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Posts posted by BFritz

  1. Scrolled past 75% of these posts. It gets tiresome and many posts are basically saying the same things.


    Highlands has a blip on the radar and everyone loses their mind. If they come out this season and you see the same issues with lack of depth, undisciplined defense, talent being wasted at positions then I think you can start the criticism. But to say there is a downfall is a bit premature in my opinion.


    Closing the borders to tuition students IMO has hurt not just getting kids to enter at the school level but also hurts the feeder system. Many families sent their kids to play in the FTJRFL as an audition to see if it was worth considering a move into the city or paying the tuition. Now with the school being extremely critical as to who they allow in as transfers I think many parents are saying to themselves is it really worth it and do I really want to buy a $100k house in town for $200k when I can get twice the house in Union, Independence, or Hebron where they can send their kids to improving programs. Just my 2 cents.




    You just stated what we've all known for so many years but people like @RCC9 deny, and that's that so many kids go to Highlands strictly for football, and you went even as far as to say that families move to Ft Thomas to do it.


    Some kids may go strictly for the atmosphere and academics, but I've known so many kids that have come from schools with "horrible academic programs" but come out ahead and are very successful in life. It comes down to an individual's motivation or a family's motivation to push an individual.

  2. I just never thought a response was needed. It is difficult to respond or understand a situation or condition until you experience it. So it is better in most cases to say nothing in my mind.


    I do not find it awkward at all talking with someone that is handicapped, however, I rarely find myself in a situation where i would need to.I rarely go up to any person I don't know and talk to them. I am usually cordial with most and handicapped people are the same.


    With your Disclaimer, I certainly didn't think you needed any help. Now if you voted for DJT, I might think something was wrong with you.

    Were you one of the many people that posted that I should go to a psychiatrist for help or have all of my friends and family get together to discuss how to better live my life?


    If not, then no response expected :thumb:


    I am wondering where all of the people who posted that I should get help are because I seriously was angry. I'm not talking about the person who told me that I shouldn't say it because I'm not that disrespectful, but I am referring to everyone else who claimed I needed help.

    I'm not in a chair yet, I will be at some point. (FSHD)

    I make comments, about myself, that people don't quite know how to take.

    I get asked from time to time, what happened to you.

    I tell them.

    I'm so sorry, is the reply I get many times.

    My usual reply is, "so you caused me to have muscular dystrophy,

    you should be sorry."

    It usually lightens thing up.

    As my chair bound buddy points out to me quite often,

    it must sucks to have to push that rollator around all the time.

    So good for you BFitz.

    Life is what you make of it.

    I choose to be happy, and enjoy it as much as possible too


    You rock for having that attitude!


    I love making comments that make people feel so awkward that they'd rather be anywhere else in the world! (Another disclaimer is I typically only do that when people treat me like a charity case or like I'm too stupid to understand what they're saying.)


    I do say (type) that quote a lot in my presentations (I think a news channel even quoted me on it once): "Life is what you make it...... happiness is what you make it."


    Keep on keeping on!

  3. Xavier battled back after being down early, but both teams got sloppy down the stretch. Either team could have just taken the game at the end. X turned it over too much at the end. Can't turn the ball over at the end of the game and it seemed like X did that 6 or 7 times just in the final minute. Didn't look like they were ready for pressure on the big stage.


    Coach Mack's team did what they needed to do, though :thumb:


    Should have put in Leighton Schrand!


    Big win!

  4. Haven't won a regional title since 2006? 10 years of drought. What happened? Why? Who is responsible?

    A thread created solely to take a shot at me and to mock my thread.


    So cute and so mature, but I'll bite :thumb:


    I think part of it was Highlands being so dominant and consistent, which, when you have a nationally ranked program in your area that you have to play in the second round of the playoffs at the latest, it's tough to get to the regional title game. (I realize that they didn't lose to Highlands every year in the playoffs, which other parts of my post could play a part in.)


    I think the other big part was just that we didn't have the right coach in there that had the win-first attitude. Don't get me wrong because I think that the attitude was always "let's go play hard and give it our all," but now the attitude is "we are going to go win," thanks to Eddie.


    I think that the attitude trickled down to the players, but now players like AJ that have been starting for years also have the attitude of "this game is ours."


