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Everything posted by mortgagegeek

  1. I don't see I 2 I with the quote that fueled your response, but the fuel from yours with be taken into consideration Friday.................:fight:
  2. I was chimming in on the team from Jackson. That quote is now gone.
  3. Your excited about getting to play a team with your talent level....Playoffs usually aren't a good time to test the water. But hey ........ Come on in ! :dancingpa
  4. Wow, Mason Co. will get beat by 12 or more.........:jump: You're out on that ledge by yourself.
  5. Thats a BOLD statement. I wouldn't even bet my Royals to win by 12 or more.
  6. So, Mason Co. has a high profile athletic program and the do well academically.......I would want my kids to go there. Hey wait a second..... They do !
  7. That wound should have heeled, and dirty laundry stays in the locker room. Its a new season ! :jump:
  8. Russell is too stable of a team to make their own mistakes. Mason was just good enough to force them into making mistakes. Mason Co. just didn't finish the job.
  9. Didn't hear the post game..... Turned it off just like everyone else in Mason Co. :cry:
  10. The pressure is on Miller and Hopson to perform regardless of the score or how well their teammates play. If either one of these two gets to play loose, it would be Hopson if UHA is off again this year.
  11. Can't wait to see the outcome of these ! They should move the dates up..........
  12. My stomach. My stomach was the biggest upset of the first round, did you see most of the scores. Second biggest upset of the week was in Scott Co.
  13. The entire Mason Co. Royals basketball team ! :scared: OK then, I'll just vote for Miller.
  14. Bluegrasspreps or Buckeyepreps ? :flame: Just messing with ya ! Thanks for the info !
  15. They stick to the game plan and move forward with their hearts. Great programs do that.
  16. I guess its all a matter of perception. Teams go for the win in those situations because they feel they deserve it. :argue:
  17. Exactly ! I love this time time of the year ! The hope of the football playoffs and the anticipation of basketball season......Just makes me warm all over.
  18. We still may have some blowouts but at least they wouldn't be re-peats. Also there would at least be a sense of hope, doubt, and fans being not so sure of what to expect. The way it is now, as soon as the dominate team goes up on the score board, you think to yourself, here we go again............
  19. Earlier it mentioned that gas was an issue and slight determining factor for the playoff set up, after looking at the scores and ( repeat ) blowouts......This also seems to be a waste gas and time. :confused:
  20. Good job Royals! If Mason gets up on Russell early Friday night, they will not let go of the lead this time. :thumb:
  21. Total domination in the second half. Mason wins big 57-6. Go Blue:thumb:
  22. Any word about who is starting this week ? Or is it a "hush hush " situation ? :sssh:
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