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Maybe Romney was right...

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RMom, Obama did not have a plan. He had an idea. You are asking for details from one and not the other. Why is that? The reason I don't think you truly are open to voting for Romney is that for years I have read your posts and they are overwhelmingly negative towards republicans and positive towards democrats. Yet you claim to be independant. Sorry but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. As to marching to my drummer. Wrong. I am not voting for Romney either.

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OK, 75, whatever you think, it still doesn't answer any of my questions. So, the reality is: He has not given any specifics


It's no secret that I lean to a little to the left on most social issues. You'd find another "side" of me if we talked about things like Education.


I also tend to take up the "cause" of the "attacked". Sometimes I don't post so much because I support a position, as that I see posters attacking people's positions without any respect for the other's thoughts.


You read my posts with your mindseye already set that I'm a "raging" liberal. You are already set to eschew whatever I post. And I'm fine with that. There are plenty of other posters on here willing to debate with an open exchange of facts, and respect for the other party's position. I'm wholly comfortable in my registration as an Independent, and not at all concerned by your thoughts. You have no idea who I've voted for in the past.


As to being overwhelmingly negative toward Republicans, that is completely untrue. I've not been negative toward Romney. I was excited when Christie was considered an option, and excited about the possibility of him running as VP.


I take very strong exception to extremes of either party. And many posters here are extreme to the nth degree. I only try to get to the reality of issues. I have no patience for hyperbole. I do have some very conservative views. However, where I differ from the "party line", is that I don't believe legislation solves our issues. (See my comments in a recent discussion of abortion).


I believe personal responsibility is more than just taking care of myself.


So, you think what you like. I'm doing just fine. "Woof!" (not a duck! :D)

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Well, technically, at no additional charge. No co-pay, no fee.


Its just that there is a cost for everything, or almost everything.


Water from a stream going into a canteen is 'free'. A hidden cost or in this case, a 'covered' cost is still something that needs funding from somewhere.


One of the promises and strong selling points of AHCA was reduced rates - to the tune of $2,000 a year. That promise of AHCA is a broken one. And worse than broken - rates will escalate in 2013. I know my employer will be sending out the annual enrollment for 2013 insurance. I am expecting a higher rate in 2013. Not a $2,000 savings at all.


The more 'insurance' must cover the more it will cost in terms of rates. The savings are not there at all, they were never there. And rates will like continue on and likely rise even faster. That is not to judge whether this additional coverage is appropriate. Heck, if insurance covers the blue pill for men it should cover birth control. Never understood that. But mathematically, none of this works. And now, it being used as a political football to generate the excitement you and millions have on some of these features.


But the government, now being saddled with the cost is quitely taking away benefits or positioning to do so. Like mammograms. The 'new' government 'guideline' is to have them only after 50. Not the old guideline of 40. It may only be a guideline now. But insurance plans usually change to match government guidelines. So either as bone thrown the insurance companies or just to attempt to save the onslaught of costs coming here is something that looks terrible on the surface. How many women die of breast cancer before the age of 50. Lots. And lots of high school players wore pink all month to remind us that this is a preventable disease.


US Government Task Force Issues New Guidelines for Mammograms

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