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Posts posted by BFritz

  1. No one from Cov Cath has played at USC. There are a couple-few guys from the state of Kentucky who have gone there for football, but none from Cov Cath.


    And Paul Hladon did go to Princeton. Cov Cath has actually had a small handful of guys play significant roles on Ivy League football teams, including Hunter Ziegelmeyer who is currently playing for Dartmouth.


    Brian Williams, Scott Spivey and Michael Hild are the Ivy Leaguers I recall from CovCath. Maybe a Wilson (not David/Miami). Fine players all of them.


    I remember Kurt Barber from Paducah who went to USC and played at least one season with the Jets. Unbelievable player ...


    My cousin........ was on the first flight he could be on to get back here when he heard about the wreck........ AMAZING football player, a genius, and the best friend you could ever ask for.


    I still remember watching a video of him catching a touchdown pass at Columbia (he ran pretty far if I remember correctly)......


    I gotta see if my aunt and uncle or cousins still have that VHS tape!


    The world needs more people like him :thumb:


    I also see Spivey a lot still....... normally when I'm working out at Five Seasons. Another good guy :thumb:

  2. In the way that you've worded the slides, I don't read it as if you got out of the car. I think that your original wording is fine.


    I agree with TB & G, I did not read it that you got out of teh car. I read it three times to see if I missed something.


    I just see "left again" as having come back and established being there, which would mean getting out of the car.


    On a few occasions, kids have even asked me "why'd you get back in the car if you knew you were going to go speeding through the cemetery?"

  3. In the presentation I give to schools, in the slides about the wreck, it says:


    "We stayed there a while

    Then we left again

    We went and got gas

    We came back

    And then we left one more time

    This time we drove around the cemetery

    He was messing around speeding

    Before we got out of the cemetery he sped around one last corner…………."


    Then we wreck.


    That makes it sound like, when we came back to the cemetery after getting gas, we got out of the car and then got back in knowing that we were going joy riding.


    I found out after I graduated college that, when we came back from getting gas, we stopped but didn't get out of the car. I wanted to go pick-up my girlfriend, but the driver wanted to stay in the cemetery because that's where he felt safe driving, so he did a 180 and took us speeding through the cemetery, and then we wrecked.


    Should I change it point out that we didn't get out of the car and get back in and should I even mention that I wanted to leave when he took us joy riding?


    I want it to be accurate, but I also don't want to make it seem like I'm taking the blame off myself and playing the victim, which would take away from a major message of my presentation (make smart decisions), or do you think it won't even make a difference with kids because it was already established that I shouldn't have even been in the car in the first place?

  4. Are you saying since CCH won a state title in 5A, and should have another shot at the 5A title this coming season, that people will want to separate the publics and privates in NKY? That's funny. :lol2:


    I won't bring my winning tradition dog in this fight, but, a couple other teams/programs in NKY might chime in. :wave:


    Considering they beat every team this season by a wide margin and people have been complaining about the things I mentioned for years, yes I am.


    It was fine when Highlands was winning title after title (before Dale left), but now that CCH's program is building and the feeder system is becoming stronger, I'm sure that it won't be long until they start chiming in.

  5. I'm almost scared if they are just because there would be more talk about separating private and public schools since Trinity also dominates 6a.


    It bugs me because next no one comes to CCH just to play sports and the ones who do don't last too long. And it's also not like CCH is loaded with unlimited athletes who are dominant because they wouldn't have players going both ways if they did.


    CCH has a winning tradition and a way of doing things that's hard to match.

  6. You know I respect your opinion and for good reason. I feel like it's not as cut and dry as the information you're providing though. Highlands is in a slump and hasn't shown any indication that they are rising out of that slump. Cov Cath on the other hand made huge strides in 2016 but still weren't there yet. In 2017 they brought home the hardware but it had a lot to do with something that Highlands has not shown during that time frame. Unless Highlands has a star in the making and can figure out their issues on defense, they would be better off playing in the class that their enrollment numbers put them in.


    So instead of fixing problems/working harder and trying to improve, just give up?


    When CCH had down years, was there ever talk of them going down a class?


    If moving down doesn't work, is Highlands going to start asking for participation trophies from the KHSAA?

  7. I am always optimistic. I was worried with the way we played against the Bears and Vikings. We just were not competitive. The Vikings are good the Bears awful. Hower, they looked really good the last two games against teams that had everything to play for.


    I am in for life.


    Exactly, so am I, but now it's not just blind optimism because we have a solid core and showed that we can win some tough games.