    Again, I don't know that for sure, but, when I was in school (before and after the wreck), it was always "we WILL win," even when we were facing the nationally ranked Highlands team in 98 with Smith and Lorenzen.


    All of those reasons also bring with it intensity and desire to be on the field, along with the win-first attitude, which I think is returning.


    :lol2: This should get interesting.


    Let me anticipate BFritz's response to this one, "Can you give me one good reason that you think Covington Catholic has had it's downfall? All you're giving me is excuses about why you think other teams are beating Covington Catholic in regions. I think everyone here is a homer for every other team in the region and is out to get Covington Catholic, and every post is just out to get my team."



  5. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you? I'm sorry. But it is comical. But I'll stop laughing and replying so you can move on.


    Have a great day and PM me if you ever want to get that drink!


    Fine. Let's meet so you can describe everything about Highlands' football that you couldn't post on here like this message board is meant for.


    You say that you can't see expressions, reactions, instant responses on here, but isn't it like that with EVERYTHING posted on here? Why is discussing Highlands' football different?


    No matter, though, because we'll meet. The Wings and Rings in the Crestview Hills Town Center is an easy place for me to roll to, so let me know when and we'll do it.



  6. Vague possibilities, no full or logical explanations. Give me a break. The answers were given, you just choose not accept them because then there would be nothing else to talk about. Just admit it, you started the thread to stir the pot and continue the bashing.


    People didn't give one complete answer. Some people said feeder and other people gave different ideas.


    I'd be happy to accept some logical explanation and not just "a down year or two but everything is fine in Fort Thomas," because that doesn't seem to fit.


    I didn't start this thread to stir the pot, I started this thread because Highlands is and always has been CovCath's biggest rival, and also because Highlands fans were so die-hard about drilling into the ground "Highlands reloads, they don't rebuild," and everything else about how great the feeder program was and how dominant Highlands always is, so I was wondering what changed.


    Furthermore, it's high school football in Northern Kentucky, which is always a blast to talk about and Highlands has always been the cream of the crop up here (and in all of Kentucky).


    Talent Depth is down. Even the feeder program can't turn a turd in to a gem, it will keep kids interested, but isn't the be all end all reason Highlands has been good for so many years. Closed enrollment had nothing to do with the loss in depth.


    The feeder program quit developing kids? Don't need to work miracles, but developing kids starting in grade school had them at least able to play football at an average level, and then the Highlands' program helped develop them more and also made it easy because a pass-first system is hard to stop when you have a bunch of fresh receivers that spread the defense out and just run routes. That's tough for colleges and even the NFL to stop when it's run properly, even without superstar receivers.


    Is their talent at quarterback down? Receivers are a dime a dozen, especially with a feeder program like Highlands has because they've all played. That could be an explanation, and I'm not saying they need an All-American, but just someone that can deliver the ball.


    One thing not mentioned before that may have a small impact on the talent depth is that some kids are choosing to focus on one sport instead of playing multiple sports.

    So they're playing basketball and baseball instead of football? Seems to me like they would have always chosen football back in years past.



    So I guess to summarize for you, there isn't one thing or reason that you can point to that led to last years first losing season in 60 years.

    I know it can't be pointed to ONE thing, but I was looking for a collection of answers that made sense.


    I thought maybe it was as simple as Dale was really that good of a coach, but it doesn't seem like many people think that's the reason.


    You also act like "one losing season" is that much out of the norm when they would beat every team they played, especially in Northern Kentucky, by 60 and would only lose one game a year for the longest time and it was always to some out-of-state powerhouse.

    But we all know that's not good enough for you. So again, define downfall and tell us what you think is wrong.



    Downfall is not dominating football in 5a (and all of KY outside of a few big 6a schools) anymore. Downfall is not blowing every team out by 50+ like they used to. Downfall is not winning state every year.


    Might be more that I think of later, but that's a good start.

  7. LOVE it! Great young man leading the Colonels!


    99.99% chance IMO (and I'm being conservative).


    Even if he gets a big D1 (or even a small D1 because, let's face it, D1 is D1!) offer?


    Figured he might take time off to hit the gym and/or work on throwing, drop backs, etc..


