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Posts posted by BFritz

  1. It's hilarious how she pushes the kid down the stairs, then looks up and you can tell she had just remembered that they just put in a camera and goes "oh snap."


    Some people are sick. It's like telling someone that they deserved to die as a 15-year-old for being in a car wreck.

  2. And the ball wasn't moving. CCH had trouble reversing the ball the way Cooper extended the zone out top, especially Ruthsatz. Cooper's size and athleticism on the top of their zone gave CCH fits and bogged down their offense.


    Exactly. They just kept passing it back and forth with no one moving.


    Occasionally, someone might dribble a few feet, only to pick up the ball when met with resistance and pass it to someone else who hadn't moved.


    The coach needs to step-in and better direct them with some play calls or at least some ideas on who needs to cut into what lanes and all that.

  3. Yes. Cooper did show that zone. They showed flashes late in the season. I am SURE CCH was prepared. That said.... to beat a zone, you typically have to hit shots. That's didn't happen for an extended period of time.


    Then the coach needs to adapt and needs to be prepared to beat it in other ways.


    Aside from not hitting shots, as I mentioned, they seemed to just typically keep passing the ball around the outside.


    Also, CCH was deep, so you need to sub if some guys aren't hitting, even if it's just for a little bit to let them relax and get their heads straight.

  4. "One of the few times I have seen CCH out coached. I would have liked to see CVH or Fredrick in the middle of the zone when attacking it 2-1-2 (which CCH rarely did). I think their shooting/passing/attacking ability could have caused problems."


    Exactly, I thought the same thing. CCH resorted to being a jump shooting team. Hearing about CJ's concussion helps to explain why he wasn't driving to the basket in the 2nd half. Once I saw the Cooper player drive past the CCH guards for a layup in the 2nd half it reminded me of NewCath last year and I thought, uh oh. Great game to watch. Congrats Cooper.


    I think any CCH supporter or non supporter would say they didn't look prepared for the 1-3-1. Coaches can have off nights just like players.


    I'd still take Coach R in my corner any day.


    Would be curious to know if Cooper played 1-3-1 at any other point during the season.


    Did you two also receive an insult laden private message blasting your criticism of coach's performance in the game or was that just me?


    Funny, though, because the person who sent it has had no answer for any of the examples that I listed or points that I made in my reply to him.

  5. A buddy said that Coach Shields was in tears at the final buzzer.


    He was with several alumni that I know that graduated in the 70's at Dickman's last night.


    My sister was down there and said the same thing.


    Coach Shields has always been a stand-up guy and started made the program what it is. He made back-to-back DII National Championship appearances back when the school was still growing and not like it is today.


    I remember sitting with him a few years ago at a high school game and just talking all the Xs and Os with him and was honored that I could even keep a conversation going with him about basketball.


    The Norse are putting NKY on the map!

  6. Does he go by Roddy? This is the first I have ever seen it.


    With what Newport has coming back would Snapp want to leave Newport?


    Roddy is a good guy.

    HUGE understatement :thumb:

    I think Dixie is a job that will have coaches with head coaching experience applying. It will be tough to give the job to someone without head coaching experience.


    But Roddy has been involved in the program and I think he can step-in and be a boost for the program and be better than Chev because he knows basketball, he's younger so I think he understands today's game more, the players relate to him more, and I think he can motivate the players more and that they'll better respond to him.

  7. Gotta think this is Roddy's job if he wants it. He's been on Chevy's staff for years, and he's a Dixie alumnus.


    It would be a crime if Roddy wants the job and he's not given it. He's a great coach and the kids always love him.


    I also think he's young enough for what Dixie needs, and that's to have a more energetic team.

  8. Very cool! That's the good stuff.


    Keep making a difference. Very cool.


    That's fantastic. :thumb:


    Thank you all very much!


    And another thing that made this awesome was you could tell that these weren't your normal just lovey-dovey outward emotional tight.


    Not that they were bad people, just that you could tell that they weren't normally this open with emotions or even their mind.

  9. I put job in quotations because I don't see my public "speaking" deal as a job, I just do it because I love making a difference.