    We mentioned beating Baltimore, but also forgot to mention that it WAS IN BALTIMORE, which is one of the top ten toughest places to win in the NFL, especially with their season on the line.

  8. Marvin will be at Cincinnati as long as he wants, so Cincinnati fans might as well get use to it, the future doesn't look too promising....


    It doesn't? We have a lot of young talent, a few guys still in their prime (AJ, Burfict, Geno, etc.), and we just need to fill in a few pieces via free agency (unlikely) and the draft, like a new center, middle linebacker, offensive tackle, guard, and maybe one or two others.


    People on this board baffle me.


    Is Marvin a good coach? No. He's horrible at game planning, in-game adjustments, clock management, getting the team motivated, etc., but what other respectable coach would come here under these conditions? The players seem to like him, he has more influence than any other coach ever under Mike Brown (per Mike Brown), and we've come very close to getting over the hump and advancing in the playoffs (one Jeremy Hill fumble away from it, actually).


    If you look at the season last year, we went 7-7 after replacing Zampese with Lazor to finish 7-9, and that's with losing FIVE games by 4 points or less. You don't get points for almost, but point is it's not like we just rolled over and were horrible every game. Mind you that all of that happened with a horrible offensive line, and specifically at center, which hopefully we'll be drafting Price from OSU to play center.


    It's like people just go with the easiest answer, like All State did, and just say it's all doom-and-gloom because that's easier than doing some actual evaluation.

  9. In Ft Mitchell, we’re hoping and praying Coach Rash and his amazing staff continue their DiMaggio like stretch of making the perfect calls and choose the right successor for the departed Brayden Burch at QB.


    Burch will be hard to replace and there’s no clear cut front runner - from a distant view - at this juncture. Whispers abound at possible replacements but nothing concrete.


    Merry Christmas!

    I have no doubt that Coach Rash and the rest of the crew will have them ready to make another run!


    They adapt to fit the talent they have!

    Cov Cath: someone to fill A.J.’s shoes even 1/2 way.... Need a General to fill his shoes.


    Anybody a front runner to do it?


    I heard someone say (maybe saw it on here?) that his brother might be taking being considered, which I'm sure he has at least some of AJ's and, at 6'5, 210 (and most likely only adding weight in muscle), he'd be a load even for linemen to bring down. I have visions of Jared Lorenzen just running around in the pocket and giving receivers all day to get open or just go long and outrun everyone.


    Then, having a back like McGinness who can break a big play with even the smallest opening just sounds dangerous.


    I might be completely wrong about him being a possibility at QB, but it would be interesting.

  10. The Cooper Jags beat the Colonels to place 3rd in the prestigious King of the Bluegrass Basketball Tournament.


    So far I have heard the following excuses for the CovCath loss:


    1. CovCath has no rhythm on offense.


    2. CovCath turns the ball over too much.


    3. CovCath's AJ Mayer didn't play.


    4. The Refs called too many contact fouls.


    5. Cooper out-coached CovCath.


    6. CovCath doesn't utilize their talent correctly.


    7. CovCath had exams this week.


    8. Driving two hours each way back and forth to Louisville was too much for CovCath.


    When you say "excuses," you imply that someone is trying to lessen the blame on one party and justify a loss.


    Out of your eight reasons for the loss, I only see four that qualify as excuses and one is questionable on whether or not it's an excuse, but I highlighted all four.


    AJ Mayer not playing isn't really an excuse, but just more of a fact that they weren't at full strength.


    If anything, no rhythm, turning the ball over too much, being out-coached, and not utilizing the talent correctly (which, to me, falls under being out-coached), is acknowledging weaknesses, rather than making excuses.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me like you were just looking for reasons to bash CCH's team.

  11. Put me in the minority that thinks it is pretty clear and doesn't need changed. However, stretching for the endzone is a football move.

    Yeah, I don't see how people are debating what a catch is in this instance.


    He never had clear control. "Control" means you have the ball in firm possession. How do people not understand what "control" means?

    The only issue I really have with it is the "survive the ground" part of it. As soon as the ball crosses the plane and is in possession of the receiver, inbounds, the play should be over, TD. JMO.

    If he has clear possession of it beforehand, then, yes, it is a touchdown when it crosses the plane.


    If that was a today when the Steelers player caught it, then is it a catch if a receiver gets his hands around it for a fraction of a second and it gets knocked out?



    A catch should be ruled a catch if the player clearly has possession and control of the ball when his feet, (2) in the NFL and (1) in college and high school, make contact with the ground. The ground should not be allowed to cause a fumble, or an incomplete pass. If his feet or his body make contact with the ground, or when the ball crosses the plane of the goal line, and he has control of the ball at that point, then it is a catch, even if the ball comes loose once his hands and arms hit the ground.

