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Everything posted by Deuce41

  1. That certainly makes more sense than it landing in the ocean which was what I originally thought, but where did you get the info?
  2. Whitley jumped out to a 3-0 lead with Holly Jones hitting a three, that turned out to be a theme for the Lady Colonels. Clay could never get going offensively as the Whitley defense was stifling. Clay also played excellant defense but had a tendency to lose Holly Jones who was 5 of 9 on three point attempts. In fact at half time Jones had 14 and Clay had 14 as a team. I think that the 13th region is wide open this year and this could be a preview of a region tourny game. Congrats Lady Colonels.
  3. One thing is for sure.... Whitley is committed to winning, and they are going to win. They have not had the success that they wanted to the last two years but rebuilding takes time and fans need to understand and not just look at it from a wins and loses stand point. Whitley improved last year and will get even better this year. They could have had a really decent record but had some bad luck, but even that can't last for ever.
  4. That is a pretty solid list. Your #6 player Wilson may be the most underrated and unknown player in the region on a good team. As good as Corbin is, I don't think they would be near as good without him guiding the offense.
  5. Solid? Whitley had 8 more field goals in the second half and the Neers had over 30 free throws in the second half. Even with the lopsided (a foul was called because the official stated to the coach that a played TRIED to trip a player, I guess they charged himwith atempted Fouling:scared:) officiating Whitley still had a chance to win.
  6. I am aware of that but I don't think that works against him at this point, in fact it could work in his favor in a very left-handed way. He is a guy who would stay there for as long as they wanted him too.
  7. I would bet my bottom dollar that there will be a sequal, althought it would take to serious bridging to do it unless they went a totally different way, more of a main stream type of film. I would think that there several different angles they could go at from.
  8. 1. I would think that Boyle could get just about anyone they wanted with the tradition and support that they have. They have shown that they are not afraid to go after the big names, so I would be careful if I were so of the big name schools with big name coaches. 2. I heard that they may go after a young and up coming coach too. If French does not take the job maybe one his former assistants would get it. I have Heard Clay Clevengers name mentioned, and he has College and HS experience, could end up getting a great young coach there.
  9. And that is why I was defending our integrity with the post, nobody should qustion my integrity (stealing your idea, like I did) LOL, sorry should have given you credit.:thumb::lol:
  10. I posted in white like the following I don't want to spoil it for everyone so I did this so not be be a spoiler that way you have to high lite it with your mouse so you can see what I posted...or not if you don't want to see...that way I am not the bad guy....pretty cool uhhhh?
  11. My 15 year old daughter just saw it and she told me she had a headache and her stomach was sick, but she liked it other than that. Being a girl she liked the love story part the most and was not impressed with the monster. Just about what you would expect from a 15 year old girl!!!
  12. I was not real clear on that but it is at the end of th movie, when they are visiting Coney Island.
  13. How the heck did you know that?!?!?!?!?!??!?
  14. Spoiler in White below Also you could see something hit the ocean when it showed the end of the film that he had left in the camara before the party....I guess that it when it arrived.It is on the right side of the screen and splashes down in the water
  15. Just got back from the movie and was over all entertained but a bit disapointed. The monster was really not the story as much as the struggle of the victims. There was parts of the story line that could have really made the movie take off, SPOILER ALERT----like the virus part of it, but that was not pursued. It boiled down to man vs evil or love prevails over everything. Heck my wife went with me and got sick at her stomach from the shakey camara shots throughout the whole movie,(yes we knew it was going to be that way) but it was for the most part over done. I give it a B- but one that most people will see out of pure curiosity.
  16. Keep reminding her this is not the end of the world. She will have to work hard, but from what I have heard she is not afraid of hard work, best of luck in the re-hab.
  17. Congrats, it is a wonder thing to have kids and see them grow. Caution: START SAVING NOW FOR COLLEGE!!!!!!!!
  18. No I don't have to admit anyting. What I am willing to admit is that Lynn Camp was well prepared and ready to play and Whitley was not ready to play. The kids did not execute the offense and they weer forced to throw. YOU might admit this, when you build an offense around a kid and then you lose him it puts things in disarray. When WC lost Lebanion it stopped the maturation of the offense and set them back, much like LC losing Roskoph slowed the offense of LC. If they had Lebanion the offense would have looked pretty different. Certian thing are predicated on certain positions being able to do certian things. Jordan McCumbers could throw but running was not his forte'. The offense will be fine this year, and you will see some different things that nobody got see last year simply because they were never able to add the wrinkles that they wanted too due to being limited by personal. Defensively may be the area that the Colonels need to improve the most. But alot of mistakes that were made last year were learning experiences and those kids who played as Freshmen and Sophs will be bigger stronger, faster and smarter, thus better.
  19. Black did throw the ball last year, in fact Jordan McCumbers set several passing records for season and single games. The offense will be fine and so will the Colonels.
  20. Okay I guess I was wrong. I had to go look at what it was titled, the name was not important to me as what it did to help the kids. But it was billed by the organizers as the Border Bowl so I guess we both could be considered wrong. I was not trying to be misleading, but the uniforms said KENTUCKY, Tennessee and in little writing border bowl. I still think it is splitting hairs. Williamsburg will be the permant home, as far as I know and I think it is great. A group of local folks joined with some folks in TN and put on a great show which helped the kids. NKY certainly has some venues that would work maybe the could get together and put something on like this in Northern KY. I will say this.... The kids that represented both states (part of both states) felt like they were representing both states as a whole and they play like it.
  21. I don't know how I was misleading I even titled the thread with Eastern KY and Eastern TN> I never said it was a replacement but I think that it is better for the kids. The players (at least from KY) had an opportunity to show that they can play. This type of game is great in that being in a small stadium it allowed for the kids to feed off of the crowds energy. In many respects I think it is better than a state wide game played in a barn (Commonwealth or that barn in Knoxville). The group that put it on worked hard and provided the kids of Eastern Kentucky and Eastern Tenneesee a great venue to play. Kids from Northern Ky had the chance but many KY coaches turned it down (there was one kid from Highlands) thinking it would not fly, well brother I am here to tell you it not only flew but exceeded the expections of most everyone. I talked to at least 7 coaches from mid-level schools and I know that most every school in the Mid-South was there getting to watch and evaluate kids. If ONE kid get some school paid for then it was all worth it, and I bet many more that one will be looked at now. The old all star game, most of the kids had already signed and was just for bragging rights, this provided a service to the kids, again it was better for the kids. If the STATE WIDE All-Star game had that kind of atmosphere it might still be around but it didn't. The Coaches from Kentucky, did a great job and should be applauded for their efforts. After watching this game I am happily waving goodbye to the old all star game.
  22. Baker did a great job up there but like you said they were not happy and the politics got involved....see ya, but hey we are very happy with his work and results here at Whiltey.
  23. Kentucky jumped out to a 10-3 lead at the half but Tennessee came back and scored 20 points in the second half to with the game. Both teams played well and it was a great game. The Bowl committee did a great job putting together the game. There was a great crowd and the smaller stadium made it more fun to watch instead of being a too big stadium. The weather was perfect for January. All the folks that did all the work had to be proud of the result as everything could not have turned out better.
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