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Everything posted by LSURock

  1. Looking at the roster a couple of things stuck out. 70 players but only 13 seniors and 37 sophmores. Any reason why the team is so dominated by sophmores? I know Farris is no longer the QB, but does he play defense as well? He is listed as a DB. Its good to see that Rocky Bleier is still in the game, geez he must be pretty old by now. :lol:
  2. As far as the connection between confidence and arrogance. You are stating your opinion. I look at arrogance as unfounded over confidence and lack of respect of your opponent. None of that is true about my statements. Its not like I'm claiming that Boone can't win only that its unlikey. I'm not suggesting that Trinity should take the week off because no preparation is needed. I know that for any team to be playing at this point thay must have beaten somebody, therefore they could beat you. I realize all this. Point one. How would prefer in politically correct terms to state this? I believe that Trinity has defeated Boone in every game they have ever played. Including one where Boone was a double digit favorite. At some point a team can rightfully say that they "own" this team. I don't think you dispute the claim, just the words. Point two. It has been my experience with NKY 4A football teams that they play a run oriented type of football. Some have stepped out of this mold but I think my assessment is correct for the most part. Dixie had a good QB in 02' named O'Toole who threw it pretty well but they were hardly "Air Dixie" spreading the field going five wide out of the gun. They mixed in enough passes to keep you honest and came as close as any NKY 4A team to upset the Rocks until last years squad. There have been many posters on here over the past few weeks from NKY that have said this same thing. If you feel I'm wrong please provide some info, it sure looked like Boone was a running offense against Ballard. Point three. It is pretty sad if that is the claim to fame for the entire district. It shouldn't be. They have done more in the past than this one upset. Yet, from now on Trinity should beware of the teams from NKY or otherwise you might get whiped like you did in 04'. I don't recall any humility overload on the part of Highlands fans entering their title game rematch with Boyle last year. I was there and there was plenty of smack being thrown around. I guess they didn't get the memo. The fact is, Trinity played a bad game at the wrong time. Our QB tossed three int.s in the red zone. Dixie stepped up and won the game. I payed them proper respect at the time and still do to this day (ask Sandman32). However, I think its kind of "comical" to have Boone County fans post that comparative scores, history and records don't matter at this point but the fact that some other team in your district pulled an upset last season somehow does.
  3. How are any of those remarks "rediculous"? I would bet that you are wrong about what our fans think also. Every fan expects the Rocks to dominate the opposition at this point in the season. Why? Because for the most part the Rocks have done so. I've spent enough time around a number of Highlands fans to know that they don't have an abundance of humility, nor should they. I visited with some Bird fans at this years game with X, they expected to win. That isn't cocky. They weren't bashful, they came right out and said it. In this game Friday I expect Trinity win, and win big. This is based on the records of the teams this year. Trinity's ability to pass. Boone's inability to stop the pass. The site. The history of the series between the two teams. How can anyone look at this game and see it any other way? If so, quit making personal attacks on me and make your case for why Boone will win. I stand by all three of the comments that you isolated. I await your rebuttal.
  4. For the record, I have asked you and thers for how you hope to have an outcome Friday that is different than the "past", you have declined but to state that Boone will "exploit" Trinity's defensive front. Checking stats tells me that its the same old Boone, what am I missing? And yes, I do expect a few blowouts in the playoffs. Why shouldn't I, for the most part that is what has happened in the past few years. One ight loss to Dixie doesn't change all that. The any given Friday comment is true, NKY had theirs last year against Trinity in the second round now its back to business. Quite frankly, I think the Rocks defeated a team for the second time Friday that would have won your district with reative ease. Enjoy your pep rally and the trip down to Louisville because your season will end Friday. Also for the record I'm not the one calling this discussion "stupid" or anyone an "idiot".
  5. My statement about being cocky was a response to a similar comment by "original rookie", a Boone fan I suppose. He was commenting on how the Rocks were in for a surprise and you can't use comparative scores of earlier games this year etc. I will admit that it is hard to tell who is a Boone fan and who is a NKY fan hoping that Boone represents. Sorry, but unless posters identify themselves that is a mistake that will happen again. If you would read all the previous posts you will see that I asked how a one demensional team like Boone hoped to defeat the Rocks. I pointed out that this has never worked in the past even with superior players. It isn't like Trinity and Boone have some storied rivalry, Trinity owns Boone. I have pointed out why I think this is and asked how it will be different this year. I am making the assumption that Boone runs the ball very well. OK, the Rocks run the ball well and pass well and have great special teams along with superior depth and are at home. That adds up to another Boone defeat. Can the Rebels win, sure they can. You know on any given Friday... Will they win, I really don't think they have much of a chance. "original rookie" pointed out that Boone runs the ball well and that the Rebels will exploit that. That looked to be the case in our last game with Boone, how many points did the Rebels score in that game on their field? Three, and that was with the tandem of Brown and Davis and Boone was the one seed. I just think that for the most part NKY teams play power run football and when they play teams that can really spread the field they can't keep up. Tell me the flip side. Boone gave up a ton of points to teams that don't have half the weapons that the Rocks have. The Rocks two losses were to a pretty good MBA team on the road against a team that was spanked a week earlier by a nationally ranked team in the Rocks opener. If you want to know any details about the beat-down we received at the hands of X, just ask some of your buddies over at Highlands. I think X is the odds on favorite to win 4A this year, I just hope the Rocks can win a couple more to get the chance to spoil their victory party. FYI, its pretty sad that in all of NKY 4A your only claim to fame is a 14-10 win over the Rocks. You guys need to act like it wasn't such a big deal and maybe the rest of us will think that it may happen again sometime.