    I disagree with that entirely.


    You need to have firm control or it leaves everything even more open to interpretation and opinions.


    If he had control, then he wouldn't have fumbled it when it hit the ground.


    Everyone who says "then why's it ok if a runner just gets the ball across and then fumbles it in the ai for when it hits the ground?" Because he had control of the ball while running and fully had it for a while before crossing the goal line. Case closed.

    It's not perfect. I don't know that any rule will ever be. But IMO if the ground can't cause a fumble, it shouldn't be able to cause an incompletion either. I guess that's my mindset.


    Like I say above, but the runner already had control of the ball while running and when he reached out to cross the goal line, the play is over.


    Eli Manning agrees:


    Like others, as it happened Manning thought it was a clean catch. But on replay, he saw that it wasn’t.


    “I was watching the game live, you see it, and it doesn’t look like an incompletion at all,’’ Manning said. “Once they slow it down and see him going to the ground and the ball hitting the ground, incompletion …


    “You hate it, when you’re watching it live, you don’t even think about that not being a catch. When they run it down, hey, when you go to the ground you got to finish with the ball in your hand. When it hits the ground and there’s movement, I was like, ‘I think that’s enough evidence where they’re gonna reverse that’.”


    It’s so clear to Manning, he doesn’t understand why others are confused as to what constitutes a catch in the NFL


    “I think it is clear what a catch is,’’ Manning said. “Especially when you’re going to the ground, you got to control the ball the whole time. You got to have it. If the ball hits the ground, you’re going to the ground, the ball moves or hits the ground and there’s a little loss of contact through the end of the play, it’s gonna be an incompletion.’’

  12. There's NSFW language in this video, so be warned, but Mike Mitchell goes on a rant in this video about how the NFL isn't football anymore because you're not allowed to hit people and they should give them flags and all so he knows what he can do.


    The game is evolving and it's a lot less dangerous, even before all these new rules, than it was years ago, and you just have to adapt.


    However, even considering that and taking his points as having meaning, so that's not football, but


    Of course no one called him out on it because he plays for the Steelers and they're the NFL's love child and above the rules, but is does anyone else think that that's as hypocritical and stupid as I do?

  13. Everybody keeps saying something like a GM position, which do they not understand what a GM does? A GM negotiates contracts for players, finds free agents and typically has the final say in drafting, coordinates the scouting department (which the Bengals are lacking), and manages the team's salary cap.


    I agree that things like the drafts have been better for the Bengals while he's been here, but how much of that was just his opinions or insight or just plain luck? Look at how many busts we've had and how many contracts have been messed up, so why would you want Marvin in control of all that?

  14. Regardless of whether what you said was true or not. The things you said had nothing to do with what you were quoting.

    "Corrupt" and "regime" and emails and everything have nothing to do with Fort Thomas being up in arms over the coach?


    Try again.

    I have no desire to look back several years but by all means you can use your search option. It was bad and yes, the posts did mention email campaigns being used against coaches. Close your eyes to it and pretend it didn't happen but it did.


    People in glass houses.....




    I did, against my best judgement, and it sounds like it was just a few upset parents that may or may not have even been true and just something being stirred up by someone from Beechwood trying to cause drama.


    However, if you even look at some of the posts from that thread, like


    Coach Wirth has improved the team and the program each of the past 2 years. Is it where CovCath fans want or expect it to be? NO. Are there disgruntled parents and players? yes there are. Are there disgruntled parents at Beechwood, Ryle, Highlands etc. yes there are. Are the administration and boosters of CovCath doubting or losing faith in Coach Wirth? No


    CovCath expectations are very high, so there will always be those who are unhappy with a 6-6 season, including Coach Wirth. Do the vast majority of CovCath faithful feel things are heading in the right direction, I would say yes.


    People, stop replying to this thread. It's obviously made up to get a rise out of people, from someone so close to the program they can't spell Coach Wirth's name correctly. Don't dignify it with a response.


    This past Friday I missed the Cov Cath/JC football game because I spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at a retreat center up in Ohio with 32 of the senior Colonels helping lead a Christian Awakening retreat. None of the football Colonels were there - obviously - but there were several of them that showed up at the retreat closing in the cafeteria at Cov Cath last night following the retreat. I talked with several of them, and several of their parents, and heard nothing but praise and hope for the Cov Cath football program...not one single negative word about the football program, or the coaches running it.


