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Everything posted by WKY_Football

  1. Going to go with McCracken in this one. Mayfield has to replace a ton of talent from last years group.
  2. I think we all can agree that was an enormous waste of time.
  3. I took it as they wanted the letter to address concerns related to their conversation today but didn’t take it as wanting to delay. Moreso additions to the document that was sent out by KHSAA yesterday.
  4. Welp looks like we are back and ready to roll.... For now at least.
  5. Agreed. We need to push through now as is. Nothing will change in the spring. Follow guidelines, quarantine positives, and let’s get these kids what they have been working so hard for and deserve. We can do this!!
  6. It’s Fall or nothing. As seen in other states, if you have to quarantine then you cancel/no contest. The teams with the most discipline off the field may end up being the state champions.
  7. Boy, a lot of I told you so guys in this crowd lol. To think there would be no positive tests is insane. You will have teams cancel games and schedule games on the fly. Its the nature of 2020. Those play in spring guys have no clue. You want to play a season & a half of football in the same calendar year and are preaching safety? Hilarious.
  8. That’s what I’ve heard from friends in the area as well. Supposedly was going to be a lot of outside things going on in conjunction with the Derby.
  9. I am fairly confident with the recent news that fall sports will be green lighted to start as scheduled, with the caveat that each district will make their own decisions (as reported today.) This meeting was already scheduled as a regular BOC meeting & was always going to happen. I think we play.
  10. Golf is carrying on as normal, as is non-sanctioned tourneys for all sports. It’s the Wild Wild West right now, and another delay keep the non-sanctioned events going. in-Person school won’t happen September 28th for the entire state either. If this is about virus control, then we are doing better than any state bordering us who is continuing to move forward. Just my 2.
  11. thought KHSAA were supposed to receive healthy at sports guidelines this week? Can’t be a good sign those haven’t came out yet.
  12. Fall sports should stay in the fall. Whether that means postponing to a first week of October start & playing a 6 week regular season and full playoffs as another alternative then so be it. Too many other issues with moving to spring. Not fair for student athletes to have to choose between sports.
  13. That has happened in a few places in KY & nearby states. Season still a month away (at least). More schools will probably pause for a week or so.
  14. Now the school part I get, but if allowed to, I believe most school districts were planning to return to some form of in person instruction. However, I do believe that it is easier to navigate your sports team of the 50-70 kids doing virtual than it is to navigate them coming in contact with 500-1500 kids each day at school.
  15. Does the impending (so it seems) college football cancellation if their season alter the course for KY & surrounding states?
  16. With regards to the staph risk, a severe staph infection could be fatal. If you have never had one or been around a Bad case, you may not know.
  17. I don’t think this will affect us much here in Kentucky. Could be wrong but they are starting on time with this, which that ship has sailed here in Kentucky. It has to be a time where we stop jerking kids and coaches around though and either go or don’t go. This merry go round of decision making is not good.
  18. I don’t think JCPS holds the cards for everyone though. I remember on a past conference call that Tackett said if you do not want to play, that’s totally up to you as a school/school district. Those Louisville privates are going to play, and the numbers have been trending the right direction for us. I agree though, let’s just get started! That’s going to be the part that decides what happens. Just my opinion.
  19. Purples I am still skeptical we will get it started as well. Not because of Covid, but because of all the knee-jerk reactions that will take place when a kid is diagnosed. I do think, just my opinion, that if we get started, that as long as things don’t go crazy that we will push through and finish!!
  20. Ohio’s coaches association is meeting with the higher ups tomorrow or Wednesday. Seems like this order is just an extension of what was already in place & that the government can & more than likely will modify said order soon!!
  21. Hearing hire may be announced tomorrow. With all the big names expected to have applied, the choice will be a shocker.
  22. I’ve always been an optimist but with everything being a knee jerk reaction I believe we are in for a fall season with no HS football for our state. Hope I’m wrong!!
  23. Bottom line: If we can play safely, then you let kids play. Our kids have been impacted severely by this and deserve every attempt we can provide for them safely. Sadly, if we are going to continue to lose our minds over positive cases of majority asymptomatic people, then we won’t ever get back to normal.
  24. That’s because basketball starts way too early in Kentucky.
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