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Everything posted by leatherneck

  1. Ooops, sorry about that. I misunderstood your post.
  2. It is. Henry and I have one of Champ's sisters and Family Tradition has another one of his sisters.
  3. Nice looking pup.:thumb: Looks somewhat familiar to one I've seen a lot of recently.
  4. If Coach Marksberry does what I have bolded in your post, SK's chances of winning state did not improve much (if at all) from last year to this year. T and X are just too good year in and year out to be beaten by a one dimensional offense flowing primarily through one player. I don't know this Hansel kid, but if he's as good as you say he is, Marksberry better get him the ball a lot so opposing Ds can't just focus on Simpson. And as NEERFAN pointed out, they need to improve their passing game to further diversify their O. In my opinion, and it may be wrong admittedly, SK can go deep in the playoffs riding Simpson, but they cannot win state or even be competitive in the state game if they just ride Simpson. Good luck to the Neers. I'd love to see them pick off those dang Shamrocks or Tigers in the State game for multiple reasons.
  5. Thanks my friend. And Keenan, if you read this site I apologize for not remembering your name properly. You looked good in Spring ball (particularly your first step and footwork). Keep working hard.
  6. When people cite the Texas vs White case they need to keep certain things in mind: 1. it was decided almost 150 years ago; and 2. it was decided right after the Civil War. I seriously wonder if the same decision would be reached today. Furthermore, it applied the Constitution then in effect. In my scenario, the Constitution would first be amended to permit secession before secession could occur. I know of no provision in the Constitution that prevents the Constitution from being amended to permit secession. If you know of one, please point it out. Furthermore even if there is such a provision, couldn't the Constitution be amended to eliminate that provision and then amended to permit secession? Is there some provision in the Constitution that states that certain provisions are above amendment? Frankly, your comment about the US failing if voluntary participation was permitted sounds like something Putin would utter in justifying Russia's invasion of Georgia, etc. to restore the Soviet Union. If voluntary participation caused certain states to withdraw because their citizens no longer want to be part of the United States and thus the United States to end as you suggest it would, I'd unfortunately be fine with it. No state should be forced to be in the United States. If revolution and the use of guns is an acceptable method to throw off a govt that the people disagree with, why can't a peaceful means such as secession be acceptable? Personally I think the threat of secession would restore some power to State rights and diffuse the out of control federal power system present in modern United States. I don't think that secession would happen willy nilly; but would only occur in the most severest of situations when the people of a state become so disenfranchised with the federal govt that those citizens were willing to forego all the benefits of being in the United States in order to have self determination. Please don't think I am not very loyal to this great country of ours. I am and I think my background establishes that. But I don't want to force any people; any state to belong to this country. If they want to be part of the United States, great. But if they do not, then I don't thing I should force them to belong. I ask you how united can the United States truly be when you force a people; when you force a state, by force of the gun to belong to the United States? We aren't united, rather we are a divided house constantly squabbling and struggling, unable to find consensus on things to move forward and instead tearing ourselves apart due to our disagreements. I'd rather let them leave the house and form their own one then tear mine apart due to our disagreements.
  7. Snyder is the name of the young man from Carlisle. Johnson looked pretty good playing O tackle, although the coaches may decide to keep him on D only. Another player that looked good in Spring was Weegan or Keegan (I don't know why I just can't keep this kid's name right in my mind). And I wouldn't count out the Meyers boy either. Conditioning and weightlifting between now and practice beginning will have a large say in who mans the open O line spots. I won't be so bold to say this unit will be the best O line in the state (how can one really know) but they should be very, very good if everyone keeps working hard.
  8. I'd be in favor of amending the Constitution to allow any state to secede based on a 2/3ds vote of the people in that state. Why should we force some state to be a part of the United States anyway? Seems almost un-American to force the people of a state to continue to be part of the United States if they don't want to part of the U.S. If they leave they can't come back unless they are accepted by a requisite number of states. What wrong with allowing states to secede?
  9. We are scrimmaging Male at Highlands on I believe August 14th according to the schedule I've seen. We play Manual in a game on August 21st.
  10. Don't know if that's the case in this situation, but I do know that it (held back in middle school for athletic reasons) happens way too often in this state. Very sad and disappointing in my opinion. It's a shame some parents don't put as much emphasis on their kids getting ahead academically as they do athletically; although when I've seen it happen and got to know the parents involved, I'm no longer surprised. What disappoints me is that some school administrators go along with it because a parent does not have a right to hold a kid back; the principal has to approve it. I've seen instances where a kid was doing fine academically in school and had no maturity or adjustment issues, but was allowed by the principal to repeat the 8th grade for no good reason. Sorry to get off topic. This is just a hot button issue in Ky athletics for me.
