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Everything posted by thisguy

  1. I'd agree, Coach Dawn wasn't happy, especially in the 1st half. I think the play that set him off was when Conner got a steal around mid-court and it was a 3 on 1 breakout. Ruholt missed the layup but the 2 Conner players continued to hustle down the floor and Way got an easy put-back. Dawn wasn't even watching the play, rather was watching to see which NCC players even crossed half court, which was only 1.
  2. As mentioned, was a close game throughout the first half. I think that was more due to Conner's assertiveness than any type of letdown or "trap" game. Ruholt and Lamblez were relentless taking the ball to the rim, despite a few shots being blocked. To me, it just looked like NCC eventually wore Conner down. Was paying close attention, but I don't think Conner played more than 7 players the whole game until it was out of reach. Tough to keep that energy level with minimal substitutions when you are running and pressing the whole game. Conner can win the 33rd District (as can Ryle, Boone, or Cooper). If they play like they did against Holmes and the first half last night I'd consider them the favorite. We shall see..... Incidentally, for those saying NCC was tired, it should be noted that that was Conner's 5th game in 10 days with 3 of those games vs Cov Cath, Holmes, and NCC.
  3. I think that was the best game Ruholt has played in his varsity career. Took it to the rim strong and knocked down some 3's. Most importantly, took care of the basketball.
  4. A lot of Conner fans now typically sit on the opposing side because there are a few parents no one wants to be around. Also, pretty lackluster crowd here on NCC's behalf as well.
  5. Howard reminds me of the Fangman kid from a few years ago at Beechwood. Long, lanky, and can fill it up.
  6. Hard to see Conner overcoming the height/talent disparity, although they did go up to the hill 2 years ago and upset NCC on senior night. Never say never.....
  7. Conner's tallest player is Hemmerich who is about 6'3 ish. Lamblez, Way, and Watts are all in the 6'0 range, give or take.
  8. Agree 100%. I'm sure there were some in attendance who were wondering why Conner was pressing Holmes, especially since the press wasn't generating any turnovers and Holmes is the quicker team. But as you stated, and IMO, Conner wasn't looking to try and create turnovers as they were just looking to play the game at a pace they were comfortable with.
  9. Conner played all zone. They also pressed quite a bit in a 2-2-1. Weren't really trapping out of it. Appeared they were just putting on some token full-court pressure to slow Holmes down.
  10. Lamblez with another big night for Conner. Playing REALLY well for Conner. As someone said earlier, Bolden's shot with 3 seconds left wasn't close and hit the side of the backboard. Conner got caught watching and gave up the winning stick back with .05 to go. Conner should have won the game. Outplayed Holmes but offensive rebounds for the Bulldogs was the difference all evening.
  11. Nice win for Conner considering Grant Co had beaten Campbell Co the night before by 15. Conner played much of the second half without Hemmerich who picked up his fourth foul just 2 minutes into the 3rd qtr. Conner wraps up the season with back to back games vs Holmes and NCC (ouch) before heading into District play.
  12. BOOM. I will put some of the blame on the weather and cancellations for this. I realize all teams have had to deal with that, but it really seems like Conner has been impacted much more than other teams with how their schedule has fallen. Also, there have been other instances where the discretion to play and/or practice was put on the school and the powers that be have erred on the side of caution. Conner can win the 33rd District this year, no doubt. That said, so can Boone, Cooper, and/or Ryle. Should be entertaining.
  13. B Heppler was fantastic last night for CCH. Seemed to hit a big shot every time the Colonels needed it. Ruthsatz was a little off last night with his shot, but still did a nice job running the CCH offense. Really impressed with VonHandorf. He will surpass the "new" Ruthsatz scoring mark IMO when it's all said and done. Coach Ruthsatz didn't seem very pleased with his team's defense. Called several timeouts after easy Conner baskets to lay into them. Conner played well but just couldn't quite get over the hump all night. Another nice shooting game for Michael Scott. They had a very balanced scoring attack. Conner is a much better team when Hemmerich scores 15-20/game and others get involved.
  14. What a roller coaster year for the Cougars.
  15. Very happy for Josh! I was around him during his first days on a football field with the Dixie Raiders. I have never seen a kid love to hit more than Josh did back in those days!
  16. Nice bounce back win for Conner after the Highlands loss. Nice game for Nic Watts who threw one down on a break out after a steal. Conner was without Will Ruholt (illness). Lloyd was up 13-12 after the 1st Qtr. Conner led at halftime 38-25 with Lamblez and Hemmerich sitting much of the 1st half with foul trouble. Conner then wore down Lloyd in the 2nd half. Marvin Jones of the Bengals was in attendance. Apparently, the Conner kids have been shooting at the YMCA on their own on snow days to get some work in. They met Marvin while there and he showed up last night to support them. Took pictures and signed autographs with all the young fans afterwards. Pretty cool.
  17. Conner looked and played like a team that beat two District rivals this week and got "fat and happy". The roller coaster of a season carries on in Hebron.
  18. I coached both Goetz and Ohmer on the AAU circuit back in the day. Both are great kids with a high basketball IQ and a ton of talent. Both handle the ball exceptionally well and genuinely love the game of basketball. Looking forward to watching them both progress the next 3-4 years.
  19. Conner is having a nice little week. 2-0 with victories over district rivals Cooper and Boone. It will be interesting to see how they respond coming off two big wins in a matinee game this afternoon vs Highlands.
  20. Even sadder is the fact that I would consider last night's game a "decent" crowd by Conner standards.
  21. Very good (and much needed) win for Conner. Hopefully, this gets them out of the mid-season lull they seem to have been in. Lamblez led the way for Conner last night. Disappointed in the Conner JV effort last night, especially since this game was played as a part of the JV Tourney. 26-6 at halftime? Yikes. And it didn't get much better in the second half either.
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