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Posts posted by BFritz

  1. My cousin Coy is doing a great job coaching for Oldham!


    I was impressed with his game plan and game management. He's also intense!


    I don't get why CCH didn't pound the ball inside more or even really at all. You have four guys 6-5 or over and one guy 6-4, so it seems obvious that you'd go inside, especially when it's not like their guard play is too great.


    I was "talking" with someone from CovCath and he told me that Thelen wasn't playing on the block because he was too skinny and would get pushed around on the block which, even if it's true, I still don't understand why he wouldn't play just outside the paint or mid-range. He can hit jumpers from there or is tall enough to see everywhere and hit the open players on cuts or for jumpers.

  2. The kid is lying. On multiple points he made, proven by video. They clearly mocked the man. There is zero evidence of him forcing his way into the middle of the group.


    Keep enabling them...

    Are you serious?! He walked up to them, and people keep saying that the students surrounded him, but he had people that were with him behind him! No one surrounded him!


    People just look for reasons to hate CCH and make up false narratives to bash kids to further their own agendas.

    Nobody should in anyway justify the behavior of the student mob....its despicable, there is no defense. Just as people should not overlook an adult obviously trying to instigate a mob of kids. Two wrongs...both wrong. What the students do is more egregious, but don't excuse the other because of it.


    What did they do? A FEW KIDS did the tomahawk chop?! That was wrong, but what else did they do that people are bashing? They didn't harass the man or approach him like everyone was saying.


    It's hilarious because it started as "the group of CCH students walked up and harassed a group of Native Americans," to "the group of CCH students surrounded and harassed a group of Native Americans," to "they surrounded and harassed one," to "they harassed one," to "a few kids did the tomahawk chop, which is hateful and just goes to show that CCH is a bunch of entitled punks."


    It's actually beyond ridiculous.


    First off, These boys should know better. They are 16-18 years old. They are old enough to know that there is absolutely zero reason to act like that. There is no condoning this type of behavior and the fact that, at the time, they thought it was OK to do this is unbelievably awful.

    Secondly, not only have they tarnished their reputation, but Cov Cath's reputation as a school and Catholic's in general. I don't know what the punishment should be, but clearly something needs to be done to teach these boys that what they did was wrong, because clearly nobody in their lives has taught them that racism is wrong, but that it should be common sense by now.

    Thirdly, Where are the chaperons? Any adults with them that could have dispersed the situation? Major fail by the school in my opinion. Being on a trip like that and not having proper authority watching over them, especially at a major event like that is a really bad look on the school's part. That's where criticism of the school should be. There should have been an adults there in the first place to make sure this never happened.

    Overall, I'm saddened and upset that this happened in the first place. I'm saddened that this ultimately confirms awful stereotypes about our state to outsiders that are untrue. I really hope these boys realize what they did was wrong and that they learn from it.

    What did they do that was so wrong? A few kids did the tomahawk chop?

    So I watched a longer video.


    The kids literally just walk away at one point.


    A guy in the group with the man drumming appears to start saying "we won" and they start celebrating. Same guy said something like "white people go back to Europe where you came from".



    The worst thing I saw from a few students was the tomahawk chop. It was stupid, but doesn't reflect the entire group.



  3. The kid is lying. On multiple points he made, proven by video. They clearly mocked the man. There is zero evidence of him forcing his way into the middle of the group.


    Keep enabling them...

    Except if you watch the video he's the one that walks up and approaches them.

    This certainly ignores the Tomahawk chop that was done by some of the students.


    Two, MAYBE three kids.


    Punish those kids? Sure, but don't act like the entire group on the trip was doing it, which is exactly what people on here are doing.

  4. The man was surrounded by the CCH students before he and the “main” kid were ever close to one another... Can you explain them surrounding him if they weren’t the aggressors?


    What exactly about the man’s actions make it obvious that he was trying to agitate them?


    What did they do that was so racist? How about doing the tomahawk chop and chant? Are you kidding me?? Please try to find more bogus reasons to justify their pitiful behavior.


    They didn't surround him.... he walked into their crowd! There's a HUGE difference!