  6. But Coach Glaser mentioned it after the game was over and on the radio post-game? Doesn't sound like a heat of the moment thing on his part, sounds like he was making an effort to make a statement.
  7. Wow, I never heard that. What was the context?
  8. Can someone provide some stats for both teams including individual players.
  9. Coaches, like all leaders, should be judged on their body of work. I'd say that while most respect the work Coach Nichols has done to return Manual to a lofty place in Jefferson County football. He has a reputation for making some pretty noteworthy comments after games (mostly after losses). He also has the reputation for not being able to win the big game. That may be fair or not, but at least he has led Manual to a place where Manual/X, Manual/Male, Manual/Trinity etc. are all big games. I really think Manual is in for a few lean years judging from what I saw at the freshman and JV games. The senior class they are losing has a number of really good players.
  10. Would you mind having your gut look over a racing form for me?
  11. I would have to say that if anyone is being cocky its the Boone Rebels. Why wouldn't I think the Rocks will roll big? I ask for someone to tell me how Boone hopes to beat the Rocks. All I get is that Boone will run up the gut, well surprise, surprise. I think we all saw that coming. How does this one sophmore stack up to the potent running attack of Miles Davis and James Brown of a couple of years ago? Not well I'm guessing.Lots of yards in that game against the Rocks but not many points. Isn't it funny how those one demensional teams get clogged up down in the red zone. I have a feeling that Boone will lose and lose big.
  12. Well even when the Boone back was a future NFL star the Rebels couldn't get it done. Now the feature back is a sophmore converted QB. If your team is one demensional you will get beat. Make your case why you won't. If you think that Boone is going to run off tackle for 300 yards like they did against Ballard I've got one bit of info for you. The Rocks beat Ballard 70-7, and it wasn't that close. I hope NKY enjoys its last week of 4A football.
  13. Boone has lost to Ryle, 40-22, and then Ryle lost to Fern Creek that Trinity has defeated twice this year (38-7, 38-13). Boone also lost to Simon Kenton, a team the Rocks beat 52-0. Finally, the Rebels managed to lose to a 3-7 Conner team just weeks ago. Conner didn't even qualify for the post-season. Anyway you cut it, its hard to make a case for a Boone victory. They seem to be a one demensional team on offense, which isn't a formula for success against a team like Trinity. I would also question Boone's ability to control the Rocks offense. If any Boone boosters have any info to counter, please feel free to chime in. But I just don't see it. Rocks win!!!
  14. This is how the first thread got closed. I wonder if we will have time for a third before kickoff? :lol:
  15. Trinity's "Manual" stadium??? You're starting a little early in the day aren't you? BTW I think that listed capacity is a tad low. I know we have had much larger announced crowds with SRO.
  16. Just that he has been high on Manual all season. This senior class has been getting major playing time over the past few years. And bottom line, he feels "they are due".
  17. I don't know why Coach Nichols would feel that way, afterall he has a losing record against a potential opponent in the real final. I guess he has just been holding back these past two years hoping to surprise the Rocks come December if we are both good enough to get to PJCS. This guy has a knack for putting his foot in his mouth. Who knows, maybe the Rocks and Rams will meet again in the final, and maybe the "better team" will win. :lol:
  18. Jody was on Will Perdue's show this morning explaining why he thought Manual might upset X. He made some valid points but I still wouldn't bet against X in this game. Sorry Jody, you are on your own with this one. BTW, I hope you're right. :sssh:
  19. I ask which is it? You answer, yes. That must be X-logic.
  20. I've never seen Dixie's stadium but it must be pretty small if you can actually sell it out. I don't ever recall Trinity actually selling out of tickets for a home game (thats not to say that everyone had a seat) and the Rock fans are pretty supportive of the team. Fill us in Dixie fans. :lol:
  21. Now I'm confused, I thought Coach Glaser liked to show all his weapons so his next opponent will have to prepare for it. Now I'm told that he likes to hold back so his opponent won't have an idea what to prepare for. :confused:
  22. I' d bet there isn't an actual vote among the three of us.
  23. Your man Ox, that tells us all we need to know about you. Have fun at Manual Stadium tomorrow night.
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