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Everything posted by atm10

  1. Just for opinions and discussion sake....John Brannen or does it have to be a splashier hire?
  2. Breaking thread says Pitino is out.
  3. Even if they gave the "death" penalty there would be an expiration date. A blue blood program in college basketball isn't going to go away forever but it would be a lot of work. Don't think you bring in a coach just a year before reinstatement if that indeed were the sanctions. I don't think that's what happens but the NCAA could say in order to avoid "death" the entire staff goes.
  4. With today's news and many speculating Pitino won't survive this and a possible death penalty for the program who does UL go after? Ironically it was Pitino who resurrected Kentucky from the dead.
  5. ^^^ I understand, but that would be my question. Alejandro is expressing his beliefs just like the rest of the team that stood in the tunnel. Tomlin can't pick and choose. I might actually argue that they were in 100% participation of expressing your belief or stance the way you would like to.
  6. Officials have more integrity and class than to do something like that. That simply hurts the kids there to play a game. Officials would recognize this is an adult driven agenda that the kids don't fully comprehend.
  7. Why would he not be happy? Alejandro is doing the same as everyone else.
  8. For that to be the case UK football would have to be have a history of being good and relevant in the SEC. Neither of which is true, nobody outside KY cares.
  9. I would simply ask what are THEY doing outside of a 3 minute anthem with the 8 year olds to make their voices heard?
  10. Completely agree! Random thoughts... Singers are singers and can do that anywhere, I thought Preacher Man took a step back. Would people really pay to watch Hero the dog for 2 hours? The most Vegas type act that I could actually see being there is Diavolo. Darci could just join Jeff Dunham's show that's in Vegas already.
  11. Darci may have just wrapped this up....for 12 years old....amazing
  12. Do you? You can go on whatever record you want...it's laughable to post that as evidence. Carry on
  13. Completely ridiculous to take video on a phone over 50 yards from the play going away from where the video is taken in the dark...and you come up with "seemed" and "feel like" as concrete without a doubt evidence.
  14. I have to laugh at anyone that thinks this team will ever be good...it's like the Cowboys, owner interference will kill a team. Just accept 8-8, and an occasional 10-6 with first round playoff loss
  15. And apparently is leaving the sports arena all together for the political one.
  16. Mike Ditka would be another example....this came to light bc Linda Cohn was suspended for a radio interview she did that basically said ESPN is in decline from overspending and the political views espoused on air.
  17. Just wanted to clarify its the entity and not the employee following a directive to stay employed.
  18. So it's even more telling how bad OSU is if one player can beat them by over 2 touchdowns
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