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POTUS Town Hall

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Did know one watch last night? I figured there would be a thread about it. It was on ABC & ESPN at 8. Only reason I knew about it was from Mike & Mike yesterday morning.


I didn't really feel like I took a whole lot away from it. The highlight for me was the cop from Milwaukee. I think it might have been more productive to just have him, President Obama, and a leader for the BLM together for a aired conversation.

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I was worried that maybe my biased against President Obama was why I thought the whole thing was kind of pointless. So I decided to search #POTUSTownHall on Twitter. My take aways from doing so:


1) Hardly any white people watched it, or at least didn't post anything


2) Overwelming majority of black people thought it was a big waste of time for a variety of reasons but the main one being that they thought it was just a show to make white people less scared and to get people to start trusting cops again. They didn't feel like it did anything in regards to discussing the cops actions. It was a little enlightening to read all the negative comments they had about Obama and the whole Town Hall meeting


3) Many can't wait until Obama is done being President so that they can hear what he really thinks.


For something that was supposed to potentially break down some walls, and supposed to make some people feel uncomfortable, I really don't think it accomplished that. There is such a divide after reading many of the comments on what some called "Black Twitter".

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The Milwaukee Police Chief was awesome. I like Obama, but the man can go on long-winded bloviations with some of the greatest politicians of all time.


Jason Whitlock ‏@WhitlockJason 12h12 hours ago Jason Whitlock Retweeted CoolTeach29

Milwaukee cop should've had a one-on-one convo w Prez. Everything else was a show.


I completely agree with Jason Whitlock, only I'd throw a leader of the BLM in there. I think it could have been much more productive for everyone to watch.

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I honestly don't know why ESPN has felt the need to go so political the last few years. Sports is my escape from the craziness of the world. It's part of the reason the only thing I turn the channel on for now is live sports.


My theory is that ESPN has been on the struggle bus of late, and they have fallen out of favor with many athletes... so they are going at things from a different angle to re-brand themselves.

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