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Posts posted by BFritz

  1. I personally think Boone County Peewee teams should join NKYFL and be one huge league.


    The no weight-limit in Boone would probably be a problem.


    I thought that, with the emergence of high schools having grade school teams, the NKYFL was doing away with the senior divisions, but it looks like they still have them (Spartans, at least).


    Anybody know what the numbers are like on the senior division team?

  2. I recall Trump saying on TV that he new more about isis then the generals did.


    I wonder why he has not devised a plan to wipe them out?


    Could this be just another lie he told and that his followers are OK with?


    Maybe he has. Why would he let the world know his plans and give ISIS time to prepare for it?


    He hasn't been in office long, and things take time. Even if he has a plan, it would take time to implement it.

  3. Obama weakness ...


    Went into Pakistan and killed Bin Laden.


    US military actively engaged all 8 years he was in office.


    Launched air strikes and/or raids in 7 Muslim countries - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.


    Approved and supported military action in Libya to remove Qaddafi (for me, this was the biggest mistake by Obama in foreign policy).


    Ramped up military presence in Afghanistan to counter the Taliban et al.


    Ramped up and supported the military initiative still going on in Iraq to remove ISIS.


    Tremendously increased the use of drones and authorized attacks by drones.


    Authorized numerous attacks by Navy SEALS and other elite units.


    Obama waged a different kind of war. Most characterize him as weak because he did not put large amounts of troops into battle and in fact reduced troop counts in battle zones. But if you look at the track record, few Presidents ordered more military action than Obama did. Call him misguided if you want, but you can't call him weak.


    Apologizing for America's arrogance.


    He didn't kill bin Laden, but rather used intelligence from the Bush-era. The only thing Obama did was give the green-light when they located him.


    The military deserves all the credit for that one.


    If he approved military strikes, obviously he supported them, and was probably his advisors or generals that informed him that it was the correct thing to do.


    Obama's dealing with ISIS was timid and reckless, at best.


    Obama was weak on the handling of immigration and people in prison for breaking the law.


    Here are 10 times Obama has humiliated our country with apologies.


    Trying to be the nice guy to the world and being timid was very weak of him.

  4. I'm conflicted on the Bengals because, on one hand, Foster would improve our defensive backing core a lot, but then we could also go tight end with a guy like OJ Howard who will just eat defenses up from the tight end spot.


    Then again, we have a few young tight ends like Uzomah and Kroft to pair with Eifert that could be good.


    We also could go running back to replace Hill, but we can probably wait until the second or third round. Do we want another guy with character concerns like Mixon who would be a first-round pick if not for his off-field stuff.

  5. And so should the US.


    No one wants this to escalate further. World Wars have started over much smaller incidents than what has already happened in Syria.


    That's why we hit Syria hard and let them know that we're back to a stance that says "you hit us and we'll hit back a thousand times harder."


    And that's not about being a bully and pushing people around, it's about saying "this is wrong and we don't put up with it."


    I believe that's where Obama weakened the country in always being so cautious to take action and letting the US become less than the big kid on the block.


    Don't get me wrong because everything can't be dealt with using hostility, but this was a drastic and evil move by Syria, so it's time to be the big kid on the block that protects the little kid from the bully.

  6. Deweys in Crestview Hills is good. A sweeter type of dough.


    There is a Mellow Mushroom right off the exit in Wilder, KY.


    There are several Jet's Pizza locations around the area, which are pretty good but probably not the best if you're dining in.


    Noce's in Crestview Hills....... pizza is good but get a steak hoagie with mushroom sauce...... it's life-changing :thumb:

  7. I've always joked that you can't trust a guy that doesn't eat red meat or drink beer. I'm pretty sure that Brady doesn't do either and it may be prolonging his career. Maybe not those two things specifically, but we know he's extremely strict on his diet and probably one of the hardest working QBs in the league.


    He said he believes that he can play at a high level for another 6-7 years.


    Is he still playing in 2023?


    The dude is amazing and people are aging better these days, but it's so hard to believe that he'll be playing when he's closer to 50 than 40.


    He defies all odds, though, so I'm not going to be the one to bet against him.

  8. Sorry about this because I'm sure you're all going to grow very tired of this (if you haven't already gotten tired of it), but I'm so pumped up about it that I feel the need to tell everyone I can.


    During the webcam interview, the lady interviewing me said that they'd need to get all my medical records and then the next step is to be evaluated by doctors/specialists, and then I'd get the injections of stem cells.


    Like I said, I figured there was no way I'd be selected in the first place, and then, after the interview, I figured that there's no way they'd want me for the next step, but they requested my medical records and I just signed papers that allow them to get them.


    I'm still trying to stay calm and just not expect anything, but this is looking more and more that it's likely to happen!


    Please keep praying or just send some good vibes or good thoughts this way if praying isn't your thing!

  9. That's why I don't see them drafting foster. I believe the plan is to keep Minter long term. However to avoid losing the compensation picks they will receive next year for the losses of Zeitler and Whit. The Bengals couldn't give Minter a big multiyear deal. The deal the Bengals have Minter allows them to save the comp picks they will receive next year.


    They will draft a backer in the draft, but now in the middle rounds imo.


    Another smart move by Mike Brown in the business-sense if that's the case with the comp picks :thumb: (he said he doesn't run much anymore, though, so who knows?)


    I guess Minter's still young enough that it wouldn't be bad to let him be a cornerstone of our defense and be the leader.


    I wonder if Burfict will still call the plays? I guess it depends on what kind of leadership role Minter takes.


    I think that we still could look for a SAM early in the draft, just probably not in the first round, because Marvin's a defensive guy and probably is in love with that HOF backing core he had in Baltimore in 2000 (the one with that guy who murdered someone).


