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Posts posted by BFritz

  1. I guess teams like USC, FSU, Alabama never had down years? Quit reaching. Highlands is still NKY's premier team until otherwise noted. End of story


    Looks like it might be noting otherwise in the upcoming seasons.


    There's a lot more parity in college football and it's a lot more difficult than high school football.


    Show me where any college team has dominated in the same way that Highlands has for as long as they have and then suddenly don't and we can have a discussion.

  2. What an awesome thread. I find it amazing that Highlands won 51 more games than CovCath did in the same period. Wonder if there is a larger disparity between the top 2 teams in the same district in the State. Take away the "downfall" of the Birds and they are probably #1 in the State. @BFritz anything?


    Just sayin!


    lol......... so you're pointing out past dominance, which they suddenly were a far cry from this season, and you're using that as an example as to why I'm wrong?

  3. No doubt about it. 100 years of dominance, they've had their dry spells before and will again.

    Really? When was their last losing season before Weinrich?

    You're definitely bored. Every great dynasty has a year or 2 like this. For the record, I'm not Highlands fan but respect that program. To call it a "down fall" is asinine.


    So a team has 25-or-so straight years of dominance and winning a bunch of state titles, often loaded and blowing teams out, with enough good players to be two-platooning in a bunch of those years, and they suddenly go 8-7 and 3-8 and everything is ok? Nothing to worry about?

  4. You mean loses to two 6A schools?


    I mean losses to two 6a aren't exactly powerhouse schools and are schools that you'd be laughed off the internet for suggesting they could even stay within five touchdowns of Highlands in previous years.

    Keep grinding that ax!! Funny coming from a CovCath guy.


    lol......... were we talking about CovCath? Way to throw out an attempted insult when you have no response to a valid question.




    You must be bored...



    Been wondering it for a while.

    I wish there were a Cricket emoji....another poster who couldn't make soup in the winter, so they dredge up a big pot of nothing.:idunno:


    That you have no answer for.


    You think that there has been no drop-off?

  5. This has probably been discussed to no end, but I haven't been around, and the recent downfall of Highlands' football is amazing.


    Up until recent years, you could expect their JV squad to put a running clock on a team like Grant County, and now their varsity squad loses to them in the first round?


    What caused the downfall?


    Is it as simple as Dale leaving? That seems obvious, but you'd think assistant coaches that were on Dale's coaching tree could pick it up, especially since it was all established.


    Is it that Highlands closed their enrollment borders and would only let students in from the immediate area? (I heard they've recently opened them back up, which is sad for them.)


    Is it that other schools established feeder programs and their teams are getting better? That one seems unlikely considering they used to beat the best teams in all classes, even from other areas.


    Is there some other possibility that I'm missing?


    Will they ever return to domination or even as the leader in Northern Kentucky?

  6. I don't know how much easier I can make this for you.....The law says she does. Whether I agree with the law or not is irrelevant. I will absolutely defend a person's right to do something that is legally allowed by our laws.

    We're obviously talking about the choice of the woman committing it and the morality of it, not the legality of it.


    But good effort in trying to post towards me in a condescending manner about making it easier for me when you're the one who's now taking it in a completely different direction to fit your argument.

    I've got a question for you....Do you feel a woman who was raped or is in danger of losing her life by giving birth should be allowed to end the pregnancy?


    Those are obviously completely separate issues from the one that we are discussing.

  7. I'm not saying these are your words, but Rather ironic that the unborn is referenced as a "child".

    Exactly what I've said all along.


    And the people that say "you're just killing a fetus and it's not a person yet," but how can you kill something that's not alive?

    To me it is a child...


    And yet you think a woman has a choice to kill it?

  8. Well, it completely depends on the situation what my personal feelings would be.


    But, generally speaking, I'd probably try to make them realize all the reasons to not choose to end it. With that being said, I respect and understand the fact that it's ultimately their choice, and whether I like the decision they come to or not, I support their right to make it.


    I liken it to this: I do not support smoking. I think it's horrible, and I would always try to get family and friends to quit. However, I DO support their right to make the decision to smoke or not. It's their choice, not mine. We as a society need to stop thinking we know what's best for other people. We all have free will, and should be able to exercise it.


    We didn't dance around the question. We gave you an honest answer. Just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't mean we didn't answer the question.

    So you'd be ok with suicide clinics being opened where people can go and have someone give them tools or put them in a situation that's certain to end their life?


    You believe that suicide should be a more accepted norm?

    And yes, if a person is an adult, they should be allowed to do whatever they want to their own body.


    This is beside the point, but:




    Nobody danced around the question. This is not black and white to many. Answers have been given, evidently you disagree,. That's ok you do yours everyone else will do theirs.


