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R1 sports fan

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Everything posted by R1 sports fan

  1. The only team to beat Mayfield had an Offensive line as big as this, the states leading receiver in yards and touchdowns, and the states leading rusher at the time. They also picked off Stinson 3 times, and only won by 10. I can’t see Somerset being able to emulate that, I’ll go with Mayfield 45-28.
  2. Teams seem to be pretty even, but I will take Mayfield due to Joe Morris and his staff.
  3. Trinity and Male are on a completely different level from the rest of the state.
  4. Mayfield is battle tested, always plays a great schedule, including a good team out of Memphis, Paducah Tilghman, McCracken County, and Madisonville North-Hopkins. All very good teams.
  5. Any idea what it was? He went back in the game last week, but could have just been adrenaline.
  6. North most likely won’t be able to get a lot of pressure on Trinity’s QB, didn’t get any last week against McCracken, McCracken does have a good O-line, but would assume Trinity does too. The field conditions aided some of that, but same conditions expected today.
  7. Your best chance is to run right at north, McCracken had some sustained success running right at them, but they to much team speed to get wide.
  8. For all the flack Mayfield’s defense has received, it’s really been a pretty solid group outside of the McCracken and the Madisonville games, and Beechwood does not bring the offensive line, running backs or receivers that those teams did.
  9. Mayfield has 4 legit receivers to go along with Stinson too. I can’t see Beechwood being able to keep up.
  10. Field conditions were not very good, by the end of the McCracken game it was a mud pit.
  11. If you want to score on Mayfield you better bring a really big O-Line, that’s been the constant with all the teams that have scored on the Cardinals.
  12. I have to disagree, a large part of the game was McCracken’s defense getting worn out in the forth quarter. With both of Bradley and Wheat playing their defense likely wouldn’t have been out there as long. North may has still won but it definitely would’ve been a close game.
  13. Not many can go into War Memorial and win come playoff time, I’m definitely going with Mayfield.
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