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Hillary Clinton Discussing Presidential Bid

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A month or two ago, someone had a thread asking if American was ready for a woman President.


It looks like we will see the answer in a relatively short time.





All at one time, Billary running could be the very best and worst thing for the Republicans. Not many things will motivate their base like a Billary run and not many things will motivate Democrats like a Billary run.


My prediction is that we will see spending and negative campaigning records SHATTERED. Both for the primary and general election.

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All at one time, Billary running could be the very best and worst thing for the Republicans. Not many things will motivate their base like a Billary run and not many things will motivate Democrats like a Billary run.


My prediction is that we will see spending and negative campaigning records SHATTERED. Both for the primary and general election.


Well, historically speaking, the money spent on negative campaigning has a very easy curve to plot - almost straight up. I don't see that ending anytime soon.


I hope that whoever runs (on both sides of the aisle), they are moderates and not extremists. I can live with either party, as long as they don't feel like they have "Carte Blanche" to do as they please.




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Can she really appeal to voters in the south and midwest? NO! I want to say loud and clear I don't like Bill or Hillary Clinton but I do want her to run so she can be defeated and that will be the end of both. They are both a joke to themselves and would be better suited going to Hollywood and trying there hand at the soaps because they are phonies and actors. It is pretty sad when you have lived in either Illinois and Arkansas your entire life you have to pick the most liberal state east of the Mississippi to run for senator. Mrs. Clinton did this because outside of California this is the only place she had a chance of getting elected and probably wouldn't have pulled that off if Rudy hadn't gotten cancer.

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Can she really appeal to voters in the south and midwest? NO! I want to say loud and clear I don't like Bill or Hillary Clinton but I do want her to run so she can be defeated and that will be the end of both. They are both a joke to themselves and would be better suited going to Hollywood and trying there hand at the soaps because they are phonies and actors. It is pretty sad when you have lived in either Illinois and Arkansas your entire life you have to pick the most liberal state east of the Mississippi to run for senator. Mrs. Clinton did this because outside of California this is the only place she had a chance of getting elected and probably wouldn't have pulled that off if Rudy hadn't gotten cancer.


I think you should be careful what you wish for. The outcome you predict if she should run (that she will be defeated) is anything but a given.


I agree that she will not be universally embraced across this country, but if you think that the Republicans can trot out an extremist and beat her, I think you are in for a very rude awakening.





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I agree and I've said on here before it takes a moderate campaign to win the presidency but not a moderate administration. I personally would like McCain or Jeb Bush to get the Republican nomination with Tom Vilsack getting the Democratic, I just don't think you can go wrong with those three. It would worry me personally if a radical left winger assumed the presidency with gay marriage, no defense and reduced social standards on his or her agenda.

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I agree and I've said on here before it takes a moderate campaign to win the presidency but not a moderate administration. I personally would like McCain or Jeb Bush to get the Republican nomination with Tom Vilsack getting the Democratic, I just don't think you can go wrong with those three. It would worry me personally if a radical left winger assumed the presidency with gay marriage, no defense and reduced social standards on his or her agenda.


On the Republican side of the aisle, I could live with McCain. Jeb Bush, on the other hand, isn't going anywhere. I have heard that he doesn't really have any designs on the White House, and after his big brother gets done, that's probably a good thing. Jeb's intervention in the Terry Schiavo case will definitely be an issue, when he next runs for elected office.




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Dems-Clinton (probably)

GOP-???????(They will lose no doubt)

Ind-Ralph Nader



That is who may run...........Let her run, she wins good for her, she loses, thats ok run in 4 years. I will have to say, a woman has as much of a right to rule as a man. Though many may not think it, Clinton may be a good one if she desides to run and wins.........

Only time will tell, with time questions may be answered.

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On the Republican side of the aisle, I could live with McCain. Jeb Bush, on the other hand, isn't going anywhere. I have heard that he doesn't really have any designs on the White House, and after his big brother gets done, that's probably a good thing. Jeb's intervention in the Terry Schiavo case will definitely be an issue, when he next runs for elected office.




About 1/2 of 1% as big an issue as what a great governor he was and how popular he was...

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