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Everything posted by Cdirty107

  1. It's a tough matchup, but it will basically be a home game for the Cards. AM is the one who really got the shaft, having to more than likely face UL in Lexington in the second round.
  2. Don't think Duke deserved a 6 seed. I thought they would come in as an 8, but they have to play an extremely athletic team in VCU. Not a good matchup for the Devils at all.
  3. Sounds right, except I was really surprised Florida was the overall #1. I feel like they are the best team in the nation, but I didn't think the committee would reward them as they did after losing 3 games late in the season.
  4. :thumb: I was just getting ready to post the same thing. While they won't be a number 1 seed, they'll definitely be one of the favorites and one of the popular picks to win it all. They have quite possibly the best front court in the nation, which is the most important part when you get down to the last couple of games.
  5. :sssh: I'm right there with you though. I never thought 5/6 of the #1 seeds would even make it to the championship game. At least I called Kansas though.
  6. Sounds like a heck of a game. Walton played Oldham really tough a couple years back in the first round of the region, sounds like they did it again tonight as well. I see Anderson beat Henry 52-51 earlier in the night, so it looks like it will be an OC-Anderson semifinal.
  7. Are you serious? If you watch the clip, you can see that Wojo keeps his body stiff like that even after McGloire gets off of him. He just about fakes the whole thing. It was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen, and listening to Billy Packer describe it makes it even worse.
  8. Wojo, without a doubt. Absolutely couldn't stand the guy when he played, mainly for this reason.
  9. Any reason for this, or do they just alternate every few years? I'm fairly certain it used to be the other way around, with the boys playing a week before the girls.
  10. Zambrano guaranteed a World Series and a Cy Young for himself yesterday. They got the tools to do it, let's just hope they can stay healthy.
  11. Can anyone tell me why the tournament has been pushed back this year? In the past, the first round games were played on the Monday and Tuesday following the weekend district finals and the semi's and championship game were played on Friday and Saturday. The Sweet 16 would start up the following Wednesday. I see it is different this year with the final two rounds not being played until next Tuesday and Wednesday. Does anyone know why this is?
  12. Credibility probably wasn't the right choice of words, but I just don't see how you still believe South is a better Team than Oldham after OC has beaten them 3 times. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. :thumb: Good Luck to you and Gallatin in the Regions. They have had quite the season and it sounds like they are light years ahead of where they were back when I played ball.
  13. Never said I thought OC would win it, but I think they will play SK much tougher if the two meet in the finals. That's a big if though, lots of ball to be played.
  14. You continue to lose a lot of credibility when making this statement. Oldham has beaten South THREE times this year, yet you still think South is better then them. I'm guessing you have only seen Oldham play once, against SK, and are judging them based on this one game. If OC is able to make it to the finals, you may be surprised on how well they will come out and play SK, or whoever else it may be.
  15. Didn't we ban you from doing anymore of these after the Marquette-Big East Regular Season Champion version. :sssh: :lol: Seriously, I think you're right on with this one, and it may not even be one of them. If I had to take a guess, I would go with Kansas.
  16. Got it off the Catspause so you had to expect something like that. :lol:
  17. Here's the video guys, see what you think. Henderson Hits Hansbrough Still looks like an accident to me. Henderson's palm being open makes me think he was going for a hard block or foul and just ended up connecting with his forearm.
  18. Just saw it on SportsCenter and I will give Henderson the benefit of the doubt. I've played a lot of ball and when you're going to block someone and their shot is altered before you get there, your arm motion can look very funny. Henderson had his palm open when he went in, which tells me he was looking for the block. I think he came in wanting to either block the shot or make sure Hansbrough didn't get it off, but I just don't think he meant to hit him in the nose that hard.
  19. Even considering Oldham beat both Shelby and Gallatin?
  20. The one guy I wish UK had playing against Noah is Jamaal McGloire. Would love to see Noah try that stuff against him. It would get ugly quick, that guy was no nonsense with that kind of thing.
  21. Same 'ol story for the Cats this season. Played very well in the first half and just couldn't match it in the second. Too much one on one and that had something to do with Morris being out most of the time. Picking up that 3rd foul to start the half really hurt, but that's starting to become his MO. Perry played out of his mind, hopefully it will continue. Gotta try and get Jodie Meeks more time. Right now I see no reason to play Jasper more than 10 minutes a game. It's like 4 against 5 on the offensive side. On another note, It's been a long time since I hated watching a player play as much as I do Joakim Noah. Just absolutely can not stand the kid. One of these days he's going to pull those chest beating stunts on the wrong guy and get slammed. Kind of disappointed that no player for UK stood up to him.
  22. Texas plays some of the worst defense in the nation. They can put up some points, but I see them being an early out in the tourney unless they can improve their D.
  23. Stephon Pettigrew and E-town were knocked out tonight by North Hardin. I'd consider it an upset since E-town won the previous two meetings by a combined 30 points.
  24. Reaching out and grabbing at a player is considered intentional. The Texas player didn't attempt to make a play on the ball. Very tough for a ref to make that call at the end of the game, however.
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