  11. Ditto. And Gunner, congrats on the new baby. She is a cutie pie!
  12. I have it with high authority (the highest actually) that due to delay of the General Assembly to review and approve various rule changes, interschool 7 on 7s are permitted this June. So at least for this summer, the rule is the same as last year. IF the General Assembly approves the rule change involving interschool 7s in June, it will not be effective until June of next year.
  13. There is a good reason you forgot me: I don't belong even being mentioned in this discussion. The success I enjoyed and accolades I received were totally a result of the system I played in and the great players I played with. We don't win state that year and I go from being a first team All State selection to an honorable mention (at best) selection to the all Northern Campbell County team. But thanks anyway and Semper Fi back at you my friend.:thumb:
  14. I don't mean to be disrespectful to those who have voiced their opinion on this question, but it's impossible to logically conclude who is the best Bluebird ever. I'm not being a politician by not naming someone. Unfortunately, I am due to my training and profession a slave to logic (it drives Henry nuts). I generally don't form opinions without defendable facts and logic supporting my opinion. There are way too many intangibles and changes to the game that have occured over the decades to compare one player to another player that played 10, much less 40, years ago. Sorry (and you can now put down your popcorn and take a drink of pop. )
  15. No doubt there would be some changes on the list (I know for certain that I wouldn't make it this time ). The outcome of the list would be influenced heavily, as this thread has been, by the age of the people voting/posting.
  16. Heck Mama, you've got me so interested in seeing how Harlan Co. does, I might have to make a road trip to see these kids play. Hope they are as good as advertised. If so, we should get the opportunity to host the Bears in the playoffs.
  17. Sure we would. We just wouldn't be complaining about minor, insignificant things like this issue; rather it would be stuff like CovCath's former football coach or the Park Hills Mafia.
  18. Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, particularly your's my friend. I think folks are just getting a little bit silly in their criticisms. I'd think with the current economy people would have bigger problems to worry about than what Barnhart said in press conference. Perhaps not. Maybe the economy has turned around after all.
  19. Do you know any successful person that has never been haughty at some point in his life or never rubbed some people the wrong way? Honestly? I don't. Geez. The last perfect person they crucified. Let's get real here and stop the silliness. Barnhart thought it was important to discuss those matters. Others don't. Big blooming deal.
  20. The criticisms of the press conference belong being placed in the "Nattering nabobs of negativity" file. You people really surprise me.
  21. It's a normal human reaction to wonder. People always wonder about why certain people and programs are more successful than others. Some attribute it to God given talent, work ethic and committment; others attribute it to cheating. Heck, just look at the public private debates in re Ky high school athletics and you can see the situation big time. I like all the others have no proof that Calipari has cheated in the past. Some UK fans (and yes they are fans) are just super skeptical about Calipari out of their deep love of the program and fear that we could incur sanctions again. They don't want to re-live that embarrassment and negative impact to the program. Their skepticism delves from their love of UK. Fans of other programs are skeptical because they are concerned about how successful UK is going to be. Again, it's just human nature. Fans of successful programs have gotten use to those baseless accusations. It comes with the territory of being at the top. If Calipari did something wrong at UMass (something the NCAA couldn't find and you KNOW that they searched hard and long...no 48 hr due diligence issue there) it nonetheless was 13 or so years ago. Even if he did something wrong way back then, it seems as if he learned from that mistake. If the NCAA thought Calipari had done something wrong at UMass or was even tangentially involved, but they just couldn't prove it, you know they'd have been his knickers so close when he coached at Memphis, was involved with WWW and brought in so many good players, that if he had done something wrong at Memphis, the NCAA would have found it. I actually find comfort in the fact that, inspite of his "shady" reputation, he has not been found to have violated any NCAA rules. And common sense (which isn't too common these days) should lead people to believe that Calipari knows he will be under the microscope at UK, not only by Sandy, Todd and some skeptical sportswriters (who will constantly be digging to prove themselves right on his character) but by other programs and coaches if he is as successful as I think he is going to be, and will run a clean program because of all the scrutiny. I again raise the Brooks example. He had his local critics questioning his involvement in an NCAA incident at a former coaching job. Yet he's done nothing but run a really clean football program at UK since he's arrived. I believe that Calipari will also.
  22. I agree that 48 hours may seem to some like a short vetting period. However, how does he know for certain that all the vetting was done in the short time between the firing and hiring? Isn't it possible that before Gillespie was even fired, some background work on possible candidates was being conducted? How do we know for certain that Calipari hasn't been on Barnhart's radar screen for quite some time and that Barnhart hasn't been looking into Calipari since December, or January or February?
  23. Said in the press conference 19 of his last 22 seniors graduated/will graduate. That's really strong. Don't know if that just a blip and the longer history is poor or that's indicative of the graduation rate since he's been at Memphis.
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