that you don't no of any personal relationship were your associates were racist. Did their views become yours? Guilt is not always by association.
  5. Talk about drinking from the fountain of spin.
  6. For one to over come the Clinton Machine and The Right wing Republicans Machine is one HUGE CHALLENGE.
  7. I disagree. Out of respect for the office of U.S.A. President, rather you respect the man or not. A better approach would have been ..... at this time sir, I have a scheduling conflict. I did not vote for Clinton either time to set the record straight.
  8. Why does Dan Quall come to mind, after lame duck?
  9. Lame duck VP. We must not be talking about the same Dick Cheney.
  10. Halliburton had a nice growth in revenue during the Bush and Cheney admin. Cheney was chief executive officer of Halliburton from 1995 through August 2000. The company's KBR subsidiary is the main government contractor working to restore Iraq's oil industry in an open-ended contract that was awarded without competitive bidding. According to Cheney's 2001 financial disclosure report, the vice president's Halliburton benefits include three batches of stock options comprising 433,333shares. In 2002, Cheney's total assets were valued at between $19.1 million and $86.4 million. Today over $325 million. It wasn't about lying it was about stealing. Bush is a better liar and Cheney a better thief. US tax dollars over spent on Halliburton government contracts. In W we trust right? I did I don't anymore.
  11. To sum it up a team player. Just wants the W.:thumb:
  12. Then you complain about social programs, unwed mothers, and crime. I and my wife chose the responsibility to raise our childrens, some parent are not fit to raise children. Their choice is not my business nor problem. Have you adopt a child lately? Then dont preach pro-life if you have not.
  13. Congrats Holmes! Now finish to job.:ylsuper:
  14. Well there is some old thoughts that did exist and still do at times, in this country, that made some feel that way.
  15. What does being white and acceptable mean. Being God, country, family and hard working decent people.
  16. Obama and Wright, McCain and Hagel. Looks to me to be...... speration of church and state. I dont believe Obama any more non- American than I am, and I will died for this country I LOVE. Race is a problem and will for the next 40 years continue to be a problem in this country. The key is just to respect each other's difference and live life. When one attempts to inpros ones belief,without total acceptance, differences are not respected.
  17. In South Africa in 1980. There is not much difference in Mr. Wright beliefs and Pat Buchanan and Mr.Buchanan served in the Reagan WH. President Reagan was a good president. "The Suicide of the G.O.P." to his view that the Republican Party's new strategy to court minority votes at the expense of its traditional base will spell doom for the Republican Party. author Pat Buchanan
  18. Maybe, he should have thrown him under the bus like Pres. Bush did Sen. Lott, for saying on Sen. Thurmond 90th birthday that he would have made a good president.
  19. He's an American hero and served his country with love and passion.I voted for McCain in 2000 over Bush. McCain was the best candidate at that time, the country chose Pres.Bush, now at 72 in that position its tough. It will depend on his selection of a vp that will decide my vote.
  20. There are thousands of politicians that have and still do walk with people like Mr. Wright that are serving and have served our country well. We just didn't see the tape, does that make them all questionable as well? They know they have and none has resigned. I don't support affirmative action or busing when it occurred, but race is an issue that we as a country can not continue to put on a back burner.
  21. Like many Americans I watched Sen. Barack Obama deliver his speech titled "A More Perfect Union." I watched in a state of minor shock, not so much at the deftness with which he defused the sophomoric conflation of his call for national unity with the inflammatory rhetoric of the retired head pastor of his church -- a conflation that would imply that we must each swallow whole the entirety of views expressed by our friends and associates. It was not his repudiation of small thinking that struck me. It was the fact that here we had an American politician speaking with both candor and compassion about the proverbial elephant in our national living room. Race is an issue that continues to confound this country. It is an undercurrent that paints our description, understanding and valuation of people in American society whether spoken or not. It is the subtext that places NBA star LeBron James and Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen on the cover of Vogue, in uncomfortable caricature of brute and ingénue. It is in the minds of some the very reason a person of color would even be considered a serious candidate for the presidency of the nation -- never mind that three centuries into the American experiment there has been to date, only one such person. I watched Obama's speech with a measure of disbelief that he had the gumption to come out and say what we all know -- that the problem of race remains one that we as a nation have yet to conquer. To be sure we have made strides towards reconciliation. But the hard conversations continue to be harder than most are willing to deal with. Black America has yet to come to grips with its responsibility to tackle head on the problems that plague our communities. White America has yet to acknowledge the fact that here in the "home of the free," true liberty has evaded many for far too long. Too often these conversations are ended before they've truly begun, due to the ignorance, intransigence or simple unwillingness of people to acknowledge the validity of what the other side has to say. Who can honestly argue that black America is not today contributing mightily to its own social, cultural and economic decline? Who can honestly argue that white America has not been willfully blind and too often complicit in the injustices that continue to be visited upon people born with darker hue or stranger accent? Who will have both the courage and the commitment to the promise of universal justice and equity that undergirds our country, to call upon the nation to move beyond the divisive rhetoric of racial "one-upmanship" and to embrace the challenge of fulfilling that promise? Apparently a junior senator from Illinois by the name of Barack Obama. For days pundits have pondered whether Sen. Obama could weather the controversy over Rev. Jeremiah Wright's racially polarizing comments. The question at this juncture is not whether the candidate will rise to the occasion, but rather, whether America will. Derrick Ashong
  22. Former Pres. Reagan and BushI invited and welcome Falwell to the WH and all knew his views and stance on race. However, either former President was bias. The issue is simply and excuses should not be made. Because one would not vote for any black man does not make one a bigot. Race in America will be a problem in America, untill everyone both black and white over 35 are dead. It sad but it true.
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