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Everything posted by ABC2

  1. Coach Thanks for clearing things up for us and it is always nice to hear from a guy who has the whole story for people. Tell us though are you interested in the Lloyd job? Also congrats on a good season of arena ball so far!
  2. So now that you have your answer straight from the horses mouth do you have any other stupid comments you want to make about coach Shear? The problem with people like you is you think you know the whole story and make judgments about people and myself and Coach KNOW the truth. So when ever you want to apologize to the guy on here for you comments that do not add up would be great! BTW your aviator is very fitting!!!
  3. Now that is one strong statement! I wish them the best of luck !!!!:ylsuper::ylsuper:
  4. Yes you are right you do not know what happened. Do you know about the school situation and the teaching situations?
  5. I stopped up to get something from coach B on Sat and he had has little kids up there working on it. Thats what it takes to keep things looking good. I have been very impressed with the role he has taken on the field. Spoke with him yesterday about getting one of the Woodfill fields up to par and looking great so the softball team at HHS and the knothole kids can have a nice field in the fort like they have at Bartlet. He is on board and excited about the kids in town having a nice small field to get the feeder program running.
  6. Also heard that Shear from Bellevue has applied
  7. We had to deal with that and it was very scary for us. Then they did not have a freshman team so she played JV and had to be at the VAR games all the time. She found a permint seat next to the coach and once a week we asked her OK what did hear that you need answered this week.
  8. You are truly right i love watching my daughter play she did all the sports growing up and around 7th grade dropped soccer made some people mad but told her it was ok with me(hahaha) but she was just burnt out playing all year. Then this year came home and said basketball is out i was like you have played for 10 years just did not have fun anymore and wanted to play just softball. I tell everyone until you come watch these girls play the game they just do not understand the speed and power some of the girls have. I would rather watch a softball game more then a football sometimes. i get two more high school season then who know what?
  9. That seems to be the theme these days. Why is that? If you look at the HHS team they have a good core of girls filled in with two 7th graders two 8th graders and might even see a 6th grader in the starting lineup! They only have 4 seniors and 1 Jr. 3 of the seniors and the 1 Jr have played together for the last 4 years. Could all of the summer ball kids are playing these days be pushing them away from playing as they get older? Two of the 7th graders play about 50-70 games a summer. Clyde whats your take on this for real! Do you see that being a problem? Don't get me wrong my daughter will play in 4 tournaments this summer but they will be showcases and thats it.
  10. The type of turf that is at HHS is Field Turf Co. talking to Dale last week he thinks they could get another 4-6 years out of it.
  11. Sorry everyone i just caught my bad spelling in saying clown instead of Clyde. Sorry about the spelling again!!!
  12. Lets face it just ask Dale he will tell that the best HHS def was the 10 team had the largest margin of victory in the state game!! Which makes them the greatest team every at HHS!!! Go ahead and ask sweeper he will tell you!
  13. IDK maybee put it under the soccer thread!!!!
  14. because your a clown and it has nothing to do with football. Put it under the soccer thread.
  15. Why is this in the football thread? Move it to some where else!!!!!
  16. You Re right on the money! Ryle and Conner both are very good. Like is said in football you cant be the best until you beat the best and the last time i looked Ryle was winning the region! My daughter plays with them during the summer and has a great time and learned a lot from the ryle gang. Highlands does a a very good core but are very very young. They could give some teams a little trouble but at the end of the day you still have to beat Ryle just like you have to beat HHS in football.
  17. NCC also has a very good pitch D. Hausefeld(sp)? She is a very solid pitcher. Hold on Clyde you may not like this one but i AGREE with you. Some of us were talking just the other day it really doesn't matter how good everyone else is but with a girl who can get it over the plate and make people miss a little or hit grounders it really does not matter. I still think the best player in NKY is A. Conner for HHS. Will lead the area in hitting, on base %, and catching runners trying to steal.
  18. What do you mean give him a break. I never said anything negative about the young man. Just the facts!! He has a great frame and a lot of potential but at some point people will get to know the real Zeke. I wish him the best of luck!!
  19. Have you ever seen Patrick Towles or even JJ Jude from JC. both of those are very good players. I also do not recall seeing either of those 2 kids getting thrown out of a game. Which brings up a great question if he tossed from his last game this year will he be ineligible for this game?
  20. Well it might be a sad 30 days for BGP when they don't get my insight for the next month. Thats all i am saying right now!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Thats the same thing my daughter says to me every day. "why are you always talking football, you know i play softball". I like what i see so far at HHS they have a nice middle infield coming back with one of the best catchers in NKY in Conner and with Tyson in the outfield she has a cannon for an arm. They could really surprise a lot of people this year. We will see how we stand Thursday with a scrimmage with Ludlow then another one on Friday at Cooper.
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