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Everything posted by CAP

  1. So let me get this straight the schools that you think should be in the ALL A can they still compete for the regional as well?
  2. I agree with you, I just think the you should let the ones who are actually attending the school play for the school, i aslo agree that there a lot of junior high kids that can play high school but if your doing for the competition then that is what AAU at your level is for. Just my thoughts unless your numbers are down then you dont have a choice.
  3. Well ok didn't mean to ruffle your feathers was just curious. I thought HHS had a very good team and thought they should have been challenged more. Maybe next time I will rephrase it and say play better competition out of the 9th. It will be ok you will get another shot at the regional next season.
  4. No, you just want to change something that you have no skin in the game with it. Bashing really i guess you don't read what you say or hold on you just spin to make you look good in everyones eyes, you bash on one hand and compliment on the other. You use a nice choice of words, i can read between the lines. Again you if you want it change so you can say you helped make it better go see Stan but you don't comment on that do you?
  5. You really don't like the ALL A do you? LOL Here is your answer to all you of your little rants even though you don't have a dog in the fight because your kid goes to a larger school, because Stan says so that's why it is what it is. Stop complaing, crying whatever you want to call it and just send your kid to a smaller school and join in the experience.
  6. HHS really needs to beef up their schedule next year, play in bigger tournaments to be prepared in my opinion, get away from playing the local schools. I believe it will helpt them a lot because they will be in the thick of it next season for sure.
  7. Ware is very hard to guard in the open floor and if she would have developed a shot and could shoot off the dribble she would have averaged 20 a game, not knicking her at all she is fun to watch and is a very good player. I just think starting them early especially in the 7th and 8th grade hurts a lot of them, it seems as if they are the same player just stronger and more mature but as far as the game its seems to be the same, nothing else gets developed in their over all game. I am not saying they arent any good becasue they are, i guess i expect to much as the become junior and seniors.
  8. Then by all means you and dallas have your little dinner with whine oops I mean wine and come up with a way to present these changes to Stan i am sure he will listen he is a good man.
  9. Are you that special that if people knew they would feel different? WOW
  10. Well I am here to tell you the tournament is for the small schools so there you go. So shame on the big schools who didn't beat the little schools in those years. If you want to get into this small school big school stuff along with recruting we can, think about.
  11. I understand what your saying, then develop them at the freshman level. I guess i expected to much from a lot of them because to me they should be better. I am not puttting them down just thought their game would have been better, devlepoed more to their game. For instance an outside shot, a better drive to the basket, better at taking care of the ball and handling pressure and create space to free your self to get off a shot shot and shoot off the dribble and I haven't seen that, at least the games I have watched and I have watched them all.
  12. I almost fell out of my seat, you agreed with me. LOL Just messing with you.
  13. I get all your points but you can say that about a lot of teams and regionals, just like the boys 9th region it looks like its going to be the CovCath invitational for a few years to come. I just think no matter what its like that way in a lot of things, football same way HHS, Trinity, and NCC all pretty much end up in the finals. To be honest they need to do it year to year like OHIO where ever your enrollment is thats the division you play in.
  14. Sorry its me again, but again you say all this stuff and at the end you say (jsut kidding) when anyone who reads this who can read between the lines knows your not.
  15. What facts because you say, the facts are there is an enrollment number they go by that's the facts and thats all the facts you need to know.
  16. I like the way you word things and you make good points but I believe you aer just upset that some kids get to chances and your don't, that's not the other shools or kids fault everyone has a choice where to send their kids to school othersgo to big schools and some go to small schools. let me ask you this what if its ran the way you like and Lets say Bellevie wins the ALL A, then come district time Bellevue draws HHS in the first round and HHS loses are you going to have the same feeling about them not having to chances? Has nothing to do with other kids being special it has to do with were kids go to school. ALthough you make a lot of good points in your threds, a lot of times if you read between the lines in your threds, some people see right through them. I do like your opinions and feelings on things I really do so please don't take it personal.
  17. I think moving players up at a young age hurts them in a lot of ways. Sometimes the player gets comfortable because the already have played varsity early and feel they don't have to work to gett much better. The player also knows that they will be starting and don't have to fight for a postion, the coaches create this problem and continue to do it. The Switzer girl form Boone is a very good player and I am not knocking her at all but to me she ha improved her game a little and seeing her as a freshman i would have thought she would average more points as a senior. Coaches don't make players earn aything anymore (some coaches sorry), they label kids early and that's it. what a shame so yes I don't blame some parents for getting upset. Kids who are in high school be the ones to play high school unless your numbers are down in my opinion.
  18. Well your wrong I don't think its the greatest thing on earth but I am sure you think your right. When football starts I think i can guess who is going to win it or at least be in the finals jsut about every year should those teams be moved up to a higher class? Since you have the answers to fix the ALL A can you fix football to while your at, with the help of dallaslaredo.
  19. You would, say what you want but if you played in it you would feel the same as we do. If you and RCC9 have the answers go see Stan sure he would listen to what had to say.
  20. Not saying you don't praise NCC just like I praise HHS, you make it sound like these BIG 3 are unbeatable, a little to much credit if you ask me. HC and Holmes played a very good schedule out side of the region i would say HHS needs to do that next season to be ready for regionals. The team that should have won the region did this year period and the 2 that ended up in the finals is the way it should have been, they were the 2 best teams, hard to argue that.
  21. There is nothing to answer its set the way it is, and do you really think that a community the size of a Ludlow and i am not knocking Ludlow at all would fill a gym if they were in the finals? Well Ludlow boys made it to the final a few years back although they brought more than normal their normal crowd still didn't fill it, although i agree with you on some of your thoughts i just dont think you leave other schools out. The enrollment is set and the ones who play in it fit that criteria.
  22. You yourself said that rankings mean nothing and the teams you named this year as having down years like Sacred Heart which was ranked this year, just maybe the state is down this year. HHS did beat NCC last year but Brossart beat HC are they not that far off? You said yourself Michaela Ware maybe the best player in the region this year well she was on the team who won the region lst year with the a girl (Kiernan) was player of the year. I agree you can't go YOY but your statement said walk through the region that tells me they would not have been comopetition which is way off. NCC lost to the state champion last year by 4 in the first round after that Butler beat everyone else by 10 or more so are they that close? Your evaluations a lot of times are very good but this is way way off and i don't put a lot of stock in the regular season and all year you have in my opinion, if getting 20 wins playiing a decent schedule is what you are looking for then thats good but i believe HHS has bigger goals than that. Beef up that schedule next year take some lumps and be ready for post season, no beign a jerk just giving you my opinion.
  23. For you to say that the big 3 you call them would have walked through the regional in previous years is a big statement, especially with the last 2 teams who have won the regionals ND and NCC. I don't think anyone of these teams beat either team.
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