    Then again, he might need a break from football and to enjoy his senior season of basketball before spending four or five years in college football.

  8. I haven't skated around any answers. I have answered all these in depth about 10 times on BGP. Others have answered you in this thread and I agree with all of them. You just don't like the answers. I'm not sure what else to say at this point. If you have things you'd really like more details, I will do what I can.

    You've done nothing but skate around the answers in this thread, except for maybe one or two general posts at the start of the thread.


    It's not that I don't "like" the answers, it's that they haven't made sense and they've gone against everything that the Highlands' crowd bragged about for so many years as for all the reasons of success.


    People have offered vague possibilities, but none have really offered any full explanation or have provided a logical explanation.


    And if you've answered them in other threads, what good does that do in this thread? Why wouldn't you just answer it here.

    The reason for talent drop off? I can't tell you for sure because I don't know it could be for various reasons such as closing outside enrollment, just a natural dip in talent... I really don't know.


    No way do I think the defensive lack of attitude was due to BW unless he has changed how he coaches. Players used to be terrified when coach Mueller would rarely have to miss a practice and coach W would take over for the day because you never knew what kind of hell you were going to be put through. I do think Coach meadows attitude is missed on the defensive side of the ball (now coaching at Campbell County) he always could light a fire under players.

    I thought the closing enrollment happened years ago, though, and didn't seem to have any effect when Dale was here. It's also surprising that, even with closing enrollment borders, there would be a drop-off in talent because of the feeder system where kids are learning to play football in the Highlands' style with other kids that they'll play with through high school.


    I thought BW was an outside hire, which makes the drop even more surprising because you'd think things wouldn't change much at all in the way things were done (practices, conditioning, offseason, pre-game, etc.).



    C'mon man! Give me some credit. I started in the conversation trying to be serious and answering your questions. But you don't like the answers! I can't help that.


    And didn't I tell you about the enrollment?


    And didn't I contribute to what I feel next year and a few years after that may bring?


    I asked you to bullet out your questions (being serious and trying to get you your answers) and I would get you your answers one by one. You act like you’ve only asked 3 questions or made accusations about a couple things. Its 14 pages long. There is a lot more in there than that! I asked for a list that included everything you wanted to know and you blew that off!

    How many threads in this forum ask multiple questions and have civil people that answer them?


    Strongside had no problem doing it above.


    I did only ask a few in the original post and actually I don't believe I've asked many more.


    Don't tell me to bullet the questions like you're better than me. Don't be a child. Answer the questions.



    THEN, I said I’ll meet you and even buy! And you weaseled out of that offer. I’m really not sure how much else we can do for you at this point!

    How many times do I have to explain this?! It's a message board! It's for discussing things like the things I'm asking! It's for everyone! Not just me!


    So, no, I didn't weasel out, I'm being an adult about this and just trying to start a conversation. Why is that so hard for you?

    I have contributed my opinions and told you that the sky is not falling in the Fort, but you don’t want to believe it. EVERYTIME someone has told you anything, you take it as not true or you don’t believe it. I’m not sure what we can contribute if you don’t clarify what you’re actually trying to get to.

    I'd be more than happy to believe it if it made any sense!


    You can't just say "everything is the same" when everything clearly isn' the same!

    You are impossible! Are you married?


    I'm impossible for searching for answers and not just accepting "it's this because I say it is" from you.



  9. Depth of talent through multiple classes has dropped off. Also the few games I saw the past two years there didn't seem to be the kick butt attitude on defense that was once there.

    Why has depth dropped-off? Just not strong classes or feeder program faltering or what?


    Does the defense not having that attitude reflect the players more or BW more?


    They never seemed to need much defense because the offense scored so much.

    He won't believe you! LOL


    He offered something real.


    Take notes.

  10. Your answers are on post 172. See if you like those answers better.


    Maybe you missed the part where I said "only sarcastic replies have been given."


    Why are you do afraid to answer if nothing it's so easy?


    It would be real simple to just meet and discuss. I'll buy first two rounds!

    Once again, this is a message board, which discussing these topics is exactly what it is for.


    Stop dancing around the topic and discuss. We can meet for drinks after you do.


    By the way, why do you only do that with this topic?


