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Everything posted by CAP

  1. A lot of talent in the region no doubt and I look at it this way what player has more of an impact on their team and could you win without her. I believe the top 3 teams have enough talent on their teams that they can win without their best player. The other teams cannot not win without their best player IMO.
  2. I would agree, if NCC gets in foul trouble they are hurting for whatever reason they do not play their bench and that will hurt them in the tournament, i never did get that. At the end of the day the regular season means nothing get kids ready to play come tournament time.
  3. Can Dixie win the region, if they have that many good players why haven't we heard much about them?
  4. If you read it correctly I never said it was the refs fault.
  5. Congrats, she is a complete player and a great young lady.
  6. I am sure you do since the the thorough ones are on Highlands. LOL
  7. Amazing thanks for sharing, very happy for that kid and his family.
  8. Amazing story thanks for sharing, so happy for that kid and his family
  9. Good game NCC is really coming along and Holy Cross has a lot of weapons and you will have to play very well to beat them. With that being said and by no means am I saying this decided the game but the referring was horrible, 2 out of the 3 refs had the All A game against these 2 teams. At one point Holy Cross coach got a warning in which the ref said one more and its a technical and he made it clear to the other 2 refs, then another ref game him a warning, correct me if I am wrong but shouldn't the second have been a technical? I will be the first to tell you I don't know all the rules but that I think should have been a technical. Holy Cross will be tough to beat and the Turner girl is a very smart player she lets the game come to her and gets everyone involved.
  10. WO!!!!!!!!!!! Really, their coach better remember what comes around goes around and when it does he will deserve, its just ashame because he his players won't.
  11. I agree with RCC9 accept for not caring what the score was, I care and you don't do that to a local team, if you want to do that to a team from another state, not that I think that is right as well so be it but not to a local school. Also to say is this a varsity game give me a break, there is not doubt ealry on in this game that Holmes coach knew he had this game in hand, winning by 20 or 30 is a blow why couldn't he settel for that. That shows no respect for the other coach, team and LLoyd HS, what ashame and I don't blame the players the the coach is in control and could have very easily controled that sitituation. I think the Holmes players play very well and she very good sportsmanship and I hope this isn't a reflection on the players this all about the coach. Sorry but I call it like I see but that doesn't mean I am right, I do think I am saying what others are thinking and want to see.
  12. Give Eddie time and CovCath will contend every year, he is a great coach and great man Park Hills will love him.
  13. HHS has a very good team and will contend for the 9th region title but they will have to earn. In my opinion seeing all the teams play I think they are the 3rd best team but that doesn't mean they can't win it. They play hard and discipline and that's what its going to take to beat the 2 top teams. How long is Leigh out, i hate that she isn't playing great girl and great parents.
  14. It is what it is, you don't like it others do get ove it.
  15. Another Jab good work, can't a guy have a little fun?
  16. I like ND team i believe if they can get healthy they have a shot at up setting some good teams, they have size, handle the ball well and shoot well. I think their biggest weakness is their bench, their not very deep and against a team like NCC they struggle down the stretch because they are tired. But look out for them I think they are going to make some noise. I also like NCC, they are quick and play very good defense, they force you inot rushing shots and making quick decisions. They speed you up when you don't want to. They are getting baloanced scoring, if they shoot well they will be a tuff out for sure, we all know they lack in size but they make up for it in out right hustle. They have girls playing out of position like Zimmerman she has to play girls with signicant size advantage. Like last night taking 2 charges and especially the one against Smith was huge, definitely not afraid to sacrifice her body for the the betterment of the team.
  17. Can't explain it any better than that, so everyone read it very carefully so you can understand it.
  18. I am not worked up at all, you keep saying the same thing over and over. Sounds to me your the one worked up over what they call. I have posted anything in a couple days if you haven't noticed so who is the one with the life. ALL A STATE CHAMPIONS
  19. You really need to find another hobby. Don't be so bitter, work out or something, take your frustration out at the gym and if that doesn't work then fix whatever you think is wrong with the A or start your own State Tournament.
  20. And i quote "They won't compete for a regional title next year" glad you can predict the future.
  21. How is it soo far away form what it was intended for? 90 precent of the teams that are in it are the same ones that have been in it for years but all of a sudden because HC and NCC has a few titles now you have a problem with it. Stop beating around the bush and say what you really want to say.
  22. Now it's a private school thing, someone must have really hurt yuor feelings.
  23. The way its marketed i understand but who's to say the ones they have in it every year aren't the small schools, just because they can compete with bigger schools doesn't mean they shouldn't be consider in the A. They have a set enrollment size and thats what they go by. I am not a 100% sure but I think there have been school's that participated in the past that aren't allowed now because their enrollment went up.
  24. Don't know why the big hang up on it being called state champion, the actual name is ALL A State Champ its specific. The big state tournament is called the Sweet Sixteen (State Champion) which it isn't specific to a certain division like football is so when you win it you are the Sate Champion. When Highlands wins it in football they call it 4A State Champion not just State Champion and yes understand KHSAA made football that way, but my piont is why does it matter to them.
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