    As far as the tomahawk chop? There were two kids doing it? Maybe three? That was wrong, but the entire CCH group on the trip and the entire school is labeled as racist for that?



  5. Well, you can choose to believe they were instigated. I’ll believe they were the obvious aggressors. :thumb:

    https://mobile.twitter.com/mariajudy_/status/1086681831804674048?fbclid=IwAR0jvme2CssY58QTVkyZX Ip1QDNouPBbC7aG_etZGidthgaPJ9iK9A6_2UY


    https://mobile.twitter.com/mariajudy_/status/1086681831804674048?fbclid=IwAR0jvme2CssY58QTVkyZX Ip1QDNouPBbC7aG_etZGidthgaPJ9iK9A6_2UY


    So they're standing there chanting "CCH," the elder gentlemen walks up to them beating his drum and obviously trying to agitate them, but how does that make the students the aggressors?

    So you're good with the stare down?


    What are you clinging to, and why?

    Stare down? What did you want the kid to do? The guy came up wanting to cause a disturbance, and you're mad at a stare down?


    "We're here to protest abortions, but we'll be intimidated by a guy playing a drum?"

    You’re not watching the same video. Clearly.


    At what point does Mr. Phillips walk up and get in the kids face?

    Right here.

    Sure did, did you because regardless of that statement you still act like you don't see anything a little bit off about the kid's smug stare down, and what it represents.


    What did you want him to do? The guy walks up and was obviously wanting to cause some disturbance, so what did you want the kid to do?


    Also, there's a video that keeps getting taken down of someone in the crowd calling an African American student from CCH the n word, but the CCH students are the evil ones?


    Then, here's the entire video that shows everything:


    So what did the CCH kids do that was so racist and has everyone calling for kids to be expelled and for CCH to be blackballed?


    What am I not seeing?

  6. My son liked your speech at Summit View today.


    Sorry that I'm just now seeing this, but that's awesome! I hope it helps him in some way, especially if/when he faces tough decisions in high school!


    What did he say about it/me?


    Did you know that I did this beforehand and then knew who I was when he told you, or did you see this and put two-and-two together?!


    Did he remember my name and then you realized that it was me? There's A LOT of kids (maybe MOST kids) that don't remember my name (so don't think that I'll be offended because it's only flashed in the opening slide for about 3 seconds), but then go home and tell their parents or siblings about it and then they know that it had to be me!

  7. Danny Woolley is a first-class guy, and has always been a first-class guy. I've known him since we played Spartan peewee ball together as 10 year olds, and you could tell at 10 years old that he was meant to be a football coach. I'm sure this decision came after a LOT of consideration for Danny and his wife. Hopefully as his family gets older we'll get to see him back coaching on the football field, but until then, thanks for leaving your mark on northern Kentucky football, Danny. It's been a good one.




    He's had me out to Scott to present to the school and to the football team.


    I played for his old man for the Spartans and we were the best midget team in history!


    I was shocked by this but the family thing does make sense. Maybe he'll get back into coaching one day.

  8. If anybody remembers, I once presented out in Saint Louis at the Missouri Speech-Hearing-Language Convention, and I just received another request to present in Saint Louis, but this time at the Brain Injury Foundation of St. Louis!


    This is HUGE!


    I'm still waiting on my big break, so maybe someone with a child at a high school or a spouse that teaches will see my presentation and try to set me up at a school. Then, all the dominoes start falling and I travel more and more!


    Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that this works out!

  9. That's an amazing story. Are you a person of faith?


    Yes I am, especially now because there's no other explanation for how I'm able to think or function as much as I can when I'm missing so much of my brain that every doctor that looks at my brain scan says I should either be a vegetable or dead.


    God's the only explanation.


    My struggles with faith and finding God after the wreck are the main part of my presentation, which you can see on my website at bradfritz.org

  10. Raining, so I’m sitting in the library between three Highlands fans thinking they’re NFL Network analysts about every detail and it’s making me wanna roll out the window!

























    (They’re nice guys and not that bad, but they’re taking jabs at me, so I gotta give it right back!)

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