    But while I have you...since this is a discussion, you tell us what you think it is. We've given you our opinions and discussed our thoughts. (whether you like the answers or not)

    Some people have given BW needing to get used to it as a reason, and Cowboy gave the no star QB as a reason, and a few people have given talent falling off (which then I'd ask how that happened when everyone boasts about the feeder system and also how Highlands two-platooned and was at least 3 quality players deep at each position), maybe a few other opinions, which I've been reading and trying to put them all together, which is why I started the thread.


    Your reasoning was "no downfall, just two off years."



    How about you? What do you think the issue is? You must have some opinion. You must have something to add to the discussion, right?

    I really don't know, which is probably why I started the thread.


    No elite quarterback could make sense, but you don't really need an elite QB in Highlands' system, just someone who can throw decently (so it seems). Also, why would you need players going both ways?


    That lends some weight to maybe the talent drop-off theory, but I find that hard to believe when the feeder system has been praised and they have had so much depth in the past.


    Other schools improving really doesn't make much sense because they've always dominated even the best of teams.


    So I'm not sure, which, once again, is why I started the thread.


    Have you defined downfall yet? You can start there.


    Then, why do you care so much?

    This forum is for discussing Highlands' football, but we're only allowed to discuss it when they're good?


    They are CovCath's biggest rival, so obviously their football program has an impact on my interests.

    What do you think HHS needs to do to get out of their downward spiral?

    I have no clue, which, as you'll see below, is one reason why I started the thread.

    Do you think they will ever get back to the top or are state championships over in the FORT?

    Not sure. That's another reason why I asked. Not only back to state titles, but will they ever get back to blowing teams out in one-loss seasons?

    Do you feel there are issues with the feeder program?

    I don't know anything about it, but people always pointed to that as a reason for Highlands' success, so is that a (or the) reason for Highlands' struggles?

    Do you feel everyone has just caught up?


    I think other teams might have improved, but Highlands was always a well-oiled machine and they would have improved while other teams were improving, so I'm not sure.


    Do you think other teams have? Are you saying Highlands is no longer in a class by themselves?

  11. I think plenty of people have answered your questions you just don't want to hear them!!


    Once again, no they haven't. Not in this thread.


    One or two people have said that BW needs time to get make his mark, but things were already established, so I don't see that as much of a reasoning.


    Most people have just offered sarcastic comments or just posted things to avoid the question altogether.


    Why wouldn't I want to hear real answers to a question I asked?

  12. Hard to argue with that.


    Once again, so I asked questions, which no one has been able to answer besides with sarcasm, so doesn't that make them ignorant, too? At least I'm trying to become more knowledgable about the situation.


    By the way, quick question for mods: I was suspended a long time ago because someone posted that I knew nothing about drinking and driving, which I responded was an ignorant comment, but that's legal for people to do now?

  13. Well I'll fill ya in. Questions were asked. Many responded with answers and suggestions on where he could find answers! Heck, I even offered to meet (IN PARK HILLS!) and get him all his answers!! But apparenly he feels no one answered his questions yet and that the Fort is filled with doom and gloom...and we are all in cahoots to cover that up...even all the non-Bird fans!!


    Like I said, is this not what the message board is for? To discuss things like this? Why would you not do it on here? You said you get the benefit of body language and immediate answers, reactions, etc., but isn't it like that with every debate on here?


    You can't say this hasn't been an amusing thread. It's always funny when people ignorant of a situation go ahead and post, thus leaving no doubt.


    So I was ignorant of the situation, so I asked questions, and that's bad? Isn't that how you cure ignorance? Please explain that to me.


    "how Highlands fans are always so boastful and proud like high school football is the world and they're above everyone else"


    As Dean Wormer would say:..... nevermind, I would have to explain it....


    You disagree with that?


    That's an objective view. Go back and look through all the posts through the years.


    EVEN IN THIS THREAD, people are calling me a jealous hater for posting things that were objective that they couldn't answer, from the first post on, so that's not hating, that's looking at the situation as-is.

