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Everything posted by RowdyRedRam

  1. We scored more on X than Trinity did to win the championship, that and I don't remember a scoreing problem last time we played pld:p .
  2. 1. Will Manual be competitive? The turnover is huge and the schedule is brutal. A losing season is not out of question. 2. Will Male break the private school's championship strangle hold? I think Beaumont is the best returning player in Louisville, will he have support from his teammates to break the current dominace of the private schools? 3. How well will the North Hardin, Meade, and John Hardin district, a highly underrated district IMHO, do now that they don't have the R2D4 in front of them in the playoffs.
  3. Rockmom, The intent of my post was to enlighten those who are seeing one side of the issue. Specifically I was responding to the term "assualt" on the private schools. Actually I don't disagree with the private side at all, and to be a homer on the issue, I completely agree with you that Manual will ultimately find themselves in the same boat, because thier situation is not that different. I disagree that there is not us vs them mentality, I've been around both side enough feel comfortable with that feeling. I certianly don't feel that this is portrayed by EVERYONE, my post spefically related to an element within the community, not administration, not majority but rather an element. While that element may not deserve the right to speak for the private community, it is what is being most heard. Same can be said for those presenting the public side, however the BIG difference is that those in the public side are officals and administration. This further typifies what is one of the biggest differences between the publics and the privates, that the community of the private schools are the real power behind thier success. The coaches and administration don't recruit players, the community does. The coaches and administration don't throw dirt at the other staffs, parts of the community do. The school doesn't pull out of pocket for the nicest equipment, uniforms, and facilities, the community does. So what I'm saying is that all of the problems that public people have with the private schools are driven speficially by the community and not the administration. This is COMPLETELY LEGAL, and in my personal opinion OK. Where I do believe that some argument can be made for the public schools, especially those in an suburban environment like Louisville where open enrollment exist, is that it is unrealistic to expect the public schools to create and build the same level of community that the private schools have. This is for a variety of reasons for this, diverse economic situation, lack of religious connection, overall lack of community in our communities etc etc etc. Therefore if the "private advantage", aka Community, can not be duplicated than there is reason to suggest these schools are on a different level and should be separated, in the same manner that we separate by class. While I agree that the privates are on a different level, I DISAGREE WITH THE ACTION OF SEPARATION. Regarding your last paragraph, I agree that you should never feel shame for accomplishment, if my post specifically created that feeling it was untended. I have great respect for the private program and the community of which created those programs. But on the same token, I don't think this argument, on this board, has highlighted both sides equally, and in more than a few instances public supporters have been told to be ashamed of thier schools, there coaches, and thier allegiances, and therefore feel defensive.
  4. Your post implys the assualt is one way. Pay attention to how almost every successful public school coach's name gets drug through the mud by the private community, and you may see things as a bit less one sided. There is an arrogant element within the private community that is threatened/embarrased that a public school would/could be on par with a private school, so much so that they go out of thier way to denounce them.
  5. Even more to the point then, if CCH were in 4A and dominated the area the situation would be more like it is in Louisville.The point being the regions aren't similar, and if they were I'd expect the relationships to be rockier.
  6. From 1959 to 1974 Louisville teams won every 3A title. 4A started in 1975. However I also noticed that every runner up was also from Louisville as well, making me think that 3A very well could have only been Louisville teams at that time.
  7. My map looks different. http://www.uky.edu/KentuckyAtlas/kentucky-counties.tiff
  8. Woody we don't have a defeatest attitude. How many teams have played X or T or H as tough as Manual? Your size arguement is shallow, it doesn't include all the other aspects that create a great program. GT's anaylsis also isn't that far off, Manual is a school of Bill Gates and Clay Akins rather than jocks. The numbers advantage isn't as real as you might think.
