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Everything posted by "old"shooter

  1. Congratulations to Bryan Station. I still think that Mason will be the team to beat at Rupp.
  2. Congratulations to Bath Co. Looks like Lewis Co. is getting ready for District play. When it gets to this time of year anything can happen.
  3. All four of the 64th District teams had a win going into next weeks District play. Congratulations to all. I think three of those wins were against the 63rd District.
  4. Glad to see the Royals get some quality bench play. Great game by Quankenbush. I think spindoc"jr" got in the score book. Good game Royals.
  5. Or you could say multi-"taxing":thumb: Great job on the updates.:ylsuper:
  6. This is no way a slam to the officials who have been selected to do the state tournaments from the 16th,but don't they usually choose officials from all the regions to do the state tournaments? I honestly don't know.
  7. Nothing against the guys. I haven't seen Mr.Billman this year(maybe Rose Hill scratached him) Mr.Hall does an okay job, but Marla does an excellant job. This is just my oppinion. Maybe if I watched the game with headphones on and a mic in front of me I might be able to form a better oppinion.:thumb:
  8. Now that is funny.:banana: One of my favorites to use after the ref has called a foul "...it was an accident she/he didn't mean to do it.." This usually will get a smile from the ref.
  9. I would have picked Ashland to win but not by 31. Good win Kittens. I hope the Ferguson girl for Elliott is okay. I think that the Ashland fans should go ahead and make their reservations in Bowling Green.
  10. 5pt Rockcastle Co. 3pt Williamsburg Harrison Co. 1pt Dayton Ryle West Jessamine Wolf Co. Madison Central Russell Co. Allen Central Tiebreaker 114
  11. I will pick Bath to win this one. I don't think that East will be able to stop Clemons.
  12. Congratulations to the Lady Raiders. Any stats on this game?
  13. Very sorry to hear about the Vanderhoof girl. I hope that it isn't serious. And I agree this could be why the Lady Rams only scored 23.
  14. Good win for Morgan Co. Does this give Morgan the #1 seed in the District? They may have already had that position.
  15. They must be able to really spread out their defense. It is no secret that Elliott lives by the 3. Good win for the Royals. Two of Elliott County's losses this year was to the Royals(Mason and Rose Hill).
  16. I am not surprised that Mason won but I am surprised that Elliott only scored 61.
  17. Congratulations to the Kittens. I saw Huntington St.Joe play in their tournament.They are young but a good team.
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