    Would I doubt that there's a parent or two out there who's angry because "their boy didn't get a state ring"? Not one bit. Any truth to the "Park Hills Mafia wanting Wirth's head after CCH's unsuccessful year"? Not one bit.


    Then you'll see that it was a non-issue and nowhere near what is happening in Fort Thomas.


    Did you even believe what you posted or were you just hoping that I'm too brain damaged to realize that it was wrong or to go look it up?

  15. You might want to go back in BGP history to review what was being posted on here during the CCH coaching carousel years. That was when I first heard the term Park Hills Mafia. Was every bit as much angst as this situation.


    Someone in this very thread said the Park Hills Mafia never existed, so sounds more like someone threw out a term of maybe a few people and then people ran wild with it.


    Perhaps you could show me what was being said because CCH has had down years and I never remember lots of parents doing things like the equivalent of emailing the school board (or anyone in charge at CovCath) trying to get a coach fired, putting enough pressure on a coach that he needed to email the CCH community, hashtags like #MHFGA (#MCCHFGA), or anything like that.


    You think anything even anywhere near comparable happened with CCH?


    It doesn't relate with what you posted. Just an opportunity for a CCH fan to get all the bad things he wants to say about HHS out in the open.


    lol.......... completely false.


    If I weren't a CCH fan, everything would still ring true, and you can look at the facts to see that I'm correct.

  16. I'm confused at your response to my statement can you elaborate?


    What don’t you understand?


    People are unhappy, the supposed immortal football team is struggling, doesn’t seem to be any direction, and Fort Thomas is all up in arms calling for the coach’s head like he’s going around town murdering puppies.


    Show me another town outside of a place like Texas where this kind of thing would happen that’s this bad.

  17. True but they really don't need a coach on Dale's level since it really wasn't a rivalry during his years. To bring back the rivalry they just need to get back to the normal level that HHS has historically operated at. We'll never experience a run like Dale's again and that's ok. Not desirable, but ok.

    My senior year (what should have been my senior year), we beat Highlands in the playoffs. It's hard to think that we wouldn't have given them a game my sophomore and junior years if not for the wreck.


    Or maybe it wouldn't have made much of a difference, but, looking at the makeup of our team and the success we had anyways, it's hard to think that it wouldn't have mattered.

    I am totally confused. I have heard on here for two years that the talent is down at Highlands. Now people are saying there was plenty of talent this year.






    When I first suggested ANYTHING was down at Highlands, I was ridiculed and called stupid (basically)!



  18. From what I have been able to gather, the answer to that question will be "no"

    No coaching changes or that they all haven't committed to return?

    BW is an excellent teacher, an excellent coach, and his kids love him. He's a teacher first, then a coach. If you fire BW, then you have to fire the basketball coaches because neither are winning at the rate they should. If not, then pony up $60,000 and hire a "football only" coach (which I'm sure some will be all for). Otherwise, be happy that you have great teachers and great coaches who care about their kids and work their tails off.


    HUGE difference.


    Has the basketball program ever had one of the top reputations in the country like football used to have?


    The football program also made a lot more money than basketball.


    Being a Cov Cath fan I hope they keep him.

    I'd miss the rivalry and I don't really think we need to worry because I doubt they'll ever find another coach on Dale's level.

    Sacred football program?

    Used to be :laugh:

    I took it to mean job threatening emails but I too am out of touch.


    I am shaking my head at the use of the words "corrupt" and "regime". Has to be entertaining for the non HHS community.


    I'm just laughing at it because you'd always hear about the unity, tradition, a program that couldn't fail, how the school was so much more than football, etc, etc, but now that they're struggling it sounds like a civil war is about to happen in Fort Thomas!

  19. This is an email from Coach Weinrich circulating throughout Fort Thomas and BGP now:


    I want to let everyone know what is going on.


    I just got off the phone with Matt Haskamp. He just talked to the superintendent and they are going to retain us.


    You have no idea the support we have gotten the last day and a half. I honestly think my phone is about to literally explode. My front door has been a revolving door with current and former players.


    We have a tremendous responsibility, actually a wonderful opportunity to impact a lot guys in great way.


    I am going to do everything I can to continue to improve in every aspect of being a leader and, oh yeah, beating Cov Cath.


    Let's have a great banquet. I am completely exhausted.


    That sound pessimistic to anyone else?


    "I just got off the phone with Matt Haskamp. He just talked to the superintendent and they are going to retain us." Sounds relieved and not like he was confident that it was going to happen. How's that supposed to get the people and players excited and motivated for the upcoming seasons?


    Highlands has one of the top histories in the nation, and this guy sounds like he's surprised that they're even keeping him.



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