  15. lol! It's only high school football, so why are all of you getting upset and up


    Easy big fella....you guys have basketball. I don't have a dog in the fight and I believe you started this thread. I am just giving my two cents worth...I know a hater when I see one and their is nothing wrong with that. Hell pile on why they are down if that makes you feel good but if you think I am upset you are truly mistaken. Done with the stray dog:isurrender:


    You know what's hilarious? You can't point to ONE thing I've posted in this thread that wasn't objective and that makes me a hater.


    Once again, I didn't even bring up CovCath, but you're a hater and ran out of things to post that have any real merit (which nothing you posted really did in the first place), so you just attack with empty rhetoric.

  16. This is fairly telling. I know a lot of Highlands fans, I don't know of any that I would consider "boastful" nor do they act like "they're above everyone else"...I believe that is an internal construct you have created.


    Since it seems you have some difficulty understanding some of the information you read, an internal construct is when a person creates a reality that they believe, without the presence of any true data to back it up.


    We get that you have found your niche with a down Highlands football year, so good for you.


    You're inability to actually carry on a debate without any data allows you to continue a one sided "debate"......


    Your personal attacks show your true character....and given that you, I will assume, are not friends with any Highlands football fans, you should just stop acting a fool and attempting to insult people.


    Highlands football fans, like fans of other schools, are great supporters of their programs....I suggest you find a team to support....


    You will never have the privilege of understanding what a program like HHS is like...we all feel sad for your loss. :isurrender:


    When have I made any personal attacks?


    You just made several.


    The irony is unbelievable.

  17. About as typical as a guy who has been beat down for 10 yrs and has one year of success and tries to stir the pot. I applaud you its worked...10 pages and RCC9 is on a roll. Like I said before its only High School Football....relax Francis! Obviously you have scars but time heals everything.


    lol! It's only high school football, so why are all of you getting upset and up-in-arms when I asked a few simple questions!


    It's also hilarious how Highlands fans are always so boastful and proud like high school football is the world and they're above everyone else when Highlands is dominating, but, once Highlands isn't dominating everyone, it's "just high school football"!





  18. @RCC9 give it up. This entire thread is not worth the time and energy you keep putting into it. You are never going to give him the answer he's looking for. But hey, I'll meet you for a drink! :bunny:



    How can you make that determination when he hasn't even tried to offer me ONE answer besides for "nothing is wrong, just an off year," when the Highlands' faithful have always preached about the feeder program and how they reload, not rebuild.


    Again, you go from a nationally ranked program that blows teams out, to a 5-5 team and then a 3-7 team and it's just two off years?

  19. Oh one other thing...I used to feel like the Cov Cath fans were always so classy and I had so much respect for them. Man, how one person can change a perception!


    I won't hold it against the respected Cov Cath faithful.


    Carry on! Let see what you can spew about today! This is getting kind of fun!



    lol....... what have I posted that has lacked in class? Because I ask question about your almighty Highlands?


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but there have been many personal attacks in this thread, none of which were made by me, but many were made about me, YET I'M THE ONE WHO LACKS CLASS?


    Please explain that one to me.

  20. Where are those darn emojis!


    So no...don't want to meet and discuss? I think I can help you!


    You just want to sit behind the computer and try to cause issues? Well have it your way! But I think I could get you your answers. If that really what you were looking for! Hahahah

    That's what I've been looking for an is the whole point of this entire thread.


    You're just now figuring that out?!


    Also, asking questions about the almighty Highlands program is causing issues?! That's one of those things that tells you everything you need to know about Highlands' fans.

    We have looked at our own program. We've seen all this before. We aren't worried. You are! And it's cute!


    Again...like a democrat! Trying to create panic where there is nothing! Hahaha


    Oh...BTW...are you saying that if someone starts a "What's happened to Cov Cath for the last 15 years?" thread...you'll contribute? ...because then you'll have had time to think about it! Hahahahah

    Again, we're not talking about CovCath! lol...... keep fishing!


    When have you seen this before? When has a team gone 5-5 in the regular season and then 3-7 the next regular season?


    This is hilarious!


    You know when you can tell when someone has nothing of value to debate? When they post with exaggerations like exclamation marks and hahaha when they've posted things that just dance in a circle or draw attention off of the point of the thread, like your last paragraph, which I already pointed out that there was no reason to post about CCH in this Highlands thread, but you chose to do it again.



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