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Option V

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Everything posted by Option V

  1. Truth be told... My son is a Ram, and I coached a majoriy of GCHS's seniors and juniors when they were middle schoolers. So I was going with GC because in my world I would like to take about 0.2-0.5% of the credit for teaching the GC players their foundation of fundamentals... :lol: But when I went to post my score predictions, my son would not allow me to place Raceland on the losing end of the score... :thumb: :lol:
  2. Torn in this game... 24-24 tie. No, I have to go with home field advantage - Orange, Raceland 24 Greenup 20
  3. I concur, I was in no way suggesting you were not giving due credit to the victor. I have a similar conversation with my son all the time. He always asks me, "Dad would you like to lose by 1 or 2 points or be destroyed by 50?" I answer with - beat me and beat me bad, I would much rather get my butt whooped then to walk away losing by 2 points. Because I will beat myself up replaying the game and second guessing every aspect of it. The what if's creep in... what if I did this differently or what if I did not do that.... In a blow out I feel the better team/person won. "Leave No Doubt"
  4. :notworthy: Are there any stats floating around on this game? Curious to see the offensive totals to this game.
  5. If anyone on here is fan of the UFC... The number one unspoken rule amongst the fighters is to knock your opponent out or tap him out... Do not leave the decision in the Officials hands, Leave no doubt.
  6. Congrats to GCHS... In that second half the D really stepped up and JJ Caudill had one heck of a defensive showing. Can they make it two in a row?
  7. Not sure if he teaches, but as posted on here Coach has just been blessed with a new addition to his family... And lucky for us guys; fathers are often awarded maternity leave now a-days :thumb:
  8. My understanding at Raceland is that any player that does not play Varsity, plays JV, be it 12,11,10, or 9 - with the upperclass man getting the nod.
  9. I am curious to know if C. Crum is viable option at QB or do they plan to gut this year out w/Reed? Not saying Reed isn't a good athlete anyone that has followed GC baseball knows the kid is hands down a good athlete. But my logic is that Crum has been there through out, played with or against a majority of the boys since Middle School...I know in 2 games GC threw the ball 6 times, but 0-6 three picks. Does this warrant a change under center?
  10. This statement has me wondering something... Should the ultimate goal in high school sports, be winning? Is it wrong for a kid to join a HS team with the mind set; "I just want to play a game, see how I like it, have fun, a chance to hang out with the fella's, etc..." I think kids are motivated to play for many other reasons which may not include winning...(I for one have a competitive side as deep as the Atlantic, and unfortunately my son inherited that trait as well, you challenge me to cow patty throwing contest, buddy, I'm training Rocky Balboa style to whoop ya) Say a kid goes out for a team just to do it, does not care about winning, has no aspirations of playing college ball, just wants to play cause orange looks good on him/her should they be chastised by the coaches or community?
  11. Does Notre Dame still have Glockner at RB? Not that it matters much, I beleive GCHS will win this one, 26 - 14...
  12. It's was nice to see #14 have a strong performance. It has to be hard on him or any kid for that matter that has been groomed and poised to take over the snaps and then a transfer comes in and threatens to take the spot...I guess this may be a factor on why he played so well; not ready to give up his spot as QB 1 just yet. I know the season just started but I am quite curious to see how this plays out and if we will still be bragging on #14 come late October early November...(I would like to think we will be)
  13. Raceland 20 Ashland 17 Not losing a regular season game since Nov. 07 can be a huge motivational force behind this game.
  14. Congrats Rams. Great win for a young team...
  15. One of my buddies coach BC middle school and he said that BC is a team that might shock a few this year he said if Raceland jumped out my 14 or 17 - nothing early, its over, but come halftime and if BC is still in the game their confidence will grow and they could be dangerous...
  16. When did refs switch to maroon flags, 4-5 years ago?
  17. Greenup 15 - Ashland 8 ---> Do not underestimate this group at Greenup. A new coach breeds new attitude. Not saying the prior staff did not know their X's & O's, but I feel, and keep in mind this is my opinion, the old staff did not know how to relate to their students. The players I have talked with all respect Coach C and seem to be willing to play their hearts out. Time will tell. Best of luck to both schools. Go GCHS.
  18. Thanks for the info, it has been very helpful. And it looks like I might be canceling my stock options in Bengay...
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