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Everything posted by Woodland

  1. Dixie plays the weakest district and has always padded their record that way. I don’t think any school in their district is over 500 kids. St.Henry and Lloyd has a good team every few years. Ludlow and Villa very seldom is strong. I do feel Dixie has some talent. The main reason Dixie has turned any at all in the end of season is the #3 is back.
  2. You can write all the lettters you want it doesn’t work. The college coaches deal with aau coaches and the scouts. It’s a waste of time paying scouting services also. Your kid needs to be traveling playing real basketball in quality tournaments. Coaches will be at those tournaments and so will quality scouting services. If the kid is good he will be noticed. Quality scouting services don’t charge kids they charge the colleges. So beware before you pay a service. The high school coaches have zero contacts to colleges they may know the local college coaches. The summer time in sports is where kids get noticed. Aau for basketball. Travel baseball and camps for football. High school coaches are politically correct. Teachers make terrible coaches.
  3. High school basketball is recreation. They use teachers as coaches. Colleges don’t come to high school basketball games period. If they do come to high school games they already know the kid and they are doing it to show the kid they care. I say aaa year round better coaching better competition. They absolute best players don’t play high school basketball unless it’s at a prep school or aau year round.
  4. He’s not the coach. He’s a player and he does as his coach tells him. That’s another quality that makes him a great player.
  5. What I’ve seen of him is he’s unselfish on a team he should be more selfish on. He can score anytime he wants to against anyone in the 9th region. He may not be known for defense neither was Michael Jordan cause they do so many other things so well. Allen would be the starting point guard at Cov Cath today if he was to enroll.
  6. So true. We are also a google search away from our true person
  7. . Cody is there Best player hands down. When you coach to please parents you won’t win.
  8. Arguing a judgement call is ridiculous. If the official missed a ruling by the rules is different. Plus it’s the way the coach approaches the call.
  9. Nail on the head. I was sitting with a Cov Cath parent last night who brought my attention to the Dixie coach. He told me to watch he will argue every call against Dixie.
  10. Cause coaches and even parents get wound up into it. Lots of adults living their dream thru the kids. Sports is suppose to be used as a tool to teach life. If the officiating is bad then the kids and COACH need to learn from it and control what they can control. Not make a scene. No official try’s to do bad or make mistakes. Just like no kid try’s to miss a layup. Allowing the outburst is unacceptable I feel no coach should ever talk to a referee. Coach your team build them up. Forget yelling At officials just puts the thought in the kids mind that the man in charge is out to get the team. Officials are like cops there may be some bad ones but very few. I feel none of them truly try to dictate the game or do any I’ll harm to a team or player. Some coaches set a bad example.
  11. The officiating in the Highlands/Dixie was fair and of good quality. The same could be said for all the games last night at NKU. The Dixie coach at Highlands should have been tossed from my view point he went aggressively at the official. The game against Scott last night he went aggressive after his own player after the game and continued on the kid through the line shaking hands and after the kid walked away and sat down.
  12. I agree if Dixie’s coach want to throw a temper tantrum let’s not stoop to his level. Let the officials handle it play our game.
  13. The Dixie coach at Highlands was mild compared to the end of the Scott/Dixie @ NKU last nite. Hope he doesn’t drink add that to the situation could get really bad.
  14. That would make Vince top 25 in the state. 13 best players in state at Cov Cath next 11 best at Cooper then you have Vince by your observation. Like Vince's game or not i'd rather have him on my team than play against him.
  15. It may have been called intentional. Dixie got 2 free throws and the ball is correct. There was a few confusing things that went on during the game to myself. The game was hard fought both sides, crowd kinda got into it.
  16. I don’t believe Listerman got a technical. I may have missed it. The free throws late in the game was for the flagrant on the layup.
  17. Dixie coach is totally out of hand all the time. How Kenton even allows his behavior along with his past history is totally beyond me.
  18. I love it. Break them into classes like Ohio. I’d even break the catholic schools in their own division. Just what I’d like to see
  19. Everyone of those girls are signed by a top D1 school, no wonder they are all the Mc Donalds All Americans. Does Kentucky have a top D1 signed girl. Kentucky athletics isn't very good compared to the rest of the country.
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