    Anyways, every month I present at a Driver Intervention Program, which is mostly for people who have gotten DUIs.


    I get done presenting and a bunch of people come up thanking me and wanting selfies.


    This one guy gets a selfie and then asks if he can add me on Facebook, which of course I say yes, so I click on his page and notice he already posted the selfie with this caption:


    long story short, this man saved me from suicidal thoughts. "respect life"


    How awesome is that! I love my life!

  10. Even if these games are front-loaded I don't see how getting physically pounded by CCH and SK will make you a better team come playoff time.

    Back in the 90s and early 2000s, Beechwood was the one doing the physical pounding, and I don't see that as much different now. They're a team that always lines up and goes blow-to-blow with the big dogs. They were always a base wishbone-type team that would just run the ball down your throat. Don't make mistakes and capitalize on the opponent's mistakes.


    I understand that the style of play is different now, especially for CovCath, but I think Beechwood playing a more simple style, with running the ball a lot and not trying to go blow-for-blow with CCH, could be beneficial.

    Snake nailed it, plus if rumor is true of having to move to 2A next cycle this will be a must to prepare. For the moment, I think it will help but it will be less obvious. that said, I suspect it will be eye opening as a experience for the tigers when they move. 2A is a different animal


    I think Beechwood can rise to the occasion but they just have to have some players step-up and play hardball, just like they use to do.


    That's how they'd beat you: they'd pound you, be conditioned to go hard all game in a brutal style, and then just wait for you to make a mistake.

  11. I post that the program is on the decline and it gets bashed so hard the thread is closed.


    When Highlands was on top of their game, CovCath would have never DREAMED of DOMINATING them, especially not two years in a row.


    However, Guru suggests it, and all of the sudden there's three pages of discussion with NOT ONE person bashing him?


    If this was a social experiment by him, it was BRILLIANT and played out PERFECTLY!



  12. I really think he lied about who was paying for it.


    I've always been for tightening up the boarders.

    Indirectly, we could make them pay for it by not sending them aid anymore, so instead of money pouring out of this country, it would stay here, while also decreasing government money spent on illegal aliens.


    Sounds pretty smart to me and yet people call him hateful for it.


    The guy is hateful for keeping hard-earned American money in America and in the hands of legal citizens, while also keeping illegal aliens out?


    Also, a lot of illegal drugs come from Mexico (I've seen where most heroin comes from Mexico), but he's wrong for wanting to stop that?!

    Companies not moving jobs to Mexico is costing them money and it's staying home. Maybe that's the money.


    Also, the things I mentioned above, plus there's more ways that money stays here that I'm not even thinking about right now.

  13. I thought @theguru was going to close this thread down, as the questions had been answered ?


    Now at post #237, @lawildcat, I thought you took care of this ?!


    Answer why the coaching change would now be a problem when it wasn't a problem when Dale first left.


    Answer why they're not still just beating teams by 3 or 4 touchdowns instead of 7 or 8.


    Answer what changed in the feeder system that allowed them to have so many talented players that they could two-platoon but now can't even put together a winning record, much-less win state.

  14. @BFritz...dude...I'm not sure what you are trying to do here. HHS people (and possibly some non-HHS people) have answered your questions, but then you get almost offended at the answers and say they aren't answers? I'm not following you here.


    Here is what I have deduced from the posts. Coaching change and all that goes with that. THATS HUGE! Especially when replacing a state, if not a national legend.

    That might make sense if they hadn't made the finals in the new coach's first year (or even won state), made it to the semis the next year, and then had a 3-8 record this year.


    Those seasons might not be in the right order, but the point is that the coaches weren't the problem when Dale first left, but then it has spiraled downwards.


    That doesn't seem like it's it or else it wouldn't have been successful any of the years since Dale left.

    In conjunction with that HHS seems to be in a down cycle of talent. Now that might be an unusual phenomena for them, but it happens to everyone eventually and it just so happened at the same time a new coaching staff is trying to implement their philosophy on the program.

    But it's not supposed to happen at Highlands. No other team has been as dominant as they have or had a feeder program for as long as they have with enough talented players to two-platoon and still beat everyone by 60+.



