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Polar Cat

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Everything posted by Polar Cat

  1. 7-Highlands 5-Newport 3-Cov. Cath. 2-Montgomery Co. 1-Nicholas Co. TB-Newport
  2. A twenty win season would be great, but if they do not quite reach that total why would that be a disappointing season. Why is this schedule any different than schedules of the past several years that have not produced a 10 win season? If you really check the schedule you will see it is probably tougher than the past couple of seasons. Why would you even question their size or talent level? Are you a full time scout? You do not know the amount of hard work and how much heart these young men have. Instead of trying to give backhanded compliments why don't you just wish them good luck for successful season.
  3. Coach Persinger really has the boys playing hard. Great job!!!:dancingpa
  4. Just to let you know it wasn't Bracken County fans. I believe they were Augusta fans.
  5. 7 Ryle 5 Mason Co. 3 Bourbon Co. 2 St. X 1 Nicholas Co. TB Ryle
  6. 7 - Bracken Co. 5 - Boone Co. 3 - Brossart 2 - Calvary 1 - Nicholas Co. TB Bracken Co.
  7. 7 - Bracken Co. 5 - Cov.Cath. 3 - Grant Co. 2 - Simon Kenton 1 - Augusta TB - Bracken Co.
  8. He had a little headache and is a little sore. He was released on the same day.
  9. Bracken Co. is at the Pendleton Co. camp today. I don't know any details but heard that Bracken Co. defeated Deming in the scrimmage.
  10. Thanks for the concern, but everything will be just fine at Bracken Co.:thumb:
  11. The committee had certain qualifications to look for in a coach. These qualifications were given by the Bracken Co. Varsity, JV, and incoming Freshman players parents. Along with these guidelines and the personal qualifications of each applicant the committee choose the best all round candidate. If you really look at everything that each applicant had to give to the Bracken Co. program then the right choice was made.
  12. I already stated that I thought the best man DID get the job. Thanks and Good Luck to the assistant coach too.
  13. If I read that application I would think he played on some good basketball teams. What does that have to do with coaching high school and being a positive role model?
  14. Where you on the committee that interviewed all of the applicants? Just wondering where you got all of your "information". Maybe the committee had a little more information than just a one sided opinion!!!
  15. You can twist the facts around and you make up things to make your post sound good but the truth is the best man did get the job and both programs will prosper under the leadership of Coach Persinger.
  16. Great hire for Bracken Co. even if it did happen 1 year too late. I don't know who have been talking to, but all the boys I have talked to are very happy with the hire. Coach Persinger will be a successful head basketball coach at Bracken Co. for many years to come.:thumb:
  17. Bracken Co.'s All Tourney Team Andrew Cummins- HR Zach Williams Ryan Woods
  18. I do not need to give you all of my qualifications,but I will say that I been around long enough to know what is right and not just listen to a few disgruntled parents, if they even exist, and base my entire argument on them. If you have a personal problem with Coach Persinger then you should come out and say it. As I said before I'm stating my opinion on who should be the Bracken Co. coach and if you have a better candidate lets hear about him. Don't get all bent out of shape over my choice. I guess since you do attend games you should be very knowledgable and have a list of candidates, but I am not in the least bit curious!!!
  19. Everyone has their own oponion and I have my own . Yes."I" think Coach Persinger should be given the chance to coach the high school. Every program that he has been involved with has been successful even though every player or Parent may not have been happy about their playing time Coach Persinger did what he thought was best for the TEAM. He has lived in this community his entire life, so I do not believe he will be using BC has a stepping stone. He has high school experience(assist. Varsity and JV) . Bracken Co. needs a head coach that everyone can be proud of and someone that the players can look up too and RESPECT. If he can build the boys basketball program into something close to what he has done with the girls softball program then we will all take PRIDE in a successful basketball program. If you have someone else in mind that meets all of those qualifications then you can have your opinion too, but that is just my opinion!!!
  20. The teams in the middle school conference are the same teams(St. Pat,Augusta, Fleming Co. Deming, Nicholas Co. and some years Mason Co.) that the high school plays every year! Try again!!
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