  9. Manual is the ONLY school in Kentucky to play all Big three members in the regular season. We are not avoiding them. To further that point we have played the best team in the west Warren Central for the last few years and are now adding out state powers like Brentwood Academy. Our route was previously tougher than ANYONE else in 4A, we are not upset because some sort of "ideal situation" was changed, we never had it lucky, therefore we don't choose to be happy when we get the shaft.
  10. I don't think this years is completely up yet but it includes Brentwood Academy (Tenn) Trinity Warren Central Male St X PRP Butler Eastern
  11. They haven't. It isn't that anything has been taken away from Manual, we didn't have those wins before. It is about our situation becoming disproportionatly harder. We want to win, that is why we care.
  12. With all due respect Woody you have twisted the arguements of every poster you have disagreed with, in a manner that appears to be intentionally pointed at aggrivating them. Maybe that isn't the case but it sure looks that way.
  13. No it hasn't been that they can't win. It has been that the road is disporpotionatly HARDER than it is for anyone else in the state. Why is it so hard to understand that we don't like getting shafted.
  14. Let me restate the arguement. We previously had the toughest road to the championship. The new road is now harder than the last one, because it almost gaurentees that we will have to play the top three programs in the state in a row. At the same time our loss is the rest of the state gain. Now each of the other regions have a reduced thier potential to play one of the top three programs by a single game. WE DON'T LIKE THAT. Does that mean we aren't going to try, of course not. But in the analogy I put before in the other thread, do you think Florida would have won the NCAA if they played Duke, UConn, and Villinova the first three rounds. In the past few years, other than the Big Three, there hasn't been a team in 4A that Manual would consider themselves an underdog to. They are the only team to play the Big Three in regular season competition, so it isn't like we are scared to play them. Manual does what it should be doing, playing the best and improving the program, but in reward the KHSAA has just made our road harder.
  15. I graduated from Manual and unless things have changed, they can accept out of county students so long as they pay some predetermined tuition. I knew people who did this. The number is small, one or two per class, and I don't know of a single instance where these have been athletes.
  16. I've never been a take it and like it, type of person. I just can't relate to that thinking.
  17. So when your house gets bulldozed for a new highway, I don't want to hear you complain. Because it is, after all, for the greater good.
  18. This post makes no sense. We have been living in the same situation for years now, the difference is that your road just got easier and ours got harder. Our road was EXACTLY as hard as yours was before, we were in the same region.
  19. I don't know how many Grant Co or South oldham posters are out there, but I'd be willing to bet that if thier playoff run were changed to include CCH, HHS, and then Lex Catholic for the first three rounds they aren't that happy about it. I will say what I said before, Manual, Butler and PRP, previously had the toughest road to the championship of any team in the state of Kentucky. The new sytem now makes it tougher for them to advance while making it easier for the rest of the state. Is it hard to understand why we would prefer to do without the new system? Call us whiners and cry babies if it makes you feel better, but your not walking in our shoes.
  20. If Butler and PRP had posters they would be "whining" also. Just put your team in the same situation where your playoff road, that was previously the HARDEST, just was made harder at the benefit of everyone else. I guess your team would just A-OK with that.
  21. Who this helps, who this hurts. R1D1- Potentially has to play one Big 3 instead of two R1D2- Potentially has to play one Big 3 instead of two R2D3- Potentally has to play one Big 3 instead of three R2D4- Still has to play all the Big 3, but now in succession. (obviously X and H only have to play 2) R3D5- Still has to play 2 Big three members but earlier R3D6- Potentally has to play one Big 3 instead of two R4D7- Potentially has to play one Big 3 instead of two R4D8- Potentially has to play one Big 3 instead of two Anyone want to tell me that they think Florida would have won the NCAA if they played Villianova then UConn then Duke for the first three rounds? Of course the rest of the state loves this because now they have to topple one of these powers instead of two. Their trip to the championship just got twice, in one case three times, as easy.
  22. When teams #1, #2, and #3 (and in all likely hood five of the top ten) are all in the same quarter of the bracket, the bracket is unbalanced.
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