    Another factor that again is coinciding with what's already been mentioned is the emergence of better high school football in NKY overall. Some of those programs aren't "whipping boys" any more for HHS...or many other teams for that matter. Those seem to be the main points mentioned.

    May not be whipping boys, but Highlands has been a national powerhouse, so they should still be taking care of them, even if just by 3 or 4 TDs instead of 8 or 9.


    That's what I mean by downfall.

    So, not being a HHS guy and couldn't care less if they win the next 50 state championships in a row or don't win a game for the next 50 years, the answers to your questions have been addressed in this thread multiple times, and they are easy to see. I'm scratching my head as to what else it is you are looking for and why your replies have become somewhat "toxic" to some posters.


    Because I just don't buy general answers and act like everything is still ok. Highlands fans always bragged about the feeder system and why Highlands is so dominant year after year, but now it's not and I'm wondering why.


    Even all of those answers combined don't explain such a fall from the top.

  15. Peyton Manning most talented? Seriously? I guess we have different definitions of talent.


    I think that even Peyton Manning would even tell you that he was far from the "most talented" QB ever. I'd imagine he was meticulous with his preparation while watching film and how he could diagnose defenses before a play. Manning was one of the best ever because of his work ethic, not his physical talent. And I love Manning as a QB.


    Mix in his preparation, his football mind, and his physical abilities, and show me a better quarterback to just go out there and play the game. Show me a throw that Manning has ever been unable to make (except for MAYBE in his last season or two when he was on his way out, but even that is doubtful).


    Look up the greatest NFL seasons by an NFL QB (or even top ten seasons) and notice that Manning has a few of them.

  16. Aaron's Rodgers and Dan Marino by far the most talented.

    Peyton Manning is the most talented of all-time and should have more Super Bowls than Brady but he just couldn't perform in the clutch (or had people around him choke, but the games never should have been close enough for anyone to choke, like missing a kick).

    First of all, I give him and the Patriots, Belichek all the credit. They are a great football team as he is a great QB, as for "pretty boy Brady, I just don't like all of hat squeaky clean image when he, Belicheck and N.E. have been connected to more than one not so clean actions in different years. Don't get me wrong, I don't put Brady in the Thug category of a Pac man Jones, Sherman at Seattle and ones like that.

    Besides my favs ...Packers (NFC), Bengals or Browns(AFC) I pull for whoever is playing the Pats and Seahawks in any given week, lol.

    These and I am a fan of defense, particularly DE's, LB's and DT's and have a general dislike of QB's. :lol2:

    You really want to call Sherman a thug? Dude grew up in Compton, stayed out of trouble, had a 4.2 GPA in high school, when to STANFORD, is a stand-up guy, built a home for an injured soldier, has a charity to provide poor kids with school supplies and clothes, does a lot more, and you call him a thug?!



    No debate necessary. Brady = GOAT!

    Easily. He's unreal. He might not be the most talented, but he's the most clutch and just performs.

    How is Richard Sherman a thug?


    I'm still confused over that comment.


    Even when they lost a Super Bowl because of a stupid play, and Sherman had taunted Brady after they beat them in the regular season, he found Brady after to congratulate him in front of everyone, even though Seattle should have won and the loss was on the offensive coordinator.

  17. Well after that Highlands football thread you started, if you weren't wheelchair bound before you surely likely would have been by now. Haha


    Some people can't handle the truth :lol2:


    Highlands fans don't scare me!


    The only things that scares me in life are trees........... wait........ what?









  18. You were raised in a wholesome, strong family environment. Mom and dad gave you great tools to deal with adversity (unfortunately, you had to use them). A horrific thing happened to you, and you made a life for yourself despite it.


    Unless they have been in your shoes, people have no business judging you or giving you glib advice.


    You keep on keeping on BF. You are a great role model for others!


    I agree! My family has been better than I could ever ASK for!


    They have the same attitude I do (they say it's because I stay so positive, but I point to them keeping me positive from the get-go), which made it even funnier when people said I should have conversations about them about it!


    I do appreciate the words, but I don't think I'm much of a role model because I'm just trying to make the best of my life and enjoy it, the same way that everyone should!

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