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Kentucky Windage

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Everything posted by Kentucky Windage

  1. Hot ham and cheese. Not lunch meat ham, left over Christmas day ham. I sometimes look forward to that sandwich more than the Christmas dinner.
  2. Do everything that this guy says to do. Malcolm Reed is the man when it come to BBQ!
  3. Wife's old company (she is a stay at home mom now) just reduced everyone's salary down to $50k, will not be giving raises into next year, and stopped 401k contributions. At least they didn't lay anyone off yet. Also, I was working on one of our job sites yesterday. Contractors are building a structure to house equipment. I was talking to one of the younger contractors. He told me he couldn't wait until this job was done because they didn't have any work lined up after this. He said he'd get laid off and make more money on unemployment.
  4. A wet fart would have been more applicable.
  5. I wouldn't argue that they are 100% ineffective. Like G said, there is some protection. Probably more so against droplets, definitely not against viral aerosol particles though. I'd worry that they will provide some with a false sense of security. Also nearly all data/research on the use of masks deals with protecting the wearer. Very limited to nonexistent research out there over masks being effective for filtering exhaled air. I'd also say that I've appreciated your debate/conversation throughout this process. It's been healthy and has forced me to do far more digging and research on this topic then I otherwise would have done.
  6. I'd assume less since your exhalation wouldn't be providing a "suction" effect.
  7. Enlighten me... From what I've read, masks filter 2% of the air you inhale. (Again non N95)
  8. I don't know. I do know that the science does not support the blanket of safety that everyone thinks they will provide.
  9. Is everyone really this sold on the effectiveness of wearing a mask. If masks were so effective why is it that 11% of all Covid patients are healthcare workers. Surely they have access and would have been wearing such a mask. Coronavirus mask guidance is endangering US health workers, experts say | US news | The Guardian Also, I'd like to wait to see if there is some data on whether a mask might make your coronavirus infection worse by trapping higher concentrations of the virus in your mask thus overwhelming your immune system. I have yet to find anything on this. What I have found is that masks (non-N95) are ineffective.
  10. I agree with this. Indoors, wear mask. Outside, nah.
  11. Do I obtain my right to breath from a regulating body similar to how I obtain my right to drive through a regulating body?
  12. I don't care if you deem my stance on this as insensitive. I've already stated that it is fine that corporations require of me to wear a mask while in their stores and places of business. However, when I'm in public I will not wear one because it is my choice not to. And in public, it'd be just as much as your choice to be in my presence or to choose to keep your distance from someone who isn't wearing a mask.
  13. Because I don't want to. I've gone this long without filtering my breath, why start now. And that's where the debate ends.
  14. Corporations can require that I wear a mask to gain access to their store. I'm fine with that. Other than that, I cannot be forced to wear a mask in public.
  15. That's where I stand. It ticks me off that China didn't let more international assistance in the early stages. Also, I'll question the domestic travel restrictions but no international travel restrictions from China? I tend to think that this was a series of bad decision making. I'd like to see more evidence of a purposeful release. That evidence will probably never be seen though.
  16. Simply put, because there was no testing. Since the CDC screwed up the tests that they sent out we had no idea what we were dealing with in scale and scope. And, I didn't mean that it's made the rounds through everyone as much as it had already spread to various parts of the country. This thing was as widespread in the US before we knew of our "patient zero" in Seattle area. China is reporting now that the first person that they "knew" about that had the symptoms was on November 17th. They didn't know what they were dealing with until January. It took our system a similar time to react to this as well. There is no way we'd have picked up on this until 3 to 4 weeks after it got a good foothold on a population center when we couldn't test anyone. NYC was the perfect population center for this thing to take off. Reports are indicating that Covid was in NYC and spreading by mid-February. Studies Show N.Y. Outbreak Originated in Europe - The New York Times How do we explain the serology reports that are coming out that are saying that 55% to 85% more people are actually infected with this thing. My only explanation is that this was worse than we knew about before we even knew about it. How else do we explain its spread. Wouldn't we have expected this thing to have gotten a foothold on a population center? Instead this thing popped up in the US and had peppered myself into our society and we had no clue because there wasn't a test for it. The virus needed a foothold before a concentration of people on ventilators was noticed. The CDC screwed this thing up from the beginning with their contaminated tests. We had an entire month or two from December on where we were stalled in our ability to test anyone. We don't know where it has been, but again serology reports are telling us that it's far more spread out than what we're aware of.
  17. Tested per million Tennessee - 14,599 Kentucky - 7,392 Total tests Tennessee - 97,098 Kentucky - 32,820 Positive test results Tennessee - 7,238 Kentucky - 3,050 I'd have to think if Kentucky increased the testing rate then you'd see an increased infected population. This virus has already made the rounds, we're just none the wiser.
  18. As I write this the price of crude oil is 4.94 per barrel. That down from 17.85 at the beginning of the day. That seems highly unsustainable. I'm not exactly sure how the trading works with crude oil but it'd seem to me that there will be a major hit to the Texas economy.
  19. I'd probably be in the 3 to 4 range. Hopefully we're able to create a vaccine and hopefully it is effective.
  20. I'd agree. We've come a long way since the 1920/30's job safety standards. I still don't think you can definitively use Great Depression morality rates to apply for what may lie in front of us today.
  21. Yes, it seems as though there is inconclusive data on whether the presence of Covid-19 antibodies is enough to keep you from getting it a second time. I've read (I forget where) that the antibodies may only be good enough to prevent reinfection for only a two week period after you've recovered from the virus. I've also read that it depends on how depleted your immune system is. There is a lot to be learned yet. I have confidence in our system to handle this, just going to take some time.
  22. Early serology reports are starting to come out. If there is any validity to some of them then the mortality rate is going to be taking a rather large nose dive. Coronavirus infections could be more widespread, study finds - Los Angeles Times The preliminary study, conducted by researchers at Stanford University, estimates that between 2.5% and 4.2% of Santa Clara County residents had antibodies to the new coronavirus in their blood by early April. Antibodies are an indication that a person’s immune system has responded to a past infection. Though the county had reported roughly 1,000 cases in early April, the Stanford researchers estimate the actual number was between 48,000 and 81,000, or 50 to 85 times greater.
  23. Shawshank Goodfellas The Natural Gran Torino I Am Legend
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