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Everything posted by ABC2

  1. Ok if that is the case when it is announced that he os the coach all you have to do is say your sorry. And if i am wrong i will not post anything for a month.
  2. Wait for what? Just because they don't have spring practice doesn't mean they can't. The kids who are not running track or playing baseball to get on the field and start learning the new coachs O. But then again how hard is buck,slam and o'lead to learn. The job was filled 4 months ago, he has been working with the kids all year. Get it over with and make the annoucement that Dave is the coach and move forward. The spring clock starts ticking on Monday for them. Use the 10 days for something,do not waist it again this year.
  3. Are we really crying about a fan??? Let keep this thread on the hard play of the girls last night.
  4. The girls in Ft Thomas are looking really good right now. They have had a great group of kids working out all winter. with conner back behind the plate again this year and Hollingsworth at short along with Tysen in the out field they should have a nice run this year. I hope Mel doesnt look past them like everyone else will.(or what i hope he does)
  5. If HC is still in 5A i like there chances. They play very good football. Strong and fast. They fly to the ball and can open some huge holes.
  6. Never he might know to much football!!!!
  7. Ok you did it again you crazy people highjacked another thread!!!! I dont think we will ever get to know who History really is even though he said he was going to tell!!!!! DF5
  8. Funny how he is going to NCC and is cleared to play and some years beck Coach Schneider from NCC raised a lot of heck about a guy who moved to Ft Thomas and HHS and he was not allowed to play. But now we are talking about a different sport and a different team.
  9. I see how we study for the bar now!!!!! hahahaha
  10. Ok now we have a winner Clyde give us the number so everyone on BGP can give you a call!!! :banana::banana::banana:
  11. :isurrender::isurrender::isurrender: now what tdyballgame??? i guess you dont know as much as you think you do. hahahahahaha DF5
  12. OK maybe i dont get it and really dont care to get it! People out side of HHs will never get it. How many kids have stopped playing baseball at hhs because of spring football? Does Jeremy try telling those kids no you cant do both? Nope because he knows he will lose the kids he needs. So now he is loseing even more then the seniors. 7 Jr and Sr tried out. Does anyone really think they can with that? Good luck and i am out!!!!
  13. Sorry i was off by a couple of MPH.
  14. I think the HHS B team is a great idea!!!!! The old Hitmen and a few fill in kids and lets get it on sure they could compete for reg title..
  15. Are you kiddn us??? two different sports. Again get on the line and see what they tell you to say next since you have so many friends in the program! lets face it no one will naswer the question of what happens when one of these KIDS get hurt playing men!!!! Thats why Dale has a Fresh and JV teams so the kids don't play against men. Clyde you know so much tell us why Dale doesnt play the 7/8 graders in the middle school league. The first reason is he doesnt ever want anyone to think they can beat him. So by playing the 7-10th graders who arent ready to play VR baseball is showing everyone we play look we can beat the birds ion something (because they arent allowed to play there best) Get a grip Clyde while every other team is NKY is in Fla playing baseball on spring break
  16. Yes the older girls do take spring break! the coaches are smart enought to know that they would only get a game or two in anyway. So what do they do,they schedule a JV tournement and the younger girls get a chance to play and get better against the other JV teams. This thread is now way off track talking about spring break or not to spring break. Lets get back to the 9th region and the winner will not be decieded durning a rain filled spring break for sure!!!!!
  17. Was asked this morning why am I in this thread anyway! Cause my son wanted to play baseball this yr and is going on a trip with his church group and had to decied church or baseball now is that right??? Also i hate to see any sport at HHS suffer. i am a tiger by birth and moved here so my kids could be part of the great education system and the winning sports programs. i just want to know who is going to protect those 7-9th graders when they are playing against 18-19 year old men. who is going to take the wrap when a J Whitford takes a fastball off his arm at 90 from a Cov cath pitcher and he never wants to play BBall again? Then were will the program be?
  18. For years at HHS seniors have always gone a group trip for spring break and there was never any problems. Now this year there is after everyone had already made plans. Thats the problem not that "hey you go on spring break you dont play" just how it was handled and the timeing of. Come on last year they took the kids who didnt go and went to Gatlinburge and played 3 games. You mean to tell me that those three games in the beging of the season means something. Lets think about this how many games do you need to win 6!!! Dist Reg Sec State.
  19. I have been waiting!! Why is the greatest question ever asked. The best baseball players in the school are not allowed to play baseball this year if they go on spring break. So the so called baseball gods think they can win with out the upper class man. This could be a thread in its self. Senior year for kids who cant play baseball and the rest of the distric and region is now given a chance in baseball and NOT because of football.
  20. That's great news Henry. I was told by part of the Mafia today, that we had to travel. New sr. parents called the other night, needing bus info for the road trip. They will be glad to hear they don't have that long bus trip.
  21. And with both teams moving down to 4A that means the birds have to go JC again this year to win it all
  22. I think the loyal mafia is stronger then the PHM or the blue bird mafia.
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