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Everything posted by Pick-six

  1. Politics is the easy excuse people make when their candidate didn't get a job. It would seem that no one gets a job anymore from working hard and earning it.
  2. My question is, how do you know Coach Sizemore is not the best choice? Just because he has not been a head coach does that automatically make him a bad choice? Again, just playing the devils advocate. I would not know Coach Sizemore if I saw him face to face.
  3. My question is, how do you know if someone will be a good coach if they never get a chance? Everyone has to get their foot in the door somewhere. Also, just because someone has had success in the past does not guarantee that they will again at a different school. Lot's of different variables to take into account. In saying that, I do not know Coach Sizemore at all. I am not endorsing or speaking against him. Just speaking in general. Sidelinedoc#2, you seem to be a big proponent for Nate McPeek. From what I gather, he has zero chance at this job. Even if it was reopened, I am positive he would not get an interview. In my opinion, he needs to focus on the Greenup job and make a strong push for it.
  4. Don't know that it mentions coaching in general. I guess it will all come out in the wash.
  5. Don't know that it mentions coaching in general. I guess it will all come out in the wash.
  6. Then I guess I was given bad information. The person that shared this info with me is a high ranking official in the Rowan County system, so he should know. Also, in hearing discussions at the district and regional basketball tournaments, I have heard the same info and no other mention of anything else. Also, if you go to their site (Office of Education Accountability homepage), you will see that the OEA deals with a lot more than just finances.
  7. A complaint was made to the OEA concerning the number of concussions in practice (amount of time spent in full contact), bullying, theft in the locker room, etc...
  8. Whether it is right or wrong, I don't think Coach McPeek is going to get a job in Ky this year. His name has been mentioned for every open job so far and they haven't panned out. I guess things are still too fresh in people's minds.
  9. I agree. That is why I said it was confusing. The principal sings his praises but then says they are punishing him. You either believe in a man or you don't.
  10. If you read the Ashland Daily article, it says it is being investigated and he has not been fired. The principal speaks very highly of him. Kind of a confusing deal.
  11. Apparently, allegations were made about amount of contact in practice, bullying in practice/locker room, etc... Booster president was asked to step down and things have spiraled since.
  12. I agree 100% that Ray Graham is a class act and it will be a HUGE loss for Rowan County if he is dismissed. This issue has NOTHING to do with booster money. It has to do with boosters/parents being upset and trying to railroad him out of town. If you go to their Facebook boosters page, you will see some posts about what brought this about.
  13. It is a done deal. Mullins is the coach. Congratulations to him, I agree that his record is not indicitive of his coaching ability.
  14. Still hard to believe Fleming County didn't pick up a win against them when Burns, Saunders, Steward and company were playing.
  15. Should have 2 more signing soon. One is weighing options for baseball and football and another is still deciding between schools.
  16. Clayton Browning Cole Christiansen Jesse Flora Hayden Moore It was in the Maysville paper. I will see if I can find a link.
  17. Fleming County 4 right now. Should grow to 6 at some point.
  18. Head coach is there every week. Assistants rotate weeks.
  19. In Fleming County their head coach runs the Jr Pro and he and his staff work/ref every game on Saturdays.
  20. From Fleming County: Clayton Browning Cole Christiansen Jesse Flora Hayden Moore All 4 signed with University of Pikeville
  21. What about Gene Peterson? He is retired now. He has family in the area. He has high school and college head coaching experience.
  22. Would kind of make sense because he was an assistant for Coach Jackson once upon a time.
  23. It can work. Coach Dewayne Ellison has been an administrator in the Scott County school system for years and worked at Georgetown College as an assistant in football.
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