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Everything posted by Rickyp

  1. Flynn was a genius until this year and now he has no idea what he is doing. At least thats how I understand it. Come on guys, this isn't a great team that is playing a muderous schedule.
  2. I used to know a guy who always wore shorts, even in the coldest parts of winter. I would vote for him. After reading this thread someone like that is the only person I know who would be crazy enough to take the job.
  3. Dakotah had a tough night. Give a lot of credit to the Ferguson kid from Elliott who did a nice job defensively.
  4. I believe that group was referred to as "the weakest incoming freshman class we have had in a long time".
  5. I hate to see kids quit in the middle of the year for any reason. You have teammates that are counting you.
  6. basketballmom, you are correct on all accounts. Rose Hill got off to a terrible start, missed some easy shots and before you know it, it was 12 -1. Chad flat out put his team on his back during stretches.
  7. Down year, bad passes, can't convert. Sounds like you are describing a team that isn't extremely talented. I'm glad you said it because if I had you would have been on me like ugly on an ape. Oh, wait a miniute, I did and you were. Does anyone remember the thread back in November that tomcat salute started about Ashland's schedule and how tough it was. I stated in there that their record would be poor and come February Ashland fans would be questioning Mike Flynn's ability to coach. Boy was I wrong, it only took till January.
  8. Isn't it interesting that last week Ashland fans were making their case for being a regional favorite and now they are making a case for them being a darkhorse. For what it's worth I would consider them a dark horse. Other canidates: Greenup, Rowan
  9. Ronald Weddington is the key to this Elliott Co. team. When he plays well they are tough. Look at last nights game. He was very active in the first half and Elliott build a big lead. In the second half he was in foul trouble and Rose Hill controlled the game. The Faulkners and Ferguson are excellent players but this team will go as far as Weddington allows them. My hat is off to Tim Fraley. Down 28 in the early part of the third quarter but he kept coaching and fighting. Fortunately this team is taking on his personality. Chad Jackson gave everyone a glimpse of the future. Imagine him when he is fully grown at around 6'6".
  10. How's this, when Ashland moves the tournament to Summit, Rose Hill will consider doing the same. That seems fair to me.
  11. My avatar was tampered with. Why doesn't anyone ever request that Ashland move the tournament when it is their turn to host. James A. Anderson Gymnasium hold around 1500, Summit Junior High holds around 4500. I seems to me that every school in the district would benefit if Ashland moved it also. Just a thought.
  12. I think right now they would have to be considered the second ranked team in the region. At the end of the year they will end up in the top three depending on how they finish out. Boyd certainly is one of the favorites to win the region. Owens is that good. Thanks for calling my joke origional.
  13. Unless they loss to East then that is almost a certainty.
  14. If Russell wins this game will AT41 go back to the caves in Tora Bora?
  15. Listen Ashland should feel fortunate to have Mike Flynn. I think he has done an admirable job in his time at Ashland. I was absolutely blasted when I gave my appraisal of this particular Ashland team earlier this season. The fact that they are able to complete with no bona fide post player should tell you something about his ability to coach. Before anyone mentions that McDavid is a good post player please understand that I'm talking about a Cody Black/Brett Miller type of player when I say post player. No disrespect to McDavid intended he is an outstanding player. As far as player development I think most schools are guilty of choosing "players" too early. It happens not only in high school basketball but as far down as Little League Baseball. Kids are labeled earlier in their lives as athletes or non athletes. It is right but it is what it is.
  16. Forget referees just get the Paintsville police dept. Good win for coach Pratt and the boys. Solidifying themselves as a top 2 or 3 in the region.
  17. AT, I just read this post, I kinda skimmed over it the first time. I think Hart is a genuinely nice guy. I have not had much interaction with him but my experience was much like Spindoc described. It's interesting that you mentioned Wayne Breeden. I have never been around a more knowledgable basketball person that coach Breeden, an absolute basketball genius. My personal relationship with him was a very positive one in that I never had any issues with him but he was no Prince Charming. He was very demanding of his assistant coaches and players and I think had he stayed much longer there would have been many of the same "problems" you see today. In other words I don't believe that Mike Flynn should be blamed entirely for the kids who have left Ashland's program. I'm sure there are some instances where that is the case but that is not unique. I really believe it is the nature of the beast.
  18. I think there is some validity to what Kinglion said. I don't think this is an isolated problem. Ashland isn't the only school that has kids quitting nor is it something that just started happening. I think in Flynn's case he has been at Ashland for quite a few years. Over the course of a few years you are going to upset some people.
  19. I probably shouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole but her goes. I don't think you can blame Mike Flynn all together. I think it is inevitable that you are going to lose players when the emphasis is place on younger kids. I think Flynn believes his best chance to win now and in the future was to center things around Drew McDavid and Matt Thomas and I don't now how you could disagree with him. Therefore, when seniors realize that things are going to be geared toward sophmores and freshman they quit. Rose Hill has lost some players over the past couple of years, Austin Robinson and Nick Messer to name two who quit for similar reasons. Just as in the case with Ashland I agree with the direction Tim Fraley has taken.
  20. The 64th district tournament will be held at the Charles E. Stewart Gymnasium on the campus of Rose Hill Christian School. Write it done. :thumb:
  21. I respect the fact that cubster is even willing to attempt to rank the 16th region. This is a year when there is no clear cut favorite(s) and a year when just about anybody can beat anybody. I, of course, have seen Rose Hill play more than any other team in the region and they are 13th in cubster's poll, which is fair, and they are capable of beating anyone in front of them. So there are several place where teams could be flip floped a notch or two but overall I think the cubsters rankings are pretty accurate.
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