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Everything posted by CCH24

  1. If Shover was 100% I like CovCath by 10. Since he's not the ball handling is shaky. If MC puts good pressure on the Colonels this will be a close game. Mitch will only play about 3/5 of the game when he should be playing 9/10. This will hurt the Colonels in the turnover column, points column, and maybe even the WINS column. Not to mention Mitch can guard almost any Guard in the state. If Maile plays as well as he did against LexCath and the Colonels handle the ball well when Shover isn't in the game, like I said, I like CovCath by 10.
  2. Maybe you should email her this thread and see if she still wants you to call her back.:lol:
  3. Nice!:thumb: Now lets hear some of your bad ones. :lol:
  4. :dancingpa Just finished a Social Psychology paper. Next up is a 5 page review of a book I "read."
  5. Ive got a bet with my friend that says the Heels will beat Duke both times this season. Ive already got my pair of shoes picked out.
  6. Dont worry, come February 11th all your hopes and dreams will be crushed.
  7. They did not throw the ball into the post very much, if at all tonight.
  8. I think they will be fine once Ives and Pauly get more comfortable with the ball in their hands. Shover will also start to produce more as the season goes on and he gets back into the swing of things. Jordan Counts surprised me with some of his shot selections from behind the arc, although he did follow up two of his misses with a put back. But I am confident that the Colonel's back court will be much better this season than they showed tonight.
  9. Yea, I could use a good laugh as well.
  10. I just hope Mitch's health is good enough to play his usual minutes and at the high level he is capable.
  11. I want some Rocket stories instead of the teases hes been throwing out lately.
  12. These threads are going to cause me to fail out of school. I don't know why I just can't ever stop reading them.
  13. I am going to try to make it to this game. Im anxious to see what this year's CCH team has to offer.
  14. Broke my ankle skiing last year. Might be a while until I get back on the sticks.
  15. I think it was probably because the man had been told on before. I don't think it was a random act of just trying to screw someone over. He was probably known for letting people in for some extra pocket change and that's when they sent in the police.
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