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Everything posted by CCH24

  1. I wish my mom wouldnt have deleted all the Kenan and Kels off of the DVR. I would have actually had something to entertain me all night.
  2. Haha yea you guys sent the same thing. . I thought thats what it was. Ill be here to help because this night is broke.
  3. Wow:eek: Kobe and Kanye mentioned on the same page!:ylsuper: My night is complete. L8R:cool::sleep:
  4. You just talked me into turning on some Coldplay. (Bring on the 40 year old virgin quotes)
  5. Ha yea I just watched that. He handled it well though. Its not his fault his stuff to help him out wasnt working. People are freaking out like he was faking something, but it isnt a secret that his whole 808's CD is purely auto tune on almost every song.
  6. That will most likely just create a lot of unnecessary drama. But if you really dont care then do what you gotta do.:jump:
  7. Yea well I got hired back, but I dont know if Ill be going back. It was easily the worst time of my life. Just helped swell up my bank account.
  8. :eek::eek:Wow. . You are good. . Hahaha. Just reading that word made me mad.
  9. Haha yea I guess. What can they do? I didnt miss a day over the summer, but working on my break from school sounds absolutely terrible.
  10. :lol: Yea I know. I worked at this place over the summer, and was planning on going back and making some money over the break, but tomorrow is just not a good day to start. I hate working there more than anything. Im thinking about just not working over the break and never talking to them again.:lol:
  11. Im supposed to go to my first day of work tomorrow at 7 in the am. Thatttssss not gonna happen.
  12. Tell me about it. My friends fed my weiner dog alcohol tonight and I had to walk him outside to let him pee cuz he couldnt get up. I feel bad for the little guy, but I couldnt have him peein all over the place and it be my fault.
  13. Yea. Or upgrade and go get an Itouch. Youll feel better about the breakup real fast.
  14. Forget your girlfriend. Go take back whatever you got her and buy yourself something cooler.
  15. Im still not there after about a month. It sucks a lot less now, but it still is a terrible feeling.
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