    But it is a black-and-white answer. You can explain your reasoning, which may not be black-and-white to some, but it's either you agree with it or not.


    You can't have it both ways.

  9. Being okay with it has nothing to do with it.


    It simply means you believe they have the individual right to make that decision (whether it be life or death) for themselves.

    So you'd say "ok, it's your choice, I will not object"?

    Exactly. The OP is ridiculous.




    The only thing the other two did is dance around the question.


    You think a person should be able to sit around and self-harm themself or commit suicide because it is a personal choice?

  10. You're pro-choice, so you believe in legalized suicide and you think self-harm is ok because the people are choosing to do it to themselves?


    If your husband, wife, child, relative, etc., said "I've thought about it, I looked into everything, and I don't feel like life is worth living anymore," you'd say "ok, I support your decision to kill yourself"?

  11. I think it's great that you approach it from that angle. I can't imagine what I would be like in that situation, so the fact that, attitude-wise, you take lemons and make lemonade is inspiring.


    I got home from presenting and was so tired that I slept through the NFL games (which, normally I'd be mad, but they weren't much of games, but it was hilarious to watch the highlights and see Mike Mitchell get torched :laugh:) and just woke up a bit again.


    I do appreciate the words, and I don't think anyone can ever picture a situation like this until you're face-to-face with it. People say things like you did, but I always point out that you never know. There's many things that I would do different if I could do it over again and maybe you or anyone else wouldn't have made the same mistakes I did.


    This is just like to me, so I don't really see it as me overcoming anything big, but more just living my life.

  12. Years ago, I posted something about how I had the best seats at Bengals games because handicapped people got tons of cool stuff in life.


    This man, who happened to be in a wheelchair for a reason different than I am, posted "omg, Brad, I hope you are joking," and then PMed me and said "you shouldn't say things like that because we don't want people thinking we like being like this."


    People love my attitude with how I don't let my situation define me, how I'm always smiling and positive, how I have fun with the things other people offer me sympathy for, etc.


    So I started a thread called "How Do You Want Me To Act" because I figured everyone who knew who I was would have my back and it would help this guy know that I didn't need his insight into life.


    People who knew me posted that they loved my attitude, as I expected, but it was mostly a bunch of people who didn't know me posting things like "you should seek help from your family and friends" and "you should seek professional help," and it made me want to roll off a cliff, so this thread's to clear it up.




    I might post things like handicapped people get tons of cool stuff in life, like the best seats in the stadium at Bengals games, but that's only referring to me. I get tons of cool stuff in life because I'm handicapped. I LOVE being in the condition I'm in because I can't change it and, yeah, it's not easy, but that's life and no one has an easy life.


    My family, friends, and usually anyone I meet, LOVE my attitude and LOVE how I don't let the situation define me. I don't think I'm better than anyone because who's to say I'm right for how I act? It just works for me.


    I actually hate the words "handicapped" and "disabled," because I think they make me sound like a charity case, but the word I prefer to use is politically incorrect.


    If it offends anyone that I don't mind being in the condition I'm in, I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, but I've never liked that people are supposed to walk around on egg shells when talking to me and I don't like the way that anyone in any physical situation that's remotely similar to mine is supposed to act.


    Also, don't lump everyone you see in a wheelchair into one category and apply all opinions to them because people are in wheelchairs for thousands of different problems for thousands of different reasons, so people are sensitive to different things (I'm not sensitive to anything really, but, like I said, that's just me).


    I actually need to go get ready to go present up in Cincinnati, so I apologize that I won't reply to any replies right away, but it's nothing personal.


    I'm pretty sure that I'll also have a lot more to post on this topic, but that was just off the top of what's left of my brain.



  13. So, no one is going to report about the 100℅ peaceful protests and events like the human chain that was formed on the Golden Gate Bridge? What about the peaceful protestors interviewed on mainstream TV stating that the violent protestors are delegitimizing the message?


    We're not talking about the peaceful protests because the violent ones are protesting the things that I listed with violence and destruction, which is hypocrisy and irony in the truest forms.


    Also, a "peaceful" protest showed people locking arms and refusing to let people walk by, which just being "peaceful" but still disrupting society is still counterproductive, just as violent protests are.

  14. Do they have to go?


    I don't see the outrage. If I were being inaugurated I could care less if Mitch or Ted Cruz were there.


    I agree, this isn't that big of a deal. In the end I think it looks worse on those making it all about themselves and making a big deal about not going. But in the greater sense it doesn't matter...just makes more room for those that want to be there.


    Point is that everyone against Trump is saying that he'll divide the country but they're dividing it further by protesting him.


    United We Stand, Divided We Fall.......... I feel like I've heard that somewhere, but it might have been one of the many voices in my head.

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