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Everything posted by JokersWild24

  1. Video on ESPN shows a Mets fan tossing a beer on a Phillies outfielder as he chases down a ball. How should he be punished and what's the worst thing like that you've seen at a professional game?
  2. Also, I understand that plenty of officers do their job and do it well. Unfortunately, that doesn't bring a dead man in South Carolina back to life, doesn't treat Sefolosha's broken leg over night, things like that. Posters have mentioned departments being underfunded, so having to pay out huge suits can't help their situations.
  3. There was a younger politician in Texas who introduced a bill to ban filming within 25 feet of a police officer. That one got all of it's legs cut out from under it when the South Carolina stuff happened.
  4. Being serious about this, but this story also says that the dude had used PCP earlier in the day and had a pretty healthy rap sheet. Not really a recipe for someone who'd go quietly for a 70 year old man.
  5. I think dude's good. An awesome week for police work: 1.) black suspect shot in the back and he tried to take officer's taser from him (never mind the video that shows him framing a guy he took target practice on) 2.) Thabo Sefelosha's leg is broken and not treated overnight and the NBAPA has to intervene 3.) Autistic 11 year old charged with felony assault of a police officer and makes news 4.) 73 year old officer who donated huge $ to play cop mistakes taser for gun and accidentally kills someone Seriously, nothing to see here (BTW, I've been told I'm a great lawyer).
  6. I said it wasn't bothering me either. Cal didn't call me asking me to go to the NBA, so it's all good. Great for Bledsoe. Sorry for not being sorry that I'm not bitter I guess.
  7. Cool. Not arguing. Just saying that I wouldn't be incensed for him, or anyone in a similar situation. Doesn't seem to be bothering him in the Pro's. Have some good people that you trust to manage things for you and you're good. Looks like he's doing alright, at least from my perspective.
  8. If that's what happened with him, no problem with Bledsoe nor no problem with any other kid if college was able to improve their situation. I'm not going to hate on that.
  9. I'm sure it will be back for a second season. I didn't think the finale was very good, but the build for the future will keep me watching. I thought that Season 4 was the best season of Breaking Bad, FWIW.
  10. I guess you could do it if you wanted to, but I wouldn't recommend it. Probably don't even have to Mirandize them or tell them why they're being questioned either based on what's been going on lately in the courts. As for the first part of that on Kentucky: http://archive.courier-journal.com/section/extras19
  11. Well, he himself made a pretty serious claim against the kid. Said an 11 year old feloniously assaulted him.
  12. Great, you should hope they are great friends if your children go to a school with a "zero tolerance" policy for fighting and your child is arrested for assault for defending themselves. There are plenty of arrests in situations like those that probably irk others. Not mention what happens when a SRO acts contrary to the law and doesn't respect the rights of your children (i.e., interview "tactics" like trying to pressure kids to talk before their parents who have a legal right to be there, arrive). If there are 5 SROs at an elementary school, I'll gladly send my kids to a private school and feel better about it. To each their own.
  13. Sorry, I'll call him the guy in charge of serving and protecting the children at school who was brutally assaulted and injured by an 11 year old kid with a mental handicap.
  14. Cool. Best of luck to him. Keep us informed on how he did and when he goes to other camps, plays in bigger AAU events, etc.
  15. I'm not old, but when I was a child in grade school, middle school, whatever, we didn't have SRO's on hand to give out felonies to kids of that age. I'm sure the police were called from the main department when things were serious. I'm not convinced that the current setup is better than that, with having someone on hand to make calls like that, especially in situations like this one. What about the situation seems less militarized to you now that someone is standing at the door waiting to police kids each day?
  16. Was told Drew signed on Wednesday in a ceremony at the school. Congratulations to him, and he's a kid whose development I'll be interested in tracking.
  17. Sounds like a recipe for losing $.
  18. Tough news. Hoping for the best for Mr. Snapp, seems like a kid that's easy to be for.
  19. Interesting. Could have been a bad weekend. I'll stand by my guy though, too much history for me to look past as more than just a bad performance, but I do trust your word on it and will have it in mind going forward if there are repeats. FWIW, if we're talking about next level talent, I would think that Goodin has a firm hold on #1 right now with Wright being there at #2 . Past that, I think Williams and Williams in some order.
  20. :thumb: Gotcha. Have honestly never had an issue with a juvenile, but know some people who've been to juvy. Definitely doesn't seem like a place that's very fun to be in, and that part of the article had me pretty worried honestly. If you are saying that he had the mindset to be convicted of a felony as serious as that at such a young age, then you could be assuming a lot of things about what kind of situation he could ultimately wind up in, and I think that's what probably worries the parents in that situation as well. For the kid himself, it'd possibly be debatable that he really comprehends all of what's going on in a way that makes sense to us, so he might not even know what the consequences could be. I was under the impression that a felony would have a stricter sentencing guideline than a misdemeanor, even for a juvenile, so it might have been a situation where the Judge in an administrative hearing who more "calls balls and strikes" didn't have as much leeway in sentencing as we might think either.
  21. Was intrigued by this when I saw it. Wondered if it was worth watching. I've been even more intrigued by Vaccaro since reading Play Their Hearts Out.
  22. What kind of facility would he go to? I wouldn't imagine that he'd be in a regular juvy at all unless it was some kind of isolated unit there. I'd still imagine that a medical unit could be fairly dangerous to just throw a kid into.
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