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Everything posted by TIGER1988

  1. If you want to be the 6A champ, then you should welcome all oncomers. If you want to be considered the best in the state.
  2. 7 - New Orleans 5 - Seattle 3 - Pittsburgh 2 - Philadelphia 1 - Dallas TB - New Orleans
  3. Fact is this whole country wants everybody to be a "winner". The truth is that not everyone IS a winner or a star or a superb athlete. The truth is that this whole country is going down the toilet so that "little johnny" doesn't get picked on because he doesn't fit in. Problem is there have been MILLIONS of little johnnies throughout history, and they either toughened up, found out they were better at math than everyone else, or simply became a burden on society. Those are the choices that are made by youth everyday, and have been for centuries. Now we want everyone to be equal, and no one to have the advantage because they bust their butts to do so. Welcome to socialism and the next third world country.
  4. KHSAA does such a great job of marketing their product. Wonder why no one knows about Kentucky athletics.
  5. How about leaving it alone, but adding a few twists. If it gets under the 36, then allow the clock to return to normal use. Also, call the game at 50 point differential.
  6. Surely you don't really believe this. DeSales flat manhandled Murray tonight, but to think a matchup with Caldwell would have led to a blowout win for the Colts is absurd. Of course either response will have a never know answer. Caldwell flat got out coached last week. Murray got beat at their own game this week. DeSales strength lays in their runnung game. Passing game is about average. Definately the hot team right now though in 2A. I thought all year that DeSales and Caldwell were two of the top four teams in 2A. CAL would be the other with NCC a respectable 4th team. I would have loved a Caldwell and DeSales matchup. It was not to be. The Colts are definitely the favorite going into Saturday.
  7. DeSales 50 yd TD run. XP good. 38 to 0. 42.5 left in third. Route is on. Murray fans disgruntal.
  8. TD DeSales. XP good. 31 - 0. 3:11 to go in 3rd. Murray being manhandled.
  9. TD DeSales on opening drive. XP good. 24 -0. 8:30 left in 3rd qtr.
  10. Halftime. First half dominated by the Colts.
  11. 25 yd FG. DeSales leads 17 to 0. 1:09 left in first half.
  12. TD DeSales. XP good. DeSales 7 to 0. 1:05 left in first.
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