    I can't wait for the draft!

  10. Burfict at weak side, Minter in the middle and Vigil at strong side now.


    I think it's still very likely that they draft Foster in the first since we seem to be wanting to get younger, but I just wonder if they'd be comfortable putting Foster at SAM like they did to Rey.


    Some might say that's what ruined Rey, but others might say that there's a reason that he dropped so far in the draft and he was never going to be good as a pro.


    I'm not sure which one I believe.

  11. I thought about this and there's so many instances of Jesus performing miracles that it got me to wondering if any other religions outside of the tree of Christianity have examples of miracles?


    I know that Judaism has Moses parting the Red Sea and things like that, but those are also, IMCO, just part of the religions of Christianity.


    Jesus was born to a virgin, made a blind man see, walked on water, water into wine, etc.


    What are some miracles that other religions have claimed to have happened, if there are any?

  12. While it may sound like I'm an expert on such things, I got hefty doing exactly what I'm steering you away from. In other words, don't make the same mistakes that I did. :lol2:


    lol........ I'm having trouble buttoning my jeans, so I've been drinking only one soda a day (or, like today, none), I've been avoiding fried foods, I eat salads a lot, and I quit drinking completely (that one is also because of the damage it does to the brain, and I'm already missing chunks of mine).

  13. For starters go wherever they offer a thin crust.


    As wonderful as it is to chomp on a thick doughy slice of pizza, all that extra carb is what's likely to do the most damage no matter what toppings you have on it.


    I appreciate it very much!

  14. What would be the healthiest pizza to get in Northern Kentucky?


    I tried Googling it but there was a bunch of different pages with a bunch of different answers.


    LaRosa's? Donato's? Are either of those unhealthy?


    Even if you don't know the healthiest, are any unhealthy?


    I need to know because my booty got HUGE and I need to get into shape so I can be in my own swimsuit calendar of handicapped people 👍


    Any help is VERY MUCH appreciated!

  15. BFritz---I am going to pray for you every day. I am writing this with tears in my eyes. I hope you get your miracle. This really hits home for me and gives me hope as I have a loved one that may benefit from this. God bless you, all the doctors and medical personnel, and a million thanks to all the researchers and scientists as well.


    Thank you so much and, to your loved one, I was discussing this with someone last night, and that's that I actually might be more excited (if that's possible) for the people that could benefit from this in the future that me receiving this treatment could pave the way for.


    Prayers for you and your loved one and I'd GIVE ANYTHING to be the one that gives you the news that your loved one has this to look forward to!

  16. Prayers you are healed.


    Thank you so much.


    I'm trying to keep myself in check and not get my hopes too high because I don't even know if I'll be in the study yet, and then there's always the chance that I could be 1 of the 4 that's not selected.


    That said, I can't even describe how unreal this would be.

  17. BFfitz, good luck and I will remember you in prayer. Typically during clinical studies they will monitor the Placebo Effect. This would probably explain the one in four who won't actually receive the implants.


    Thank you very much for the prayers.


    Someone else mentioned the Placebo Effect which seems stupid to do in this instance, because, like with me, parts of my brain aren't going to magically reappear and start working again just because I think they're there.

  18. Wow...amazing story. Prayers sent your way. I hope you are one of the three.


    Prayers Bfritz. Hope you are one of the three and the results are all that you want and hope to achieve.

    Thank you both very much, but I just need to hope to be selected to go out there before I even worry about being one of the three!


    They choose a lot of people and then have a bunch of different groups of four.

    Great strides being made, praying for your selection and amazing results.


    Thank you very much.


    I don't even know how I'd be because this is my life.......... I haven't sat around hoping for some scientific miracle to happen that would magically restore everything back to the way it was. I love my life and I'm perfectly fine the way things are, but this could make it so my life's not a struggle, as well as make my family's lives a million times easier, and could also be something historic in the treatment of brain injuries.


    I could be in a group of the first set of people in history to have this done.

  19. Chunks of my brain died in the wreck and other parts of my brain were badly damaged. I was declared brain dead while in a coma and I'm missing so much of my brain that the doctor said I should be a vegetable (we didn't find out I was declared brain dead until ten years after when my doctors were looking through my records and saw it and we didn't know parts of my brain died until I finally got a new brain scan ten years after).


    There's currently no proven way to rebuild brain cells.


    So someone emailed my mother about stem cell therapy for brain injuries, but it's located in California and there has to be thousands, probably even tens of thousands, of people volunteering for the study, so I filled out the application thinking that there's no chance that I'd be selected.


    They emailed me and wanted to set-up an interview over the phone, but I sound like Chewbacca when I try to talk and we told them that a phone interview was pretty much impossible, so we set-up a webcam interview for 11:30 today.


    The study is that, if I'm selected, they're going to drill holes into my skull and insert stem cell into my brain to try and heal the damaged parts and regenerate the parts that I'm missing, so this could be life-changing. It could make me able to walk normally again and talk normally again (along with other physical problems), and could cure the problems I have in the thinking/memory/logic aspects in my brain.


    The only problem is that it's a controlled experiment, so they take four people in a room, drill holes in all of their skulls, but only put the stem cells into three of them, which didn't make sense to me because why would they need to observe how someone is affected by a treatment if they're not getting the treatment?


    Knowing my luck, I'll be the one out of the four that's not selected (if I even make it that far).


    Anyways, I think it was amazing that I was even selected as a possibility and, if I'm selected, I could be part of something revolutionary that changes the world!


    Do me a favor and say some prayers or just keep your fingers crossed for me if praying isn't your thing!

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